How Did The Past Civilization Of The Earth Disappear - Alternative View

How Did The Past Civilization Of The Earth Disappear - Alternative View
How Did The Past Civilization Of The Earth Disappear - Alternative View

Video: How Did The Past Civilization Of The Earth Disappear - Alternative View

Video: How Did The Past Civilization Of The Earth Disappear - Alternative View
Video: Was There An Advanced Civilization Before Humans? | Answers With Joe 2024, October

Around the world, researchers find traces of a global war, which, according to some estimates, could have occurred from 12,000 to 12,500 years ago. Traces of craters from powerful explosions, tektites, similar in structure to nuclear tritites, formed in places where atomic bombs were tested. Some tremendous destructive force instantly wiped out most of the civilization that existed at that time, including flora and fauna. Alexander Koltypin, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, believes that the reason for this was a gigantic five-kilometer war, formed as a result of an ancient war and the explosion of many bombs.

Alexander Koltypin: Civilizations are quite intelligent on Earth, which possessed knowledge exceeding our civilization, existed at least 65 million years ago, and if we take the information about the finds that exist in more ancient sediments, it is likely that they were in earlier time. For example, there are a lot of discoveries of conscious activity in coal deposits and traces of homo erectus.

They are found in Permian sediments, in Trios-sediments, and even earlier. Here, but this civilization, apparently, periodically destroyed by some catastrophes, what were the catastrophes, it is difficult to say. Either it really was a collision with the Earth of some celestial bodies, or it was nuclear wars, as Indian legends describe, when the belligerents used destructive weapons that destroyed and shook the world. So, this civilization, well, it fits, existed until about a time, at least 12 thousand years ago, 12, 12 and a half, 13 thousand years ago according to different dates.

At this time, tektites were confined to this thin layer, the boundary layer of deposits, for about 12 thousand years. This is a huge Australo-Asian tektite belt, 4 thousand kilometers long. Recently, as I found out, there are similar tektites all over North America. What are tektites? Nobody knows whether this is the substance of meteorites, or the substance of comets, but they do not coincide in chemical composition, neither with meteorites, nor with comets. The only thing they look like and completely coincide is nuclear trinitides, formed from nuclear explosions in Nevada and Semipalatinsk, both in the shape of a dumbbell, as well as in spread, as well as in chemical composition, down to the finest impurities. In addition, 12 thousand years ago, there are a lot of funnels developed around the globe. They are in the Sahara, in Egypt, in Libya, they are in Mauritania, they are in Argentina.

When you analyze this period, 12 thousand years, it is the death of a huge number of animals: mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, mastodons, cave lions, bears. It happened somehow, approximately, overnight, as if some giant wave washed them away, they all began to spin in chaos, and then frost struck, which bound everything into one whole, not only the remains of these animals, but vegetation, trees uprooted, trunks torn off, twisted everything, and kilometer-long strata in Siberia and Alaska, such are the ones that exist in the permafrost, which, when placed, form such a fetid mud, slush, and mammoths at first even, mammoth carcasses are edible, that is, they have not yet had time to deteriorate during that time.

And now Ludwig Seidler, a very interesting Polish astronomer in his work, suggested that at this time there was a displacement of the earth's axis by about 15 degrees. And as a result of this displacement, two waves rushed towards the meeting, about 5 kilometers in height from north to south and from south to north, which washed away almost everything, crumbled all houses and practically destroyed the entire previous civilization. And just the permafrost with mammoths, with extinct plants - this is what remains. And as a result of this displacement of the earth's axis, there was just a sharp change in position, if the north was previously in the region of Canada and the Arctic part of North America, and the permafrost stretched almost to Washington, then all this later, and in the Eurasia region there was such a climate, as at the latitude of Odessa, Kiev, that's about, and there civilization flourished.

It was no longer Hyperborea, it was Eurasia, but it was warm Eurasia. A significant part of the Arctic Ocean, the shelf of the Arctic Ocean, adjacent to Eurasia, was also land, that is, the land continued far to the north, including all the Arctic islands. It was a civilization that can really be called "proto", that is, who are the heirs of the Hyperborean civilization, from which later came the great settlement of the Scythians, Sarmatians, Cimmerians, then they already became Hittites Phrygians. A mass of civilizations, which then, as a result of changes in natural and climatic conditions, spread across the globe.

So, and the Canadian geophysicist O'Kelly generally believes that this was not a fifteen-degree displacement, but given the distribution up to 12 thousand years and after, this belt shifted by 30 degrees. We wanted with very serious titled scientists from the Academy of Sciences, I will not give a name, just in case, to conduct research on the possibility of displacement of the earth's axis when colliding with steroids, whether such a displacement is possible. But, unfortunately, the grant that we submitted did not pass on this topic, for what reasons, one can only guess, it was submitted 2 times, it did not pass 2 times. So, that is, this study, apparently, is not needed by the Academy of Sciences. But I have always wondered, perhaps, such a shift came from nuclear war. Now, if the sides exchanged targeted blows, and I approximately restored, when I analyzed the legends,one belligerent side was in the area of Australia, the other side was in the area of India, which was to the north.

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If you follow Indian legends, those that were in Australia were called kauravas, this is already the last round of civilization described by Indian legends, these were no longer gods, they were descendants of gods. The Pandavas were in the north, that is, as a result of this bloody war, which lasted a very long time, the Pandavas won. As a result, what do we have? There are ancient books in India, a lot of information about ancient civilizations. There is practically nothing left in Australia, but the Australian, nevertheless, the legends of the Australian aborigines tell that the time has come that there were other times on Earth, then, as a result of some catastrophe, the sun turned over, began to rise from the other side, the mountains exchanged with the seas, the seas changed places with the mountains, that is, there was a monstrous shake-up,monstrous disaster. Even the legends of the Australian aborigines preserved information about this disaster, and, in fact, the fact that this grant of ours did not pass is a pity, because whether it was a collision with a steroid, whether a nuclear war was a large-scale one, this could indicate what the consequences may have, if people now take, our leaders of the countries, and thoughtlessly begin to throw nuclear shells at each other.

That is, here it may be not only a climatic catastrophe predicted by Moiseev, there, Targo, Sagan in America, Kurtsyn, when the Earth will be enveloped in a thick layer of clouds through which the sun's rays will not penetrate, and a period of darkness will come, there will be no photosynthesis, there will be cold, there, freezing temperatures throughout the Earth, including in Africa. But a jump in the earth's axis may still occur, and a huge wave, 5 kilometers high, and as some people say, even higher, will go around the globe several times, and from us, from our civilization, if something remains, indeed, as Plato wrote, boarders in the mountains, illiterate and unlearned.