Secrets Of The Mexican Zone Of Silence - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Mexican Zone Of Silence - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Mexican Zone Of Silence - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Mexican Zone Of Silence - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Mexican Zone Of Silence - Alternative View
Video: Mystery of Mexico's Zone of Silence. High Energy Votex Area | Ancient Aliens 2024, October

In the north of Mexico there is a place where a person will experience unreasonable animal fear. In this place, electronics do not work, and car engines suddenly deafen, the radio then suddenly becomes silent, then it transmits strange incomprehensible sounds. And at night in the sky above this place, multi-colored circles burn, then they unite into one ball of fire and are carried away into the sky.

This territory was called the Dead Zone or the Zone of Silence. It is located at the junction of the states of Chihuahua, Durangoi and Coahuila. Note that the Bermuda Triangle, the pyramids of Egypt, and the mysterious temples of Tibet are located in the same latitudes.

It is assumed that the ancient, secret civilization of the Atlanteans sank in the same latitudes. And if we add to everything the stories about meteorites with ancient crystals, older than our galaxy, which often fly into the zone, about aliens walking there every night, and flying saucers that periodically appear on the horizon, we can say that this is a very mysterious place.


The landscape here is truly impressive: a bright blue sky, almost always without clouds, and a yellow desert with a bright reddish tint, where small frail cacti grow in places. At the edges, the area is fenced with small lilac mountains. Once upon a time people lived on this territory. They settled near water sources. But time passed, the springs dried up, and people left here, settling at the foot of the mountain.

Scientists became interested in this strange place when, at the end of the 20th century, during an experiment at the American base at White Sands, located near Mexico, a rocket launched from there unexpectedly changed its direction of flight and fell into this zone. It seemed as if the rocket had been pulled towards itself by a large and strong magnet.


Many scientists immediately arrived at the scene and began to deal with the fall of the rocket. All the fragments of the rocket were collected, and several tons of soil from that place were taken out for research. Research results are still classified. There are rumors that there are large reserves of some kind of magnetite, and maybe uranium, but the radiation background remains normal.

After this story, Mexican scientists also became interested in this place. Not far from the Zone of Silence, they built a research center called "Biosphere" so that they could conduct research directly on the spot. In this place, solar radiation is 30% more intense than in the hottest places on Earth. Nobody can explain this.

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They cannot give an explanation for the existence of a huge yellow-eyed turtle, which was seen in the zone, and smaller turtles came across with two heads. On this territory there are round, almost perfectly shaped stone balls. How and who made them, or transferred them, remains a mystery. Researchers record stories of local residents who can tell a lot of interesting and unusual things about these places.


Once, two journalists decided to independently get by car to the scientific town. But, wandering around the Zone of Silence and finally getting lost, they realized that they would not be able to find the scientific center themselves. At some point, one of the journalists saw three human figures in the distance. He asked his partner to stop, but he did not see anyone, and did not want to stop. "It seemed, probably" - thought the puzzled guy.

But soon the same people showed up again. This time the car stopped and the guy talked to strangers. He asked to show him the way to the town. People gave him an intelligible answer and said that they had lost sheep and goats, and they were looking for them. Later, the journalist said that these were ordinary shepherds, that's just a misfortune: they did not have containers of water with them, and without it in the hot desert they couldn't take a step.

Imagine his surprise when they laughed at them in the scientific center and said that there were not only goats, but there were no people either. Searches undertaken the next day were unsuccessful: no traces of people or animals were found. This news of the young man generally led to a stupor: how is it, who then were those mysterious shepherds whom he met on the way to the center? Or maybe it was just a mirage?

You can consider this story just a fairy tale for tourists in order to attract their attention, but this story is confirmed in the stories of other eyewitnesses. On the edge of the Dead Zone, there is a small farm, where three people also visited the owners more than once. These people, according to the ranchers, had fair skin, regular facial features, and blonde long hair.

They spoke Spanish correctly, however, they pronounced the words somehow mechanically. The guests always addressed the owners of the farm with courtesy and courtesy, they asked permission to take water and never talked about food. And whenever they were asked who they were and where they were from, the guests did not say a word. They just smiled and looked at the heavens.

Another find was found in the Dead Zone. These were the remains of ancient stone buildings, the purpose of which is unknown. These ruins, according to scientists, are more than one millennium. It becomes obvious that such structures could not have been built by primitive people who settled near the water. They could be built by creatures whose technology was highly developed and many times superior to the existing one.