Why Were The Triumphal Arches Built? - Alternative View

Why Were The Triumphal Arches Built? - Alternative View
Why Were The Triumphal Arches Built? - Alternative View

Video: Why Were The Triumphal Arches Built? - Alternative View

Video: Why Were The Triumphal Arches Built? - Alternative View
Video: The Triumphal Arches 2024, October

Of course, you all know about the triumphal arches. Which are in major cities in Europe.

Wellington Arch of Triumph in London
Wellington Arch of Triumph in London

Wellington Arch of Triumph in London.

Arc de Triomphe in Munich
Arc de Triomphe in Munich

Arc de Triomphe in Munich.

There are also triumphal arches in our country.

Triumphal Gates in Moscow. Now they are on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, but previously they were at Tverskaya Zastava
Triumphal Gates in Moscow. Now they are on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, but previously they were at Tverskaya Zastava

Triumphal Gates in Moscow. Now they are on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, but previously they were at Tverskaya Zastava.

Narva Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg
Narva Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg

Narva Triumphal Gates in St. Petersburg.

It is believed that the custom of erecting triumphal arches was invented by the Roman emperors, who installed several of them in their own Rome, and also built them in Europe. Since then, monarchs and rulers do not understand why they observe this rule.

Arc de Triomphe in Rome
Arc de Triomphe in Rome

Arc de Triomphe in Rome.

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The purpose of the triumphal arches is interpreted by historians unambiguously - the troops returning with victory must pass under the arch. This explanation is so familiar that we do not even think - why should the army pass through the triumphal gates? We won, fellows, honor and praise. But why build a special expensive structure that cannot be used for anything else? Are there often wars, and even victorious ones? Not really, and even very rare. What is the point, then, to build a hefty architectural structure?

If you really want to thank the soldiers, then it is much easier to dig in two pillars and pull a banner between them with the inscription: Glory to the winners! Cheap and then quickly cleaned. But no, our stupid ancestors for some reason spent a lot of money, time and materials so that the warriors would simply pass under the arch. Just because the Roman emperors once thought of it like that, is it necessary to build a triumphal gate? And there is no practical sense?
If you really want to thank the soldiers, then it is much easier to dig in two pillars and pull a banner between them with the inscription: Glory to the winners! Cheap and then quickly cleaned. But no, our stupid ancestors for some reason spent a lot of money, time and materials so that the warriors would simply pass under the arch. Just because the Roman emperors once thought of it like that, is it necessary to build a triumphal gate? And there is no practical sense?

If you really want to thank the soldiers, then it is much easier to dig in two pillars and pull a banner between them with the inscription: Glory to the winners! Cheap and then quickly cleaned. But no, our stupid ancestors for some reason spent a lot of money, time and materials so that the warriors would simply pass under the arch. Just because the Roman emperors once thought of it like that, is it necessary to build a triumphal gate? And there is no practical sense?

Of course not, the historian will tell you. Because official science considers our ancestors to be stupid and superstitious people. Who did everything according to some strange canons and rules that have no real application. Something colossal and beautiful has bred them, so they will work tirelessly to erect an unnecessary building, which today's historians will write in the class of cult and essentially useless.

Although previously there were no powerful trucks, cranes, electric tools and much more, which makes life easier for builders. But the ancestors resisted and despite the labor costs, they built and sculpted. They are die-hard.

However, historians absolutely do not take into account that no one will ever build unnecessary and of little use structures. Everything that people do, they do for a specific purpose and for practical use. Why waste energy, time, money and materials on a huge arch to just walk under it?


Official science history does not know why arches were erected for returning warriors. Therefore, the construction of these structures is simply attributed to the custom, they say, it was accepted that way, and so it was established by the Roman emperors.

However, the construction of the triumphal arches has a practical purpose. But let me not immediately say the answer, but check you for quick wit.

Triumphal arch with three aisles
Triumphal arch with three aisles

Triumphal arch with three aisles.

Altar in a church with three gates
Altar in a church with three gates

Altar in a church with three gates.

Wait, you say, what does the church have to do with it? The Arc de Triomphe is a structure of one type and purpose, and the church is completely different. In our current understanding, yes. But earlier the church and the triumphal arch were buildings of the same purpose.

What do they do in war? They kill. This is a bad thing to do. It's hard to live with such a sin. But the soldiers killed not for the sake of their own self-interest, but to fulfill their military duty and protect the fatherland. Therefore, in order to return to a peaceful existence, war sins must be forgiven. It’s hard to live unforgiven and suffer from remorse.

The priest blesses the Soviet soldiers
The priest blesses the Soviet soldiers

The priest blesses the Soviet soldiers.

Where are sins forgiven? In the church. Now imagine, an army of one hundred thousand men is returning. How can such a number be served in even several churches? This service must be conducted without a break day and night for weeks. And if the army is two hundred thousand? Whereas?

Army on parade
Army on parade

Army on parade.

Therefore, our ancestors, who were smart and quick-witted people, erected such a church in which you can absolve the passing columns of soldiers. That is, the triumphal arch is not at all for celebrating victory, it is part of the church. Which was put on the street for a massive and quick release of war sins. Streaming forgiveness


By the way, the custom of priests to meet soldiers existed for a long time. You have probably seen in historical films or in documentary chronicles how priests conduct a prayer service or service, standing next to the passing soldiers. And not only seeing them off to the front, but also meeting them from the fighting.

See how easy it is to explain. There is a task - a building is being built for it. Which is used with a clear practical purpose.

But neither modern historians nor priests know about this. Although the current Orthodox Church tries to carefully preserve all the canons. Such a gap in two areas - history and religion, suggests that our past has undergone a very strong cleaning and remaking. What even the priests don't know is that the so-called triumphal arches are a kind of church buildings. Although only 150-200 years have passed.

Artyom Voitenkov