Samara Hare Krishna Told What Happens To People After Death, And When The End Of The World - Alternative View

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Samara Hare Krishna Told What Happens To People After Death, And When The End Of The World - Alternative View
Samara Hare Krishna Told What Happens To People After Death, And When The End Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Samara Hare Krishna Told What Happens To People After Death, And When The End Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Samara Hare Krishna Told What Happens To People After Death, And When The End Of The World - Alternative View
Video: What happens when we die, Hare Krishna 2024, October

More than a million people live in Samara, and many of them believe in something. Someone in Christ, someone in Allah, someone in Buddha, someone in Krishna. The attitude towards the devotees of the latter in the city is ambiguous, but nevertheless the Hare Krishnas have been preaching their religion in Samara for more than 20 years. went to the Airport Highway to the temple of followers of one of the most popular Hindu gods and talked with Atmarama Das, a member of the governing council of the Samara Society for Krishna Consciousness. We found out how he got here, what his name was before, why eating meat is bad when the world will end, and whether there is life after death. In general, we had a heart-to-heart talk.


What does the name Atmarama Das mean?

- The one who is satisfied inside. One who finds satisfaction within himself.

When did you get this name?

- I joined the movement in 1996. I met him a little earlier, in 1992, but joined four years later. Before that, I was just studying literature at home, not identifying with the devotee community. And in 1997 I already received initiation.

How is the rite of passage going?

- A fiery ceremony takes place, that is, a fire is ignited. In the presence of fire and the deities themselves in the temple, in the altar, the student, as a rule, makes vows to the spiritual teacher. He promises him not to eat meat, fish, eggs throughout his life, not to have illegal sex, not to gamble, not to take any intoxication, including coffee and tea, since coffee and tea are also a small drug that excites several our consciousness. And thanks to a simple vegetarian diet, we can feel normal and we don't need to take coffee or tea in order to feel better.

Promotional video:

How old were you when you came here?

- Now I'm 49, it turns out that then I was about 29.

How did you come, under what circumstances did you end up in the church?

- It so happened that as a child I fell from a bicycle under a car and before the wheel was already approaching my neck, I suddenly turned on the "film", where the whole life spun very quickly. I didn't understand what had happened, but when I got home, I asked what it was?

A car ran over you, and then it all started?

- He didn't run over. I was driving on one side, a ZIL-130 car with a trailer was moving out from behind the house. And my dad gave me an adult bicycle, and I was just mastering it, worried. I had to go along this track for a long time, and I worry and fall right in front of the "muzzle" of this car. Having no time to run away, get up, group, you think: "I will turn this car over!" And this "film" turns on for me. For many, it turns out that their whole life is scrolled before death. And to the question "What kind of phenomenon was this?" the answer was not given by my parents, neighbors, nobody, nobody knows what it was, but the memory of this has been preserved for life. And then, in the early 90s, I came across a book by the American professor Moody, who explains the phenomenon of clinical death, where people, half of them, also saw before death how their whole life was played. And after reading this,I understood: “Aha! That's where it's all from! In fact, all this is, and this all happens before death for many. " I realized that there is life after death, because I was for many up to 20 minutes in clinical death and then returned. And I realized that I have to find out what is the meaning of life if it ends soon? I started looking for what happens after death? Who am I? Where was I before this birth? And these questions began to arise, and little by little, already in 1992, I came into contact with Hare Krishna devotees in Moscow, where they were selling books in GUM from the table, and I bought one book, being a little intrigued. I was just wondering why someone is actually born Russian and someone else.because many were in clinical death for up to 20 minutes and then returned. And I realized that I have to find out what is the meaning of life if it ends soon? I started looking for what happens after death? Who am I? Where was I before this birth? And these questions began to arise, and little by little, already in 1992, I came into contact with Hare Krishna devotees in Moscow, where they were selling books in GUM from the table, and I bought one book, being a little intrigued. I was just wondering why someone is actually born Russian, and someone else.because many were in clinical death for up to 20 minutes and then returned. And I realized that I have to find out what is the meaning of life if it ends soon? I started looking for what happens after death? Who am I? Where was I before this birth? And these questions began to arise, and little by little, already in 1992, I came into contact with Hare Krishna devotees in Moscow, where they were selling books in GUM from the table, and I bought one book, being a little intrigued. I was just wondering why someone is actually born Russian, and someone else.already in 1992, I came into contact with devotees of "Hare Krishna" in Moscow, where they were selling books in GUM from the table, and I bought one book, being a little intrigued. I was just wondering why someone is actually born Russian, and someone else.already in 1992, I came into contact with devotees of "Hare Krishna" in Moscow, where they were selling books in GUM from the table, and I bought one book, being a little intrigued. I was just wondering why someone is actually born Russian and someone else.

Have you studied other religions?

- While I was in search, I began to study the Bible from the beginning. And it became clear to me that there are 10 commandments - don't do this, then don't do it. But the question arose - what to do? And, unfortunately, I did not find an answer to this question, and once I got hold of the Bhagavad-Gita - the Hare Krishna Bible or in the translation “The Song of God”. There was an interesting verse - whatever you do, whatever you eat, or whatever you give to anyone - do it as an offering to me. This is the Lord speaking in the Bhagavad-gita. That is, you need to do to satisfy it. We are accustomed in this world to always act for the satisfaction of our own feelings, at the most, for the satisfaction of the feelings of our elders, who ask us for anything. To keep them happy, we do something to satisfy them. But the highest principle that truly helps us become happy is- it is to act for the satisfaction of Krishna, God, sung in the poems and songs of the century, full of an exalted syllable, because there is no limit to his qualities.

In 1992 you met Krishna, but how did the process of joining this movement take place?

- I came to the temple. I already knew about its existence, because it was then beginning to build, and I periodically met devotees who spread information about it.

When was the temple built?

- In 1993 they already bought this land, and this temple appeared here from a small hut. And I came here already being well-read and understanding philosophy, being aware of all these books, which at that time were translated into Russian. I read them at that time, came and said: “Accept me! I'm ready!"

How many people were there then?

- At that time, about 25 people were already living in the temple. The temple was under construction, many were busy at the construction site. And I say, “I've already read all the books, I just want to surrender! I want to surrender to God! Accept me . And from the very first day, I accepted these principles. I began to practice them, for a year I abstained from meat, fish and eggs.

Have you started living in the temple?

- Yes, from 1996 to 2000 I lived in the temple as a disciple, novice and was engaged in ministry here. My direct service was in the kitchen. I peeled vegetables, washed the dishes at first. When I was initiated in 1997, I had the opportunity to cook. Previously, it was impossible to do this, it is impossible for anyone to cook something for the deities until you receive initiation. It is assumed that initiation gives some kind of purification and already allows you to directly serve the deities.


What did you do before becoming a Hare Krishna? And what was your name?

- My name was Alexei, and I worked as a seller in the market.

Don't use the name Alexey now?

“In the world, my neighbors know me as Alexei, but here in the society of devotees it is customary for us to call me by my spiritual name, because these are the names of God. For example, my Atmarama Das. In fact, who gets satisfaction within themselves? It's only God. We cannot find satisfaction within, mind you. But since I am Atmarama Das, then I am the servant of God. Das means servant.

What else happens at the initiation ceremony?

“We accept the four principles of abstinence and also take a vow to chant the holy names of God every day. “Hare Krsna, hare Krsna. Krsna, Krsna, hare, hare. Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama, Rama, hare, hare”(sings). This meal is given by every devotee who receives initiation. The vow of chanting the holy names of God in the form of a mantra.

How did your loved ones react to your choice?

- Loyal enough. Despite the fact that my mother wanted, of course, more for me to follow the Christian line, since she is an adherent of Christianity, but since she saw purity in this movement, the fact that nothing contradicted the principles or commandments of Jesus, she reacted very well. Moreover, I even argued with my mother, said: “Mom, look, in fact Jesus says 'Thou shalt not kill', why are you eating meat? Do you think the sin of killing animals does not apply to those who eat meat? " She says, "I don't know." I tell her: “Yes! He, this sin, applies to everyone who comes into contact with this product of murder in one way or another. " This is similar to how at the trial everyone is involved in a crime and everyone is given the appropriate terms, depending on their participation, so there are people who do not kill themselves, but sanction killings."I can't kill my cow, neighbor, go kill, I'll put you a bottle." Yes? This also authorizes murder. He who sells, who transports, who cooks and who eats - all become complicit in this great sin. Before God, before the state, this is not a sin. It is legalized. But before God, everything invariably, it turns out, carry reactions. And it turns out that we then suffer for this action. Because by law it is impossible to be happy at the cost of the misery of others. Because by law it is impossible to be happy at the cost of the misery of others. Because by law it is impossible to be happy at the cost of the misery of others.

When you started living here in 1996, did you continue to work?

- No, I quit my job and started coming to church every day. For about four months I traveled here. I spent the night at home. But then, due to the fact that I had established myself as a decent person, I was allowed to stay and live here.

Don't you live here now?

- Yes. In 2000, it so happened that I met here, too, a devotee of Krishna, a girl who, like me, lived the same life. And one day, in 2000, our ministries began to overlap a little. Usually our ministries do not overlap. That is, we see each other, but we do not communicate. But I was made the manager of the kitchen, and it so happened that our two kitchens were merged. And it so happened that in this kitchen for the deities I am the manager, and the cooks are different. She did the ministry in the kitchen, and I was the manager who provided her with all the food she needed. Someone is also washing dishes, someone is peeling vegetables, someone is cooking in the kitchen. Functions are separated. The ministry is divided. And so we began to communicate a little and found each other in this way. And since 2000 we have been living together for 16 years, soul to soul.

And you decided to move out of the temple?

- Whoever gets married, who gets married, naturally cannot stay here. Only unmarried and unmarried people live here.

Now do you only serve in the church, or are you still working somewhere in the city?

- I work somewhere else there. I help artists distribute their canvases of art. Not only in Samara. On duty, I have to travel to both Tatarstan and Orenburg. We sell paintings.

Which artists turn to you for help?

- Various, whole guilds of artists. We have many artists who are not members of the Union of Artists, but nevertheless talented people. We can see this in their fruits. Therefore, we help to sell them. It is difficult for an artist to sell his paintings himself.

How did you get this job?

- I had a friend, an artist, it all started with him, and then it began to develop further and involuntarily it turned out that I entered this environment, met other artists, and they are all interested in selling their products, everyone wants their canvases to be sold, they get inspiration, and they already turn to me for help.

How do they feel about being a devotee of Krsna?

- I had not lived in the church by that time, but everyone treats my hobby and lifestyle very well. It seems to me that every reasonable person wants to live a clean life. And if there are people who live a pure life, free from sin, it is always attractive enough. In this world, at least for ordinary people.

And for whom is it wrong?

- For those who completely deny the existence of God. Anyone. In fact, God is one. It's just that people call him differently. Like the sun, it is one. It sounds differently in different languages. Likewise, God has thousands of names that reflect his various qualities.

Who do you sell paintings to?

- Basically, our clients are directors of various firms and organizations. Those who build cottages live in cottages. Basically, such enterprising people.


How can an ordinary person get to the temple?

“Every Sunday we have our doors open, and every Sunday from 1 pm a Sunday program starts especially for all residents of the city.

This is for those who want to see, but for those who want to live here?

- Those who want to live must prove themselves a little. To come every Sunday, at least, show yourself well, so that you can trust him, you must show some decency. As a result of communication, this somehow becomes clear. And those who want to live in the temple, they usually ask themselves. And depending on the degree of trust, someone is allowed, and someone is not.

What are the characteristics of your religion? What are some of its main qualities?

- Spiritual purity, asceticism, mercy. And truthfulness, which is why we don't gamble. Truthfulness is violated otherwise. We are vegetarians because otherwise the principle of mercy is violated. Purity - we abstain from illicit sexual relationships. Out of wedlock, at least. And asceticism - we refrain from various intoxications. Cigarettes, alcohol, even coffee, tea. No intoxication. This is the true freedom that people strive for. Freedom from attachment.

Before coming to the temple, did everyone use it?

- Before that, I tried it all. And since 1996 - no meat, no fish, no eggs.

In Christianity, one of the basic postulates is love, do you have that?

- There is love, of course. Therefore, we do not eat anyone, because we love them. As some say: "You don't tear the whole cherry, leave it to the birds, let them eat." And those who eat meat say. And I say: "If these birds, sparrows had such legs as a chicken, they would hardly say this, and you would rather catch these partridges."

Has it ever happened that in the temple someone ate meat on the sly?

- No no no! For 20 years f had the opportunity to see all this from the inside. All comply. Those people come here who sincerely want to be cleansed, there are no deceivers. Those who want to cleanse themselves from greed, from envy, from lust, from anger, therefore we all here understand all the perniciousness of all these qualities.

At what age do people come to you?

- In different ways. Right from the age of 18. Someone before, but we all agree with their parents. But, if from the age of 18, then the person himself can decide.

Do you have children?

- I do not have.

I wanted to ask, children of Hare Krishna - do they also automatically become Hare Krishna?

- Yes, we have many family people. There are children who are brought up in such a pure tradition. Children who have never eaten meat.

What if the child wants to try?

- If a child wants to try, then he sometimes even tries it. At school, for example. Because the secret fruit is always sweet, it beckons. People will definitely try this. Children, for example. We treat this with understanding. And further - more. Choice is given when a person becomes aware. 18 years old - that's it, look how you live. Live as you like. But we, as parents, give you basic things that are very important and we believe are right.

Any chips, snacks, can you?

- We try not to use it. Sometimes there are exceptions. This is not a rule. There are exceptions depending on the place, time and circumstances of the situation. Maybe, for example, there is nothing to eat! Chips are only one. Okay, what? Let's eat the chips. For instance. But this is for a while. Then I ate the pack, for example, and it was already possible to buy something normal.


What has changed in life since you became a Hare Krishnaite?

- My attitude towards people, towards all living beings has changed. Before, I could, as soon as someone stepped on my foot, immediately kick it in the face, on the bus, for example. But now I understand that all this is from God, and therefore I cannot already afford this. I understand: “Aha! If any reaction came to me, then the reason for what happened is in me. It comes back to me like a boomerang. And therefore I patiently endure all the various attacks and adversities.

If someone tries to fight you, won't you defend yourself?

- Of course, we have the protection itself, as such. We must not allow us to be raped and killed. Of course, we will defend ourselves, because this life in a human body is very dear to us, we cannot just take it, give it to someone: "Well, take it, kill me!" Yes? We must certainly apply reason. More to be protected by words. Try to reason with the offender by speech.

Have you ever had such situations when someone climbed on you?

- It was once. I remember two drunken young men stuck to us during a joint chanting on the waterfront and began to behave very offensively towards devotees. I, not ready to be silent, objected. I say: "Listen, dear, maybe you shouldn't put it that way?" He began to speak very obscenely to the devotees, and I began to defend them a little. And he called another person, because they came together, pulled me out of this group and wanted to beat me. But I began to pray in my heart. And, imagine, a miracle happened! This man, who came, was suddenly inspired and began to defend me in front of his friend.

Have you started to sing?

- No, I prayed in my heart. I began to turn to God mentally. And an amazing change took place, I still remember it, but it was 17 years ago. He began to defend me, saying: “Why are you climbing on them? They are normal guys! And I thought he would beat me. I was very surprised.

Is foul language also a sin?

- It's a sin for everyone. Do you know what the trick is? Most people don't know about it. Throughout life, depending on the activity we are engaged in, how we relate to it, a certain type of consciousness is formed, which determines our future at the moment of death. Every time we make a choice - do this or that? We rely on the memory that is in the mind. The grandmother said, someone else said: "So don't go, don't go to the left, don't do that." Grandma, mom, teachers, senior authorities spoke, and we always rely on this memory in the mind. On different beliefs, and we each have their own. And these beliefs allow us to make the right decision. Now the question is - what are these or those beliefs based on in our people? Most of them are based on various authorities, which we have accepted as such. To us, these people seemed authoritative, and therefore we took their beliefs for ours, did not double-check them. The trick is that if their beliefs were not based on scriptures that are authoritative, the words of God, then those beliefs should be seriously questioned. Are they correct? And if not, then you should abandon them. For example, some say: “Meat is good. There are squirrels, la-la-la-la”, but in reality - nothing good! And those who do not know the truth, they can believe, say: "Yes, if my mother speaks, it is probably good, she wants me well." But swearing, foul language is bad for everyone, as a rule.then these beliefs should be seriously questioned. Are they correct? And if not, then you should abandon them. For example, some say: “Meat is good. There are squirrels, la-la-la-la”, but in reality - nothing good! And those who do not know the truth, they can believe, say: "Yes, if my mother speaks, it is probably good, she wants me well." But swearing, foul language is bad for everyone, as a rule.then these beliefs should be seriously questioned. Are they correct? And if not, then you should abandon them. For example, some say: “Meat is good. There are squirrels, la-la-la-la”, but in reality - nothing good! And those who do not know the truth, they can believe, say: "Yes, if my mother speaks, it is probably good, she wants me well." But swearing, foul language is bad for everyone, as a rule.

Can't you milk too?

- On the contrary. We, most importantly, do not consume products of murder. Milk is good. Very helpful. This is the only product that develops brain tissue. Milk is a very healthy product. Milk is used to make butter, which is also used in fire sacrifices.

Are sacrifices taking place here?

- The rite of passage is also a sacrifice. We sacrifice that which we give up gross sense gratification, for example. We do not waste time on empty talk, as everyone used to do it before. We could sit on a bench and chat. It's empty. Life in a human body is given to a living being, it turns out, very rarely and for a maximum of 100 years. We were somewhere before this birth and did some kind of activity, as a result we got a certain birth. Some are female, some are male, some are born in a wealthy family, some are in a poor family. The ability to educate is different for everyone. These are all the result of past pious or sinful activities.

After death, what happens?

- The present that we are now experiencing, the way we react to certain stimuli, is the result of the past. What we sowed before, we are now reaping. At the same time, since we perform some kind of activity in the present, it is the cause of the future. And therefore, after death, we are in for a fate "better" or "worse" depending on the activities that we are doing in the present.

And what is the fate?

- It can be different. We know 14 planetary systems in the universe. There are heavenly planets, there are hellish planets. There are planets at the level of the Earth, such as the Earth, where activities are performed, but activities are practiced there. There the results of pious deeds are worked out, people enjoy immeasurably. We just get a new body. The soul takes on a new body, better or worse, depending on the activities we are doing here.

That is, the past life exists?

- Somewhere we were before birth. Were someone else. In another body. Also, somewhere we will be after the death of this body. Not the fact that it is on Earth, not the fact that it is in the human body. It should be noted that in the universe, according to the Vedas, very ancient scriptures, there are 8 million 400 thousand life forms. Plants, insects, mammals, birds, fish and people. And we can take any of these forms, according to what kind of consciousness we have formed during the human form of life. If, roughly speaking, we ate indiscriminately everything that we did not like, we are like the same pig that eats everything that is given to her, including her own feces, forgive God. Therefore, a person possessing reason must learn to distinguish between what is good, what is bad, what is useful, what is harmful. It may be nice, but not helpful. And it may not be very pleasant, but useful.


What do Hare Krishna hairstyles mean?

“This is called shitkha. Also a symbol of devotion in this particular tradition. I also had it, but now I am very small. I think maybe start growing again.

I would like to tell you a little story. “Once, in India, there was a case, one said to another:“Listen, what is this donkey's tail?” He thought a little and did not answer anything. And after two years he was dying. And before his death he says: "Call the one who asked me the question then." And he, walking, thought: “Now he will probably scold me. He will say that you almost insulted me then. And he says to him: "I want to answer your question." He was very surprised: "Why?" “It was just that then I was not ready to answer you right away, because I was not completely sure whether I could withstand all the tests of fate and remain loyal to God. So now, since I am leaving, I can confidently say that this is a symbol of devotion."

What does your clothes mean?

- For women, she calls sari, for men, dhoti. Indian names. In India, because it is hot there, this is a very common dress. It is also said to be the garment of the spirit world. There is another world. Imagine, we were not thinking, we were not guessing, but we ended up on planet Earth. And we did not think, did not guess, but ended up here in these bodies. Who brought us here? We even stopped asking this question, so carried away by the activity. I didn't think to be here at all? Why? Who! We got involved in the activity and forgot about it. And to this it would be worth returning.

Are you suggesting that there is some other world?

- I want to say that there is another world. Our eternal home. Because here we can notice that time destroys everything we build, specifically showing us that this is not an eternal place for us. Our home is in the spirit world. It is very tangible. There we are in our eternal body.

That is, there is a soul in the Hare Krishna religion?

- Yes. This is where the most important lesson begins. The realization that I am not this body. I am the eternal soul temporarily arriving in this body. What is the soul? This is a piece of God.

How many Krishnas are there in Samara?

- There are probably 250 people. There are 20 people living in the church. Basically, of these 250 people all work, basically, people are now all family, on Sundays we all gather in this temple to chant the holy names of God together. For his satisfaction. That is, we begin to live not for the sake of pleasing our feelings, but for the sake of the Lord's satisfaction. Can you imagine - this is a hand, a part of my body. It is meant to serve the whole body. Hands, legs - all serve the body. The hand is designed to put food into the stomach through the mouth. And only then are the arms, legs, all parts of the body satisfied when the food enters the stomach. Likewise, by satisfying God, we can be happy regardless of the weather, just as the hand will be happy if the stomach is satisfied.

What dishes are held in high esteem by Hare Krishnas?

- According to the Vedas, everything in this world is divided into three qualities - goodness, passion and ignorance. This also applies to food. Any food can be blissful food, ignorant food, and passionate food. For example, food that includes meat, fish, eggs, that is, in fact, rotting flesh. People try to freeze this flesh, and with their imperfect senses they catch up with this moment of decay. As soon as the living entity leaves the body, the body begins to decompose. In the same way, the animal's body begins to decompose, we try to preserve it, freeze it, salt it. We want to keep it so it doesn't decompose. But in fact the process has begun, and we are imperfect, we have imperfect feelings, and we cannot catch not very pleasant things and we think: "Fresh, let's eat!" And therefore we are finished with ignorant food, we do not want to accept it. Next comes passionate food - spicy, too spicy, too hot, too salty. Too much, when you want some kind of drive, add more, more, more! The soul is not satisfied inside, and therefore draws from the outside, tries to compensate for its dissatisfaction, therefore, more spices, more seasonings. And there is blissful food. It includes cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. All this, if cooked in fresh butter, butter or ghee, acquires an amazing taste, pure aroma. And this blissful food is just food for people. Ignorant food is not for civilized people. Civilized people understand that all living-nonliving is in the power of God, belongs to him, therefore no one claims his rights to anything in this world, realizing that everything belongs to God. Too much, when you want some kind of drive, add more, more, more! The soul is not satisfied inside, and therefore draws from the outside, tries to compensate for its dissatisfaction, therefore, more spices, more seasonings. And there is blissful food. It includes cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. All this, if cooked in fresh butter, butter or ghee, acquires an amazing taste, pure aroma. And this blissful food is just food for people. Ignorant food is not for civilized people. Civilized people understand that all living-nonliving is in the power of God, belongs to him, therefore no one claims his rights to anything in this world, realizing that everything belongs to God. Too much, when you want some kind of drive, add more, more, more! The soul is not satisfied inside, and therefore draws from the outside, tries to compensate for its dissatisfaction, therefore, more spices, more seasonings. And there is blissful food. It includes cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. All this, if cooked in fresh butter, butter or ghee, acquires an amazing taste, pure aroma. And this blissful food is just food for people. Ignorant food is not for civilized people. Civilized people understand that all living-nonliving is in the power of God, belongs to him, therefore no one claims his rights to anything in this world, realizing that everything belongs to God.trying to compensate for his dissatisfaction, so more spices, more seasonings. And there is blissful food. It includes cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. All this, if cooked in fresh butter, butter or ghee, acquires an amazing taste, pure aroma. And this blissful food is just food for people. Ignorant food is not for civilized people. Civilized people understand that everything living-non-living is in the power of God, belongs to him, therefore no one claims his rights to anything in this world, realizing that everything belongs to God.trying to compensate for his dissatisfaction, so more spices, more seasonings. And there is blissful food. It includes cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. All this, if cooked in fresh butter, butter or ghee, acquires an amazing taste, pure aroma. And this blissful food is just food for people. Ignorant food is not for civilized people. Civilized people understand that everything living-non-living is in the power of God, belongs to him, therefore no one claims his rights to anything in this world, realizing that everything belongs to God. And this blissful food is just food for people. Ignorant food is not for civilized people. Civilized people understand that everything living-non-living is in the power of God, belongs to him, therefore no one claims his rights to anything in this world, realizing that everything belongs to God. And this blissful food is just food for people. Ignorant food is not for civilized people. Civilized people understand that everything living-non-living is in the power of God, belongs to him, therefore no one claims his rights to anything in this world, realizing that everything belongs to God.

Do you miss kebab?

- Not! We already look at meat with disgust.


There are rumors that the Hare Krishnas are using some kind of drugs. How would you comment on this?

- People are just surprised. Most people? not engaged in activities of a higher order, that is, serving God, they inevitably find themselves in a state of dissatisfaction, like a hand, a part of the body, reached into a jar of jam by itself, tries to enjoy it, but no matter how much you enjoy it, it will never get satisfaction until it puts this jam in the stomach. This is their dissatisfaction means that they do not understand. When people are serving God, engaging in natural activities, they are satisfied. And those often cause this joy artificially - alcohol, various drugs - they fall into euphoria, that everything is cool. Once that passes, nothing good again. And seeing that someone is happy, it begins to seem to them that these happy ones have accepted something. It seems to them that it is impossible to be happy all the time. They know from their own experience - it's impossible. But here, look, there are people without accepting all this, and they are joyful, sitting and smiling. They just have nowhere to go.

Is there no depression among Hare Krishnas?

- The state of depression, dissatisfaction can also be due to the fact that we do not feel enough of our ability to serve God. That we have some kind of inability to serve him properly to make him happy in our service.

How do you perceive negative attitudes in society?

- We understand these people. We, perhaps, in their place would have thought the same way. An interesting point - why some have faith, while others do not. The scripture explains that people who have not done enough pious deeds in life are unable to believe that there are holy people, the mercy of God, and in his holy name. They are unable to believe because they have not done enough godly deeds. I began to analyze on this score and came to this understanding - if people were not engaged in pious activities, then they were engaged in sinful activities. Sinful activities are usually associated with deception. And now, if a person deceives himself, and even sometimes, as it seems to him, he is forced to deceive - this is how the world works, such a life - he can hardly believe anyone.

Did you have any conflicts over religion?

- Not. We respect all religions. All living beings, therefore we do not eat any cows and their children or chickens. And we try not to step on the ant. And we try to drive away the mosquitoes.

Do you have sacred animals?

- The cow is a sacred animal because she is like a mother. She feeds people with milk.

Someone and meat …

- Someone and meat. This is such a sin, can you imagine, it's like killing your mother, who was feeding her with milk. As a child, we all eat cow's milk. And in old age, many eat. They eat throughout their lives. This (meaning eating meat) is actually not very good. So not very good, which is fundamentally not good at all! A terrible sin!

Does society have problems with the law?

- We usually coordinate all activities with the city administration. Everything in the temple is sanctioned. Our society is registered with the Ministry of Justice, so this is all official.

What does Krishna think about the end of the world?

- According to the Vedic concept, there are 4 eras. These are such very long time periods from millennia. We can now observe how the day is followed by morning, then evening, then night. Then we can see, for example, 4 seasons replace each other - winter, summer, spring, autumn. And also, but we cannot see how an even larger circle exists, called "yugas" or epochs. There are also 4 of them, replacing each other in a cyclical sequence, and just as a certain period of time passes from birth to death, in the same way a period passes from creation to destruction of the Universe. And there are 4 of these yugas, and the fourth - the final one - lasts 432 thousand years. Began 5 thousand years. For another 427 thousand years, the Earth and this entire Universe will exist.

And what will happen after?

- And then there will be a good destruction of this universe. Time destroys everything, in the end it destroys the entire Universe.

What will happen to people?

- The soul never really dies. You and I will never see our own death. Someone will see the death of this body, but we will never stop life. The soul cannot be killed, it is impossible for it to be killed. We continue to exist even with the death of this body. Simply, the soul, being liberated from this body, continues its existence and is directed by the oversoul. This is called "God in the Heart." The Supersoul is God. We can observe it in our heart, as a conscience. The voice of conscience. Sometimes we do something and something from within us says: “Wow! What have you done? " This is the voice of conscience, and there is God.

Photo: Svetlana Makoveeva /
