Global Nuclear War On Earth 25 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Global Nuclear War On Earth 25 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View
Global Nuclear War On Earth 25 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: Global Nuclear War On Earth 25 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: Global Nuclear War On Earth 25 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View
Video: What would a total nuclear war between China and the US look like? 2024, October

Information for thought.

A global nuclear war on Earth has already taken place 25 thousand years ago - a joint research group of NASA specialists and French scientists came to this conclusion.

Thousands of years ago, a series of nuclear explosions nearly killed all of humanity. In total, more than 100 nuclear bombs were detonated, each 25 times more powerful than Hiroshima. A nuclear war has destroyed almost all life on earth.

NASA specialists, together with French scientists, counted about 100 giant craters - reminders of that nuclear war. The largest is in Africa - 120 km in diameter and it was not formed by a falling meteorite.


No less obvious traces of nuclear war in the cities of India, Pakistan and Ireland have long puzzled archaeologists. It has been proven that all residents died instantly, and their remains still emit radiation. The buildings look like they were hit by the shock wave of a nuclear explosion.

Promotional video:

Houses in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion on the territory of present-day Pakistan are completely fused together.


“And he summoned to action the weapon of the agnea, quite irresistible - even by the gods … The earthly creatures scorched by the intense heat fled in fear, breathing heavily … Enemies fell like trees burned by a fierce fire. And streams of chariots fell here and there.

A projectile was fired that contained the power of the entire universe. The flash was as bright as 10 thousand suns at its zenith."



These words were written almost four thousand years ago. The ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" describes the death of the Harappan civilization and its capital Mohenjo-Daro as a result of the use of destructive weapons, very reminiscent of the action of a modern nuclear warhead.

Ancient Indian texts also describe flying vehicles - the so-called Vimanas, from which deadly missiles were launched. Based on these rather detailed descriptions, thousands of years later, NASA specialists made drawings of the chariots of the Gods.


The myths of many peoples of the world - African pygmies, Indians of South America and ancient Celts - tell about nuclear wars and the use of super weapons on Earth. And the Indian epic describes in detail 26 types of weapons of mass destruction.

In an interview with TV Center, Alexander Koltypin, PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, said that he believes that “There has been not one, but at least seven nuclear wars on earth. And this all happened during the last three million years … The last war, I think, was associated with the great flood, or rather the great flood took place after it. According to my information, this is about twelve and a half thousand years ago. Perhaps it even started a little earlier, just at the level of 20-25 thousand years."


The Flood is one of the consequences of nuclear wars. Another more serious consequence - "The earth shuddered and began to rotate faster."


According to the Mayan calendar, the day was 36 hours earlier.


Supporters of the theory of ancient nuclear wars claim that the war was started by humanoid aliens 2.5-3 m tall and with a life expectancy of 100 thousand years, i.e. almost immortal - Superbeings, real Gods who came from other planets.

And nuclear wars were for spheres of influence.

On a bas-relief of the Mayan tribes, which is one and a half thousand years old, an ancient Indian controls a spaceship. Breathing apparatus and nuclear reactor available.


There is also an opinion that people themselves, without the help of aliens, achieved unprecedented technologies, and then almost destroyed themselves as a result of a nuclear war.

The time of the last nuclear war coincides with the construction of the city of Tiwanaka, the oldest discovered. Tiwanaka is almost 20 thousand years old. Official science recognizes the age of the city, but cannot explain how prehistoric people built a city with regular street layouts, sewers and public toilets - a perfect structure with perfect mathematical calculations.


Great hopes for finding the remains of the civilization of the Gods are pinned on Antarctica. Before the change of poles, Antarctica was one of the most flourishing continents of the planet, but very sharply, it is possible that as a result of a nuclear war, part of Antarctica went under water, and the rest froze as a result of the pole shift. Perhaps, over time, the frozen part of Antarctica will reveal the secrets of the civilization of the Gods and their nuclear wars.

It is possible to treat in different ways the unusual, and sometimes fantastic theories of the development of our planet. Only over time, there are more and more facts confirming such theories, and it is simply impossible to ignore them.

And perhaps the version of the ancient nuclear wars will soon become official.

Ancient map of Antarctica without ice