23 Stories About Ghosts In Kazan - Alternative View

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23 Stories About Ghosts In Kazan - Alternative View
23 Stories About Ghosts In Kazan - Alternative View

Video: 23 Stories About Ghosts In Kazan - Alternative View

Video: 23 Stories About Ghosts In Kazan - Alternative View
Video: Hauntings, Histories, & Campfire Tales: What Ghost Stories Tell Us | Coya Paz | TEDxDePaulUniversity 2024, October

Park DK Chemists. A ghost named Galpen

DK Chemists' Park is located in the former cemetery of the Kizichesky Monastery. They say that in the park you can easily find an old pine tree with a hollow, near which the letter "G" is burned out - a certain ghost named Galpen lives in it. At night, he supposedly gets out of the hollow and hunts for underage girls. And after a heavy downpour or in the spring, bones are washed out on the sidewalk along with the ground.


Shosseinaya street. Otherworldly essence

The first houses on the street Highways were built on the old cemetery, which began to be destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. There was not enough firewood at that time, and crosses from abandoned graves were burned in the stoves. And in the 1960s, for the construction of "Khrushchevs", the entire district, including the churchyard, was leveled with a bulldozer. The bones, which had covered the ground in great numbers, were transported by trucks to a soap factory. In one of the houses of a teenager, Ruslana began to be disturbed by an otherworldly entity at night. Bes was banished by the invited mullah.


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Ghost at the Arsk cemetery

According to legend, a ghost of a little girl appears every day at one of the alleys of the Arsk cemetery at 20.00. There are several versions of why the child cannot calm down. It is assumed that the mother only had enough money for a tombstone, and the inscription with the name could no longer be applied. Or the child was buried under a false name.


Hermitage Garden. Ghosts appearing from the side of the ravine

The gloomy reputation of the Hermitage garden emerged in the 19th century. Here stood the estate of the nobleman Vorozhtsov - an introverted man who did not favor guests and had sadistic habits. For the slightest offense, he personally pinpointed his serfs to death and buried them without a funeral service in the garden.

According to legend, the same fate befell the son of Vorozhtsov when he tried to inform the authorities about the crimes of his parent. One of the villain's daughter died young, the other ran away from home, and after his death his wife went to a monastery. The estate burned to the ground in 1848, and since then, from time to time in the city, they talk about ghosts walking in the old park (especially from the side of the ravine). Also, the ghosts were seen by an elderly woman who lived on the street. Nekrasov in a private house (it was demolished long ago).


Lake Kaban. The story of the witch

A long time ago, a witch lived in the Old Tatar settlement, in whose service there were cats. One night the inhabitants of the settlement woke up from shrill screams from the side of the lake. Running to the Boar, they saw an incredible picture: the witch, standing knee-deep in water, took turns drowning the cats. The angry crowd beat the wildly laughing woman with stones and sticks, after which the remaining cats themselves rushed into the lake and drowned. Since then, as the rumor has it, people have been drowning here every winter - they say, when the victim tries to cross the frozen Boar, the cats scratch the ice under it from the inside, avenging their mistress.


Turn to the airport. Ghost bride

At the turn to the airport near the village of Stolbischi, some drivers claim that sometimes they see here a distinct figure of a girl in white. The ghost even got into the photo when young people took pictures of the surrounding landscapes from the car window. At the “same” turn, they made another shot and were stunned: the image of a ghostly bride clearly appeared on the darkened background of the picture! Local residents said that a wedding cortege crashed at this place several years ago. Since then, a girl in a wedding dress has been circling near the place of her death.


Alexandrovsky passage. Lady in red

Rumor ascribes ghosts to the Aleksandrovsky and Chernoyarovsky passages. Frequent fires, which periodically happened here up to the present day, are associated with the appearance of the "lady in red" - the mistress of the small house connecting the passages, who perished in a fire at the beginning of the 20th century.


House Kekin. Bringing an unlucky thief

There is also a ghost in the Kekin House on Galaktionova Street. The obscure figure of a man in white, wearing underpants with dangling ties, sometimes crosses the street and enters the building right through the wall. According to one version, this is the ghost of an unlucky thief. Like, once Kekin found a rogue who climbed up to him, caught up with him on the stairs and hammered him to death with a copper candlestick. Having come to his senses, the homeowner decided to hide the body, walled it up in one of the chimneys in order to avoid proceedings with the police.


Krasnokamskaya street. "Devilry" that prevented the extinguishing of the fire

In the summer of 2012, Kazan lost one of its "haunted houses". A building destroyed by fire on Krasnokamskaya Street has seen many new settlers. According to neighbors, everyone who entered this place experienced an incomprehensible, but very strong discomfort. Therefore, as soon as they moved in, people began to think about moving to another place. In the end, the townspeople came to the conclusion that "evil spirits" settled in the building. The strange fire occurred in the middle of the night, when everyone in the family had been asleep for a long time, and it was not possible to establish its cause. Perhaps the supernatural tenants were tired of the tenants, and the fire solved all the problems at once. Fortunately, no one died in the fire, people managed to jump out.

It is noteworthy that the rushed firefighters also complained about the "devilry" that prevented the extinguishing of the flame: either the wind was blowing up the fire, or there were problems with the supply of water to the cannons. As a result, the bad house burned to the ground. And everyone, including the victims of the fire, breathed a sigh of relief.


Gorky Street, 14. Ghost in the form of a monk

House No. 14 on Gorky Street used to be the estate of the famous landowners Rodionovs. The ghost appears at exactly 17.00, as if by invitation. The black figure, dressed in the semblance of a monastic robe, resembles Her Highness Death, although without the scythe. It is about 50 meters from the pharmacy to the strange house, and since the ghost hangs over the former possessions of the Rodionovs for almost a minute, too curious pharmacists can look at it almost closely, not to mention random passers-by. You can look at this native of the other world like a silent movie. The phantom does not ask for anything, does not moan, does not frighten, and does not even offer to go with him.


B. Krasnaya Street, 9. Defective Ghost

Bolshaya Krasnaya, 9/6. A defective ghost roams here. First, the shadow of his body is carefully drawn on the wall, followed by his head. The house on this street used to house the provincial government, and, of course, nothing supernatural happened in it. Only once did the Rebus newspaper mention that a certain collegiate assessor Timashev committed suicide. According to colleagues, the poor fellow hanged himself, unable to withstand the arbitrariness of the law. And on July 13, 1901, a young watchman Erofeev died in the provincial council under very strange circumstances.

If a strong fellow, full of health, who, not to drink, even rarely dabbled in tobacco, took to work at night, then in the morning they found the body of a gray man with wide-open, surprised and at the same time begging for something unknown. One newspaper wrote that the watchman was allegedly 50-55 years old, which did not fit in with the actual thirty years. Doctors quickly determined the cause of death: an acute heart attack, probably from fright. What could have alarmed the guy so much if not the head of assessor Timashev?


House of K. Fuchs. Strange phenomena

House of K. Fuchs (street Moskovskaya, 58). This is a 2-storey building where in the first half of the 19th century the famous doctor and scientist, the historian of Kazan Karl Fedorovich Fuks lived. According to Kazan-Kosmopoisk, in the mid-50s. of the last century, the cleaning lady of the library in this house complained about the strange phenomena that took place there. For example, if she left a bucket of water overnight, then in the morning she would find it overturned and a puddle of water nearby. She found her things in another place, often books fell by themselves. No one believed her stories, and she quit.


Alafuzov Palace. Silhouettes of two men

Alafuzov Palace - now the Tatar Theater for Young Spectators (Gladilova st., 49). This building was built at the end of the 19th century by the architect L. K. Khrshchonovich at the expense of a large industrialist I. I. Alafuzov. There was a hospital here for a while. The Kazan-Cosmopoisk group learned that not everything is clean in this theater thanks to one of the editors of the History in Detail (STS) program, who later filmed with the group inside this building. As one of the watchmen sitting at the entrance to the building said, one day she saw the ghostly silhouettes of two men in the window area. The ancient spirit of the building is felt immediately upon entering its premises. There is often a feeling of the presence of something outside. The walls have absorbed a lot of energy and information during their existence.


Astronomical Street. The ghost that appeared during the party

Earlier, when there was a club "Four Rooms" in Kazan, the ghost of a girl got into the camera lens. The video shows that in the midst of another party in the club, a mysterious white silhouette appears, which for some time wanders around unsuspecting vacationers. Moreover, as the employees and visitors of the club say, they did not feel or see anyone nearby.


The building of the former Tobacco Factory. Figures in loose robes

In Soviet times, a Tobacco Factory was located on the site of the Mother of God Monastery. Security guards and drivers who stayed overnight to take the workers from the night shift to their homes, as well as night cleaners (those who clean tobacco dust from cars in the shop after midnight) suddenly began to refuse night shifts. Why? “Scary,” the experienced men, devoid of sentimentality, answered shortly. It gradually became clear that as soon as night fell, those who remained began to hear footsteps in the empty corridors, knocking, sighing and even very quiet tunes. They did not leave the persistent feeling of someone's invisible presence nearby: “You sit, for example, in a shed and you definitely feel that you are not alone here. Someone is nearby! Literally breathes into the back of the head. You can go crazy from this …"

No one will forget how one of the drivers in the middle of the night with a heartbreaking cry jumped out of the cabins and for a long time then could not come to his senses. What he saw - he did not say, but only without the thorny twigs of the amulet-grass he no longer entered this room. There are also those who saw figures floating in the distance in spacious robes. And although these "someone" were, according to eyewitnesses, completely harmless, you still can't get away from fear, because everything that is incomprehensible is terrible. Therefore, the men tried to sleep in the light, and after that they changed the security scheme altogether.


Road from the Observatory. Female ghost

An eyewitness was returning by car along the road from the Observatory, at the turn in Yudino not far from the railway station, the engine stopped by the car and from the side of the forest there appeared a figure of a woman surrounded by a glow, who was moving along the forest and looking at the car. Then she disappeared. After that, the car engine started without problems.


Cemetery, Dry River. White woman

Nina Savelyeva reports:

- The second shift at the plant ends late. She begged one of her colleagues to take him to the Dry River, as her husband and daughter were waiting at the dacha. Got out of the car at the bus stop. It was getting dark in the cemeteries. Suddenly I saw a woman in a long white dress in front, about five meters away. I think I will pass quickly by, and quickened my pace, but the distance between me and the woman did not close. Everything was somehow unreal.

The "ghost" pursued me until the turn, and behind it I literally ran into my husband, who had come out to meet me. I could not utter a word, I just pointed my hand towards the “white woman,” but the vision had already disappeared. "A survey of summer residents on the Dry River showed that anomalous phenomena occur here literally every day. One of the women somehow left the house at night to get some water and suddenly felt a strong blow in the back. And I was really scared when I turned around and saw … an old man with a hook, dressed in exceptional rags. I thought: "Homeless man, or what?" The son shouted, the old man hobbled away, the son walked around the house, but the old man had already disappeared.

All night long, suspicious steps were heard around the dacha. Several times, armed with anything, the family ran out of the house, but the owners of the dacha were greeted only by the silence of the night. The "Woman in White" is also a regular visitor to these places. They say that at first she knocks on the window, then slowly floats past the house towards the gate and gradually dissolves into the air.


Saban street, cemetery. Wandering lights

Another cemetery was lost in Kazan, near Saban Street. The city swallowed it, and now it is surrounded by 10-story boxes. Inhabitants of these houses say that at night from the balconies you can watch how … the wandering lights move around the cemetery. In addition, there are witnesses that some unusual animals are running around in this cemetery, sparkling balls fly in the air, and as for ghosts, they have long been accustomed to them in these places.


Air defense base ghost

About a year ago, an abandoned air defense base was found near Kazan, from which they monitored NATO aircraft. Now, on the site of the former rocket parking lot, they gather mushrooms and meet ghosts. From a distance, the gym building is also a grim sight.

It is here, according to one of the residents of the neighboring village, that a certain anomalous zone begins.

- Some invisible creature, as if watching lonely travelers and mushroom pickers, - says the man. - He leads them in a circle and in the end, they find themselves near the terrible gravestones, which were not even here.

According to him, he himself got into a similar "alteration". Most people, when faced with a ghost, avoid this place. But he himself “somehow got used to it” and already takes the unknown creature for granted.


Trade union. Ghost girl

The building of the former hotel of the Noble Assembly was built in the 18th century by the merchant Dryablov. In recent years it has been abandoned and damaged by fires. According to Kazan stalkers, they have heard the voice of a girl within the walls of this house more than once. She died here in one of the fires and is still calling for help.


The village of Tenki. White lady

Another mysterious story about the "White Lady" is associated with the village of Tenki, Kamsko-Ustinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Shadows are considered one of the oldest settlements in the Kazan province, located on the banks of the Volga near Kazan.

Every summer, young people - numerous relatives and acquaintances of the princess - visited the manor house. Naturally, she did not stand aside, had fun with everyone and fell in love passionately, but, alas, hopelessly with one of the young guests. Seeing no other way out, the girl committed suicide. Suicide was considered the most serious sin; suicides were not buried or buried in a common cemetery. Her father, who did not want to bury her in a suicide cemetery, buried her under the very terrace of the manor house. According to one version, he walled up the coffin in the basement of the building.

Shortly after the funeral, the manager began to feel strange. He came to the manor house at night, went up to the second floor and waited for a long time for his daughter to come. And she came. The young man, with whom she was in love, allegedly saw her too, she touched him with her shroud, and a month later he died.

Decades have passed, but according to eyewitnesses, "The White Lady" continues to walk in the rooms of the second floor at night. She is allegedly seen to this day.


The village of Tashevka. White woman

The incident that happened then in the village caused a lot of rumors and conversations. In 2002 TV / K "Efir" filmed a mystical story about the White Woman in the village. Tashevka of the Verkhneuslonsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, which caused a huge resonance among viewers. People used to say: "Death is walking between our houses on our street."

Local residents could have taken it for someone's cruel joke, if not for one thing: in the houses near which the white woman stayed, people suddenly died. In recent days, three people have died in the village. And it was noticed that in one case “a woman was walking from the cemetery. That's how Sukhorukova died, probably death came for her."


Dolgaya Polyana, museum-reserve. The ghost of the lady

In Dolgaya Polyana there is the Molostvovs' estate, in which sometimes a ghost manifests itself. It is believed that the estate has survived for so many years, primarily thanks to the efforts of its owner - Elizaveta Molostvova - she put her soul into the estate in the literal sense of the word. Her spirit is present in the building and flies along the alleys of the park …

As reported in Literaturnaya Gazeta, a local old-timer, grandfather Yakov, became my first guide. This is an old man bent over by the weight of years, he is over ninety: "Honey from his apiary helps out …" When walking, he leans on two bugs at once. His beard is white and lush. He looks with a sly attentive squint of gray eyes. Says slowly in a quiet, raspy voice:

“The lady Molostvova lived in this mansion,” she says. - Her soul still appears. Either it flies in like a white dove, then it wanders the alleys like a ghost, or it flashes like a shadow in the upper windows. It happens that during a summer thunderstorm, the light turns off throughout the village and clicks are heard in houses, and fireballs fly out of the spire of the tower. Once! during a terrible thunderstorm on the Upper Pond, the water rose in a column up to ten meters high, almost flooding the village.

How was the estate preserved? She, according to the stories of local residents, is supposedly protected by the ghost of a lady. He still wanders the rooms of the mansion at night.

- Do not believe? - Grandfather looked askance at me. “Stay the night at the mansion, you'll see. Her name was Elizaveta Vladimirovna Molostvova. … 1936. Her last July. The many years of experience that had to be endured after the revolutionary events did not pass without a trace.