Ghosts Survived Students From Home - Alternative View

Ghosts Survived Students From Home - Alternative View
Ghosts Survived Students From Home - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Survived Students From Home - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Survived Students From Home - Alternative View
Video: Encounter With Ghosts While Ghost Hunting! Spirit Box Session Solves Haunted House Mystery! 2024, July

Students from the University of Iowa, renting a three-story house, are forced to leave their homes due to the presence in it of ghosts who steal underwear from young people.

A group of five students rented a three-story house to live in during the school year. Some time after moving in, young people noticed strange events taking place in a rented dwelling.

“It all started when I couldn't remove the TV remote control from the pillow. As soon as I turned on the other side, the remote device was next to me again,”baseball player Trevor Kenyon recalls.

Soon the guys noticed that they were not the only inhabitants of the house. The students claim to see two ghosts: an elderly man, whom they named Tim, and a little girl.

According to the tenants, Tim wanders the corridors and rooms, but the second ghost prefers to be in one particular bedroom.

“Taylor once said that he saw a girl in his room, but we didn't believe him. And then the guys were sitting in the living room and heard the front door slam, after which someone ran up the stairs. Everyone thought it was me, but at that moment I was in bed,”says Smith.

Those living in the house assure that at night the chairs in the kitchen begin to move.

Moreover, students' underwear began to disappear: ghosts manage to remove panties from guys sleeping in pants. True, later young people find their things, but in completely unexpected places.

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Most of all ghosts annoy Kutcher, who lives in a room in the attic. “Sometimes I could not bring myself to get out of bed and leave the bedroom. I was depressed, I felt exhausted,”the usually energetic guy admits.

The frightened students invited paranormal experts to the house to find out if ghosts were really in the house. Three specialists armed with thermometers, infrared cameras, voice recorders, dowsing rods and equipment for detecting electromagnetic fields began work.

Exploring the dwelling, the experts unanimously stated that they found otherworldly subjects that are not related to each other. By the way, the guys who inquired about the history of the mystical house learned that in 1920 a funeral home was located in the building. Without hesitation, the young people informed the landlord that they intend to terminate the lease.