Why Did The Simplest School Riddles Begin To Baffle Us? - Alternative View

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Why Did The Simplest School Riddles Begin To Baffle Us? - Alternative View
Why Did The Simplest School Riddles Begin To Baffle Us? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did The Simplest School Riddles Begin To Baffle Us? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did The Simplest School Riddles Begin To Baffle Us? - Alternative View
Video: Can you solve the locker riddle? - Lisa Winer 2024, July

People are becoming more ignorant but surprisingly curious

This crazy, crazy, crazy world

It is not known whether the waves of stupidity have reached Russia. But in the West, they beat them in the head with might and main. This is evidenced by a problem called mathematical, which was proposed to be solved by members of the very popular community Curiosity (Curiosity) on the social network Facebook, which has about one and a half million subscribers.

The task has collected thousands of "likes", comments and reposts. The Internet community considered it worthy of attention. But the most surprising thing is that not all adults who recklessly took up the solution were able to master the problem, which even not the most outstanding second-graders can easily cope with in Russia.

For those who did not master, the Curiosity community taught a video tutorial demonstrating the correct solution. And he explained - this is in the 21st century, that first of all it is necessary to perform division and multiplication, and then addition and subtraction. Then the task will be reduced to the level of the preparatory group of a kindergarten. That is, it remains to find out how much 6 + 1 will be. Because 1 times 0 equals 0. And 2 divided by 2 equals 1.

Therefore, the correct answer is 7.

However, among the community members, there were plenty of those who received in response 1. Some stupidly performed the action in order - what is called from left to right, others used a calculator. And they also began to subtract 1 from 6.

And some even got 3. It is even difficult to imagine how this was possible. Apparently, they have 1 multiplied by 0, gave 1. And 2 divided by 2 gave 2.

Promotional video:

Nightmare … What is happening to people ?!

Even with the naked eye, you can see that something is happening to humanity.


The stupidity grows stronger

Futurists at one time predicted: people will grow smarter and increase the volume of the brain. As a result, our descendants will become wise and big-headed. Perhaps someday this will begin to happen. But so far scientists are observing the opposite trend: namely, a global dullness. It is expressed not only in "puzzling" children's puzzles, but also in the fall from year to year in IQ indicators. Globally.

Test results from past years can be found in the archives and compared with the current ones. This is what, for example, Richard Lynn, a psychologist at the University of Ulster, did. At his disposal were the intellectual indicators of Americans, Europeans and Australians.

Richard determined the average values - a kind of world levels of intelligence over the years. And I found that by 2014 IQ had dropped by almost 3 points from the 1950 level. And if the stupidity continues at the current pace, then by 2110 the IQ of mankind will fall below 84 points. This will mean that it will become mentally mediocre.

The level of intelligence is steadily declining.


Naturally, scientists are trying to understand the causes of the phenomenon. And the most sane suppose: where they get stupid, something is wrong with education. But there are other ideas as well.

For example, Professor Jan te Nijenhuis of the University of Amsterdam believes that a person's intellectual level is limited by a certain genetic limit. And humanity has already reached it. And now it only degrades. This is mainly because the smart do not reproduce as actively as the stupid.

German researchers from the University of Erlangen see the reason for the decline in intelligence in the fact that people began to rest often. After all, just two weeks spent lazily by the sea in idle bliss can reduce IQ by 20 points at once due to partial atrophy of cells in the frontal lobes of the brain. Numerous holidays, which the workers turn into additional vacations, do not add to the mind.

The loss of intelligence is, of course, restored over time. But not all of them fully.

The most terrible hypothesis was put forward by American scientists, who do not exclude that stupidity is contagious. That is, it is transmitted from person to person as an infectious disease. And it is possible that they are not far from the truth.

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the University of Nebraska examined 90 randomly selected volunteers. And half of them had the ATCV-1 virus. His throat was infected.

Physically, the volunteers did not feel the presence of the virus - it did not cause any painful symptoms. But it lowered cognitive abilities. Carriers of the virus performed much worse on IQ tests and on attention than uninfected ones.

According to the head of the study, Dr. Robert Yolken (Professor Robert Yolken), the ATCV-1 virus enters the brain, where it affects the activity of genes. And she - on the performance of nerve cells.

The professor tested the hypothesis on mice - the infected became stupid before our eyes.

What if members of the Curiosity community are infected with this same "stupidity virus"? Not all, of course, but only those who received in the answer 1 and 3?

Higher mathematics. For some, of course.


6 - 1 x 0 + 2 2 =? Explanation of the correct answer: