What Did The Athonite Elders Predict To Russia - Alternative View

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What Did The Athonite Elders Predict To Russia - Alternative View
What Did The Athonite Elders Predict To Russia - Alternative View

From time immemorial, the Orthodox believed in the supreme purpose of the Russian state as the successor of Byzantium, the guardian of the true faith, peace and the main support of Christians.

Western sectarians do not agree with this: they believe that the notorious "Gog and Magog in the" Revelation "of the Apostle John is the city of Moscow, and it is from this city that the main villain of the world, the Antichrist, will emerge.

In this matter, the Athonite elders-seers have long stood up to defend Russia, pointing out the true destiny of the country and predicting many glorious deeds for it.

Crucified Russia will rise again

The most famous prophecies were uttered by a Russian seer, abbot of the monastery of St. Panteleimon (Athos), now canonized Elder Aristokly, in the world - Alexei Alekseevich Amvrosiev (1838-1918), a native of the Urals.

According to the recollections of Varvara Tsvetkova, who met with the elder in Moscow in 1918, he predicted that the White Army would not save Russia, “the spirit is not the same” that the country would endure a lot of suffering, and all other countries would turn away from it, “until German weapons again rattle at the borders of Russia.

That many will hope that the Germans will rid the country of the Bolsheviks, but they will only bring death and destruction. The salvation of Russia will take place much later, and before that the country will become “one big prison” and it will be necessary to pray a lot and do good deeds so that God has mercy. As soon as even a drop of good outweighs the thicket of evil, God will show mercy to Russia.

Promotional video:

The writer Ivan Alekseevich Rodionov also cites the elder's prophecies about the future of the country: before the glorification of Russia, the Lord will take away from her all any significant leaders, so that the Russian people hope only in God, and not in the "princes of the earth"; previously friendly countries will turn their backs on Russia, refusing to help her.

Soon after that, riots will begin in other powers, similar to what is happening now (the elder said this in 1918), wars will begin. It will be possible to understand that the time is near at that moment when the Germans "take up arms." After that, "the Cross of Christ will shine over the world," and Russia will become a beacon for all countries.

The elder allegedly predicted the end of Russia “through China”: “There will be an unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear, and there will be another life … but not for long,” but researchers believe that these lines appeared in print during the conflict between the USSR and China in Damansky and are a postscript …

Russia will become famous and defeat the Turks

The Greek elder Paisiy Svyatorets (1924 - 1994), who asceticised for 40 years in the monasteries of Athos, devoted much space to Russia in his prophecies. His predictions were about the end times, which should begin immediately after the Turks block the Euphrates (this event should happen in 2018).

Moreover, the prediction about the desiccation of the Euphrates is in the "Apoclypsis": "The sixth angel poured out his cup into the great river Euphrates: and the water dried up in it, so that the path of the kings from the rising of the sun was ready."

After that, a two hundred million Chinese army will appear from the east. There will be a great war, during which the Omar Mosque will be destroyed, and the Jews will begin to rebuild the Temple.

Russia will fight with Turkey, as a result of which one third of the Turks will die. European countries will support Turkey, but this will not help her: Russia will win, after which a third of Turks will accept Christianity. The Russians will generously give Constantinople to Greece, as it will suit the world community.

Another Greek elder Matthew Vresfensky believed that Serbia would again become the pretext for the Third World War. The war will begin soon after the "resurrection" of Russia and will bring the country victory, lasting peace and prosperity.

There will be a tsar in Russia

According to the testimony of pilgrims, the Greek Schema monk Anatoly, who lived on the Holy Mountain for more than forty years, examining the icon of the Royal Martyrs (Emperor Nicholas II with his family), predicted the appearance of the Tsar for Russia: “If there is a Tsar in Russia, everyone will be scared, and even the USA will run away from her. They killed them with weapons, and they will die from it."

The appearance of the tsar was also predicted by the famous Athonite confessor, who lived on the Holy Mountain for 70 years, the hieroskhimonakh of the Iversky monastery Maxim. When asked whether there will be a tsar in Russia, he confidently answered: "Yes!"

Russia will win World War III

In 2001, a group of priests from Samara in the Vatopedi monastery prophesied the eighty-five-year-old Elder Joseph the Younger, a disciple of Joseph the Hesychast himself. He predicted a war between Russia and Turkey and discovered that it would begin with a military conflict between the Turks and the Greeks, after which the United States and the European Union would push the Turks to attack Greece.

Many Greeks will die, but all of a sudden Russia will intervene in the war, after which “there will be a great slaughter on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. The death toll alone will be about 600 million. The Vatican will also actively participate in all this."

The US and the EU will enter the conflict, and from the ashes of the explosions "darkness will cover all the Balkans and the Middle East." Most likely, nuclear weapons will be used, but victory will remain with Russia, the United States of America will "burst like a balloon," and the Vatican will fall and will never regain its influence.

The Russians will enter the ancient city of Constantinople and even put their governor there, but then, by agreement, they will hand over everything to Greece. The elder even named a fairly accurate date - about 2053 or "600 years after the Greeks left the capital of Byzantium."

Elder Joseph predicted the war of other countries: "There will be God's permission so that those who sow temptations - distributing drugs and pornography, sodomy, will be destroyed, the Lord will blind their minds, and they will destroy each other with the insatiability of animals." After that, Orthodoxy will flourish in the world for a short time - only for 30-40 years, and after that the time of the Antichrist will come, but "the Lord will protect the faithful."

To believe or not to believe the prophecies of the Athonite monks is everyone's personal business. The Scripture says that not a single person knows the exact date of the end of times, only God the Creator knows this: “About that day and hour, no one knows, not the angels of heaven, but only My Father” (Matt. 24:36) … But another thing is also clear: through the prayers of the righteous, the Lord sometimes lifts the veil over the secrets of the future, so that believers can measure their strengths and desires with possible changes around them.

Maya Novik