About Sorcerers And Sorcerers Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

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About Sorcerers And Sorcerers Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View
About Sorcerers And Sorcerers Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Video: About Sorcerers And Sorcerers Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Video: About Sorcerers And Sorcerers Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View
Video: Slavic Shamans, Wizards and Witches, Healing With Magic 2024, June

Like any ancient people, the Slavs had their own magic group. People engaged in divination, magic, and quackery were revered, but more often they were afraid. In addition to sorcery, the Slavic Magi used fortune-telling, predictions from astrological calendars, books, maps. Bones, beans, seeds, etc. were used.

The sorcerers wondered:

1) By throwing up wooden circles, painted in white and black. Both circles fell with the light side up - a happy event, with the black side - expect trouble;

2) By the movements and cry of flying birds;

3) Upon meeting with any animal, its sounds;

4) By the fluctuation of tongues of flame and smoke;

5) By unfolding the twigs.

In predictions and magical ceremonies, a stove standing in the house, a family hearth, very often figured. The stove was supposed to be protected from destruction in every possible way and read. It was believed that if a brick suddenly "jumped out" of it, then there would certainly be a dead person in the house or another serious misfortune would happen.

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Classification of sorcerers

In Russia there was a special caste of people engaged in black and white magic. Secret knowledge was kept strictly secret and was transmitted exclusively by inheritance - from mother to daughter and from father to son.


This was the name of women who heal or send diseases with the help of water, oil, herbs, wine. It was believed that they communicate with the devil, conclude an agreement with him and receive all kinds of help in their dark deeds. After the death, the sorceresses bequeathed a magic book to their relatives or friends. It was believed that a person who takes a dying sorceress by the hand will receive her strength. But along with the gift, he acquired the sins of the deceased.

If they did not have time to transfer the power, then after death, dressed in a shroud, the sorcerers came at midnight for a magic book. Households, in order to get rid of the uninvited guest, read special prayers and invited priests to sprinkle the room.

Some witches ruined weddings, frightened guests or newlyweds. They quarreled between the wife and the husband, took away the male power from the groom. They scattered powder on the road, delaying the wedding horses. They could do this in revenge for a personal insult or at the request of ill-wishers.

The women enchanted by the wizards cried, beat themselves, imitated the voices of animals, especially dogs and cats. Shouted out the names of the witches, who sent damage to them. To remove the negative magical program, other magicians, called excuses, were called in, and they were paid money.


In the pre-Christian period, this was the name of "wise women", usually old women. People believed that with the help of ointments and somersaults through 12 knives, they turned into birds and animals: magpies, wolves, pigs. Could become a sheaf of hay. The old women also reincarnated into other people, they did evil to their neighbors, and sometimes to those close to them. Such creatures were called werewolves. In some provinces, it was believed that after the murder of a bear, a woman was found under her skin in a sundress.


In Russia, healers, sorcerers, wizards were called so. As a rule, these were confidants of rulers and noble persons, they were consulted about the affairs of the state, listened to their predictions.

The word "sorcerer" from Old Church Slavonic is translated as "to mumble or to speak indistinctly." According to legends, these sorcerers knew how to heal, predict the future, and carry out various rituals. It was believed that they can predict the weather, control eclipses, and even resurrect the dead.

During the times of paganism, the Magi possessed a certain authority among people, but with the advent of Christianity to Russia, the magicians gradually became outcasts, criminals, and apostates. The Magi were burned at the stake, and the witches were buried chest-deep in the ground for witchcraft. It was especially bad for all sorcerers during the years of drought and pestilence. They were persecuted and blamed for all the troubles.

Witch doctors

For a long time, healers were equated with sorcerers and witches. But if the latter were feared, then healers were respected. In Russia, these people played the role of doctors, healing the sick with herbs, prayers or conspiracies. They did not make secrets out of their manipulations, they acted openly. Treatment began with reading a prayer and addressing holy healers.

Doka is a person in Ancient Russia who can remove damage, heal, and never harm anyone. Hence the meaning of the Russian word "dock" - a master of his craft.


Sorcerers who harm a person by their actions were called warlocks. According to legend, they used conspiracies, performed rituals, made witchcraft potions, and communicated with dark forces. They were guided by special manuscripts and books. This is where the name Warlocks comes from. Although many of them were ordinary healers.

Pagan spirits

Leshies are the keepers of the forest. According to legend, the goblin guarded the forest, kept order and forest inhabitants. They loved to scare people, transforming into some kind of animal.

Kikimora. It was believed that kikimors were not inveterate deceased or children who died unbaptized. Most often they were presented as ugly old women, with a kokoshnik (or kika) on their heads. Kikimors lived in houses and harmed household members.

Brownie. The Slavs believed that this is a kind spirit that protects their home. He lived as a brownie in secluded places, in a dark corner, under a bench, behind a stove. But it was impossible to anger him. Then the brownie began to creak doors, knock on windows and make noise in every possible way.

Bannik. In Russia, the bathhouse was known as an "unclean" place. The owner of the bathhouse was a mischievous old man who strove to do some nasty thing: scald with boiling water, peel off the skin or send a deadly disease.

Shishiga is a water or forest scum who loves to scare people. It was believed that it interferes with people who started work without praying.
