The Most Accurate Zodiac Is Egyptian! And Who Are You On It? - Alternative View

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The Most Accurate Zodiac Is Egyptian! And Who Are You On It? - Alternative View
The Most Accurate Zodiac Is Egyptian! And Who Are You On It? - Alternative View

Video: The Most Accurate Zodiac Is Egyptian! And Who Are You On It? - Alternative View

Video: The Most Accurate Zodiac Is Egyptian! And Who Are You On It? - Alternative View
Video: The 4 Most Powerful Zodiac Signs. Are You One Of Them? 2024, June

There are 12 signs in Egyptian astrology. Every sign, except for the Nile, symbolizes an Egyptian god or goddess. Each sign represents specific dates. And, unsurprisingly, the ancient Egyptians also believed that your personality and life depends on what sign you were born under.

Neil (January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26)

Important keywords: logic, calmness, practicality.

This is the first sign of the Egyptian zodiac. The Nile represents the beginning of something.

People of this sign have a very peaceful and quick-tempered character. They don't like conflict. Sometimes they can be dominated by passions, but even in such moments they act wisely. Their mood often changes. They can be calm and peaceful and then suddenly become angry.

People of this sign are wonderful observers. They use their observations to create a plan of action. They communicate great with other people.

The people of the Nile are analysts who love to dream of opportunities for wealth and how to live a peaceful and calm life. They love to surround themselves with sophisticated things.

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They are attentive to detail and always try to go the peaceful way. Before proceeding with any action, they prefer to make sure everything is safe. They are slow and careful. They are very practical people.

People of the Nile sign are serious and choose activities that suit their down-to-earth, diligent, analytical mind. Since their mark represents the beginning, they may wish to start their own business.

Lucky colors: red and blue.

Sacred animal: antelope.

Compatibility: This Egyptian sign is compatible with the signs of Amun-Ra and Set.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.


Amon-Ra (January 8-21, February 1-11)

Important keywords: generous, successful, responsive.

The second Egyptian zodiac sign is Amon-Ra. He is the god of protection and is considered the king of the gods.

Those born under the sign of the Egyptian god Amon-Ra are talented and optimistic. They make good leaders and inspire other people.

People believe that the strong intuition of the representatives of this sign will help solve many problems. They always do their best to help those in need. In any situation, the people of Amon-Ra are always confident in themselves, and keep everything under control.

Thanks to their optimism, they very often feel happy. They are able to trust their inner voice. They also use their inner voice to help others.

They are very successful and fortunate. They can pursue careers as a consultant, coach, or motivational leader, inspiring others to improve.

People naturally come to them for advice. They are good listeners who offer solutions based on the personality of the other person.

The people of Amon-Ra are great decision makers. They lead by encouraging others. Representatives of this sign are smart and often become heads of corporations and firms.

They have a very optimistic outlook on life. People of the Amon-Ra sign are full of wisdom and courage. They have willpower and hard work.

Successful colors: yellow and orange.

Compatibility: They are compatible with the signs of the Nile and Horus.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Taurus.


Mut (January 22-31, September 8-22)

Role: Goddess of the sky

Important keyword: ironic.

The third sign of the Egyptian zodiac is Mut. Mut symbolizes woman and mother. In Egyptian mythology, Mut also symbolizes the divine mother who is very caring. The name Mut means "mother of the world."

People born under the sign of Mut are educators and protectors. They tend to make good parents.

They hide their innermost feelings and thoughts, opening up only to the closest people. They can be very shy. Only by getting close to someone, they show their knowledge, wisdom and generosity.

They clearly know what they want in life and are focused on making their dreams come true. They know how to attract others with their charm and patience. They can be good listeners even if they don't always agree with what they hear.

People of the Mut sign have logical, practical thinking. They think rationally, so it can be difficult to prove they are wrong. They use their vast knowledge to achieve goals.

They are sincere and, nevertheless, mysterious. They are interested in spiritual growth, philosophy and mysticism. People of this sign can be successful in the field of law, social work, health care or education.

Lucky colors: red and brown.

Compatibility: They are compatible with the signs of Amon-Ra and Thoth.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.


Geb (February 12-29, August 20-31)

Role: God of the Earth.

Important keywords: proud, sensitive, humble.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Geb was the god of the earth. He was the father of Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys. It was believed that earthquakes started from his laughter.

It is the fourth sign in the Egyptian zodiac.

People born under the sign of the Egyptian sign of Hebe are sensitive. They have a good heart and feel the needs and feelings of others. They have compassion and intuition.

At times, they are overly emotional, but this charm and magnetism attracts other people.

They trust their feelings and intuition. They should protect themselves from excessive exposure to negative news, as this can make them too emotional and depressing.

People born under the sign of Hebe are very reliable friends. They can be very sensitive, but they always remain cool and tactful. They are diplomatic and always think before acting.

They may be shy, but if need be, they are quite persistent. Sometimes they seem like weak opponents due to their shyness. And yet, they do not follow the lead of others.

They have a good memory and never forget what other people have done for them.

They are attracted to activities that are beneficial to the Earth and the environment. They are very suitable professions related to teaching, consulting or literature.

People of this sign love to surround themselves with beautiful and luxurious things. They love to feel comfortable and have everything they need close at hand.

Lucky colors: purple and pink.

Sacred animal: goose.

Compatibility: This Egyptian zodiac sign is compatible with Horus and Set.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Aquarius.


Isis (March 11 - 31, October 18 - 29, December 19 - 31)

Role: Goddess of motherhood.

Important keywords: active, direct, dignified.

Isis symbolizes the mother and the goddess of nature. She is the patroness of children, the poor and the dead. She is the daughter of Geb and Nut, and the sister of Osiris, Set, and Nephthys. She married her brother Osiris and gave birth to a son named Horus.

People of this sign are very outspoken and straightforward. Some find them too dumb and open, while others appreciate their direct communication style.

They are looking for romantic relationships with adventurous and carefree people.

They are sociable people who like to give advice to others.

Isis people have a good sense of humor. They often help their friends by easing their problems and bringing humor to stressful situations.

People of this sign must make sure that all their goals are achieved. They will not let any obstacle get in their way. They are lucky and able to use all resources.

People of this sign are able to discipline others. This can make them good leaders or bosses. They can do well in art, marketing, or entertainment.

People of Isis are able to easily find solutions and overcome any obstacles. They work well in a team and they are very self-sufficient. This makes them popular with friends and a large number of fans.

Successful colors: white and blue.

Compatibility: This Egyptian sign is compatible with the signs of Osiris and Thoth.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Pisces.


Osiris (March 1 - 10, November 27 - December 18)

Role: god of the underworld.

Important keywords: indecision, split personality.

People born under the sign of Osiris have 2 sides of personality. They can be very energetic and strong, but also indecisive.

They are successful in new endeavors, are optimistic and very generous.

People born under this sign can have successful careers in trade or education. Plus, they can be great leaders because of their intelligence and charisma.

They are natural leaders, and they confidently use this skill to achieve their goals.

People born under the sign of the Egyptian god Osiris are successful in new endeavors. There are very few obstacles that can stop them on their way to their goal.

They live for today and are always full of energy. First of all, they think about themselves.

They are distinguished by direct communication with other people, and they always mean what they say. They really love helping others.

People of this sign are very independent and do not like to follow someone's orders. Therefore, it is difficult for them to work subordinate. It is best for them to have their own business and work for themselves.

The people of Osiris are adventurous, confident and purposeful.

Lucky colors: green and yellow.

Sacred animal: Bull

Compatibility: This Egyptian sign is compatible with the signs of Isis and Thoth.

Correspondence with the western zodiac sign: Aries.


Thoth (April 1 - 19, November 8 - 17)

Role: God of Wisdom.

Important keywords: compassion, energy, masculinity.

Thoth is the seventh sign of the Egyptian zodiac. Thoth is the god of the moon, knowledge and wisdom. He is known as the creator of writing.

People born under this sign of Egyptian astrology are great problem solvers. They are creative and love to share their knowledge with others. Naturally, they often become teachers and mentors.

They are good organizers and can be perfectionists. They are great with people and can become writers or journalists.

People of this sign have a good memory, and they never forget someone's favor or kind gesture. They are always looking for ways to improve. It's not enough for them to be mediocre.

In romantic relationships, they are honest and loyal. They are attracted to people with the same values. They love to be surrounded by their family and friends.

People born under the sign of Thoth love to learn, so they can be lifelong students. They are patient, so they are ready to learn if it helps to gain the necessary knowledge.

They are very resourceful. They always have a lot of new and creative ideas. Thanks to this, they can become entrepreneurs and leaders in their industry.

Lucky color: pink and white.

Compatibility: This Egyptian sign is compatible with Bastet and Isis.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Virgo.


Anubis (May 8 - 27, June 29 - July 13)

Role: God of Death.

Important keywords: cunning, smart, responsive.

In Egyptian mythology, Anubis is the guardian of the underworld. He is also responsible for mummification. Anubis is the ninth sign of the Egyptian zodiac.

People born under the sign of Anubis are very passionate and creative. They prefer to be alone and work best with themselves.

They are very emotional and sensitive. Their emotions can be very unpredictable.

They are introverts, so they enjoy peace and quiet, rather than noise and crowds. Despite the fact that they are introverts, people of this sign exude confidence, which earns respect from other people.

They are free to express their opinions. If they feel that someone is behaving incorrectly, they will definitely say so.

People of the Anubis sign are very perceptive and conservative. They love to explore mysteries and can learn for a lifetime. They are very observant and often know ahead of time about other people's thoughts and motives.

They are interested in how other people think. They are attracted to metaphysical and occult themes. They are interested in professions related to education and psychology.

They are decisive and confident. Their dedication allows them to complete whatever project they take on. They never deviate from the goal, even if they could not achieve it in several years.

They are honest, loyal and love to help others. People of this sign can be great doctors or nurses.

In addition, the people of Anubis are interested in the topic of death. Among them are those who opened a funeral home or became an undertaker.

In relationships, people of this sign are affectionate and caring. They enjoy taking care of their families and homes. They have a great sense of humor and prefer to have a small circle of friends.

Lucky colors: ocher and raspberry.

Sacred animal: jackal.

Compatibility: This Egyptian sign is compatible with Bastet and Isis.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Leo.


Seth (May 28 - June 18, September 28 - October 2)

Role: God of Evil.

Important keywords: perfection, impulsivity.

In Egyptian mythology, Set is known as the god of chaos. In Egyptian astrology, Set is the tenth digit.

People born under this Egyptian sign are always looking for change. They may seek adventure and fulfillment all their lives.

Are they perfectionists? and nothing can stop them on the way to the goal. They set themselves lofty goals and do not stop until they are achieved.

These are leaders who don't like to lose or be in second place. They always solve problems with determination and perseverance. They are not interested in past mistakes.

The people of Set will not sacrifice their own progress for everyone else.

People of this sign are very sociable and charismatic. They love to be the center of attention. They can make good ministers, motivational speakers, or salespeople.

The people of Set prefer action to silence and solitude. They like to move forward all the time.

They are always looking for more information and knowledge. They tend to become leaders in areas that are not well known. This is the perfect challenge for them.

Lucky colors: turquoise and black.

Compatibility: This Egyptian zodiac sign is compatible with the signs Geb and Nile.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Gemini.


Bastet (July 14-28, September 23-27, October 3-17)

Role: Goddess of cats.

Important keywords: balance, anxiety.

Bastet is the 11th sign in Egyptian astrology. In Egyptian mythology, Bastet is known as the goddess of cats and the goddess of pleasure. She is also considered a goddess who protects women and fertility as well as love.

People born under the sign of Bastet are always looking for balance and peace. They avoid confrontation and stressful situations.

They are naturally introverted and prefer silence to loud, chaotic crowds.

They have very strong intuition and can even be psychics. Intuition allows them to see right through other people and know what their true motives are.

Bastet people are charming personalities who love to enjoy life. They surround themselves with pleasant things. They deliberately seek happiness and joy in life. They are inspired by music and art.

They put the needs of others ahead of their own. In romantic relationships, these are loyal and devoted partners. They are very emotional and sensitive, but also fiercely protective of those they love. They are affectionate and caring.

People born under the sign of Bastet are mysterious, they are attracted by secrets and occultism. Their activities may be associated with the occult or metaphysics.

Lucky colors: yellow and gray.

Sacred animal: cat.

Compatibility: This Egyptian sign is compatible with the signs of Sekhmet and Horus.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Cancer.


Horus (April 20 - May 7, August 12 - 19)

Important keywords: impatience, endurance, wit.

Horus, son of Osiris and Isis. It is also known as Hora. In ancient Egyptian mythology, it symbolizes the stars and the sky. Egyptian mythology claims that he was born after the death of his father Osiris. He was the protector of the pharaohs and united Upper and Lower Egypt. Horus is the eighth sign in Egyptian astrology.

People born under the sign of Horus are very courageous. They are willing to take risks. They are very charismatic individuals who strive to succeed and try new things. They always pride themselves on being risk aficionados and pioneers.

They are optimistic and strive to be the best. They will excel in any profession because they have the courage and the ability to achieve what they want.

They are leaders who motivate and inspire others well. They are smart, honest and brave.

The people of Horus are strong willed and can be stubborn. They put their family's needs ahead of their own by acting selflessly for the good of those they love. These are people with a gentle disposition, they are patient listeners.

People born under this sign are hardworking and get along well with others. They are conservative and love a relaxed environment. They are very practical and intelligent.

They are community oriented and will protect those in need. They can become politicians, public figures and psychologists.

Lucky Colors: carmine red and gold.

Sacred animal: snake.

Compatibility: This Egyptian sign is compatible with Bastet and Gab.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Libra.


Sekhmet (July 29 - August 11, October 30 - November 7)

Role: Goddess of War.

Important keywords: intelligence, leadership, power.

In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet is known as the goddess of war. She is also considered a healer. Sekhmet is the 12th sign of the Egyptian horoscope.

People born under the Egyptian sign of Sekhmet have a dual personality. On the one hand, they are disciplined and strict. On the other hand, they are free and like to just go with the flow, without any restrictions.

They are perfectionists, they are successful in business. They have a sense of duty and justice. They can make good judges or CEOs.

The people of the Sekhmet sign are very professional and capable of maintaining confidentiality. You will easily feel that you can trust them. Many people respect them for their discipline and benevolence. They demand respect for themselves and attract people like a magnet.

Their main goal is to always maintain their pride. This is as important to them as achieving the goal itself.

Sekhmet's people are best realized in power. They are very optimistic and see something good in all obstacles.

They are excellent organizers and tend to help those in need. They may even become community leaders or volunteers.

Lucky colors: green and turquoise.

Sacred animal: Leo.

Compatibility: This Egyptian sign is compatible with the signs Geb and Bastet.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
