Tourists Were Almost Killed By The Spirit Of The Abandoned Estate - Alternative View

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Tourists Were Almost Killed By The Spirit Of The Abandoned Estate - Alternative View
Tourists Were Almost Killed By The Spirit Of The Abandoned Estate - Alternative View

Video: Tourists Were Almost Killed By The Spirit Of The Abandoned Estate - Alternative View

Video: Tourists Were Almost Killed By The Spirit Of The Abandoned Estate - Alternative View
Video: Top 15 Videos You Can Only Watch If You're Courageous 2024, June

The house of Count Bezobrazov lured a girl to him with "the call of a vampire"

- This year, as usual, we decided to get out into nature, - says Sergey, one of the tourists. - For a long time, we noticed one picturesque place on the banks of the Klyazma, near the village of Patakino, Kameshkovsky district. An old abandoned estate was located not far from that place. And ancient ruins are my passion.

Sometimes it happens there

We arrived in a noisy company - 12 people. We set up tents, made a fire and went to the mysterious estate of the landowner Bezobrazov. By the way, the reputation of the ruins turned out to be the worst.

“There are ghosts here,” said the village carpenter Seryoga without a shadow of a doubt. - The landowner who lived here, they say, tortured his daughter to death, and she takes revenge. The estate burned several times, and it is always unclear why. Even the communists were afraid to stay here. First they made a hospital, but the people began to die, and the hospital was closed.

But our youth cannot be intimidated by village tales. We left two campfire attendants at the tents and set off. We found the estate without difficulty.

“It was as if we were in a place from a horror movie,” recalls student Lena. - From the once rich estate of the Bezobrazovs, only the burned-out church and the destroyed building of the estate itself, overgrown with grass and bushes, remained. Something eerie emanated from her: goose bumps ran down her skin. It was even worse inside the building - it was as if we were caught in a blob of negative energy.

The atmosphere affected everyone. The girls huddled together in a flock, but did not dare to run away in front of the guys. The peasants all the more - on the contrary, flaunting, climbed to inspect the ruins of the church. And then Olga - the youngest in the company - suddenly pulled her palm out of her friend's hand and went straight to the ruins of the house.

“It was as if something was dragging her there,” says Lena. - You know, like in "Night Watch", when the "call of the vampires" leads you somewhere.

Olenka turned pale, and looking straight ahead, she walked towards the estate. She confidently walked up the ruined stairs, carefully passing dangerous places. The stunned girlfriends followed her. Suddenly Olenka moved some kind of board - a corridor leading to the basement opened behind it.

Olga moved on, and the girls hesitated - something hissed inside the basement, and a shadow crawled along the wall. Fearfully!

Probably this saved the girls. As soon as Olga reached the far wall and touched it with her hand, a huge layer of the ceiling collapsed right above the entrance, literally a meter away from the rest of the company.

- We shuddered: if we had taken a couple more steps, the overlap would have fallen on us, - says Lena.

The girls screamed so that the guys from the street came running and dragged everyone outside. Someone roughly grabbed Olenka under the armpits and pulled out of the basement. The glamor dissipated.

“The ghost lured me there,” Olga declared, coming to herself by the fire. - I felt that someone was calling me and promising to reveal a terribly interesting secret. And I must be alone. If they hadn't followed me, maybe the ghost would have appeared.

By the way, in the morning the company decided to look at the photographs - the day before, they filmed a lot of both the church and the estate. But only pictures taken in the parking lot or from afar were found. All photographs taken inside the estate have been removed.


Promotional video:

The estate was built by the landowner Count Bezobrazov on the picturesque bank of the Klyazma in the early 19th century. The construction began on a grand scale: they laid a house, erected the Trinity Church, many outbuildings, laid out a huge garden. But by the end of construction, the count squandered too much money and the manor house remained unfinished. Therefore, the manor building is not symmetrical. The fate of Count Bezobrazov was very ornate and interesting. It even served as the basis for the plot of Tolstoy's story "Father Sergius".

After Bezobrazov, Count Shcherbatov owned the estate. And after the revolution, it was nationalized and transformed into a sanatorium for patients with tuberculosis. The sanatorium existed for quite a long time, although the conditions in it were bad, the patients even complained to the district party committee.

Then they wanted to transform it into a regional tuberculosis hospital, but they realized that it was 40 km from the city.

Fires in the estate happened many times, but there is no evidence of any crimes of the former owners.

Several years ago, the bell tower was demolished from the Trinity Church. Since then, strange sounds have been heard from the estate. The locals are afraid of her.


Alevtina Simaeva, psychic:

If a village grandmother told the story, I myself would have doubted. But the urban youth are not very superstitious. And something unusual must have happened there. We know very little what happens to houses when people leave them. It is known that stones can "read" and "remember" information. Therefore, where many human lives with strange, difficult fates took place, the walls have their own energy and can radiate it. And how it affects a person depends on his individual susceptibility.


Victor Plyaskin, biologist: There are a

lot of stories about "miraculous rescues". In fact, in most cases, this is just a reaction of our subconscious, quite rational. We are often not aware of what we are seeing. For example, the girls might have noticed that the ceiling was swinging, they didn’t realize it, but the brain gave the command: “Stop”. The reflex of avoiding danger worked. There is no mysticism here, the rest is just thought out by the frightened girls.