I Am No Longer Afraid Of Death - Alternative View

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I Am No Longer Afraid Of Death - Alternative View
I Am No Longer Afraid Of Death - Alternative View

Video: I Am No Longer Afraid Of Death - Alternative View

Video: I Am No Longer Afraid Of Death - Alternative View
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Now I'm not afraid of death

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the so-called out-of-body experience makes people who survived it to look at the problems of life and death in a new way, to start thinking about the spiritual nature of their own being and about the essence of the phenomenon that we call death. Quite often, this experience changes the entire worldview of a person, bringing it as close as possible to the views … of the esoteric philosophical teachings of the East, asserting the multidimensionality of the human being and life after death thousands of years ago!

These are the descriptions of the new attitudes that have arisen due to "experience outside the body", people who experienced it at clinical death.

• At the age of 28, Constance Clouna underwent complex heart surgery. Immediately after the operation, under the influence of anesthesia, she experienced an amazing state that made her look at the world and herself in a different way. Before her, illuminated by some unusual light, the whole panorama of her life passed. The girl saw herself first as a small child, then as a young girl and finally as a mature woman. “As my consciousness expanded, my senses also became more sensitive,” says Constance. - I could see what was happening behind me, in the next room and even in more distant places. For some reason, I wondered if I could close my eyes now, and immediately tried to do it. It didn't work! I no longer owned my body. I must have died, I thought. But why then can I think, hear and see better,than ever before?

Suddenly, from somewhere outside, powerful waves of emotion emanated from my parents who arrived from Washington. The heightened sensitivity gave me the opportunity to understand and feel the grief they were experiencing with a previously inaccessible power.

Before me my life continued to unfold, but now I already understood its meaning. All bitterness disappeared somewhere, I realized what each event and its place in the general row meant. And although much of what seemed crystal clear to me that day later became hidden from me again, I will never be able to forget that feeling of eternal order and supreme justice that took possession of me in those minutes.

With a feeling of joy and surprise, I saw for the first time who I really am. I admired my body, knowing that every cell of it is connected with a living soul, still in this dead physical shell.

Realizing my condition, I absolutely calmly came to the conclusion that I was already dead and should just about leave my physical body. It seemed to me that I could hear and feel a multitude of thin threads being torn, and so I found myself completely free.

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I remember well how formless and colorless I became then. Soaring up like a soap bubble, I immediately sank to the floor with ease and stood in full growth. My naked body seemed to be completely transparent. Embarrassed by my own nakedness, I hurried to the door, but when I was near it, it turned out that I was already dressed!

Turning, I accidentally brushed one of the doctors, but to my surprise, his hand passed through mine unhindered. I quickly looked into his face - if he noticed something, but no: the doctor was standing, staring intently towards the bed on which I was just lying.

It suddenly seemed strange to me that I can not only perceive the environment, but also see through objects - for example, through a doctor. Now I could even see a barely noticeable seam on the back of a nightgown worn over a body lying in bed. Looking closer, I noticed an incredibly thin thread - no thicker than a spider's web - that reached out to my body and connected to it at the very neck. Probably, with the help of this thread I could use my eyes. Turning around, I started down the corridor.

Suddenly, a small black cloud appeared right in front of me, and I realized that I had to stop. The energy began to leave me - there was no strength left to move or think. My hands dropped helplessly, my shoulders and head dropped, and I don't remember anything else.

Without any effort on my part, my eyes suddenly opened, and I was amazed to see my hands, as they say, made of flesh and blood. Realizing that I had returned to my own body, I said with surprise and disappointment: - What happened to me? Do I really need to die again sometime?

Now I am perfectly aware that this is so, but I am no longer afraid of death. I can say this as a person who has already passed part of the way and then returned back. What happened taught me how to live."

• But what sensations accompanied the "posthumous" experience of Grace Jako. “What death is, I happened to learn in 1923. During lunch on August 14, I collapsed at our home in Brinkley, Arkansas, and my husband, Ted Clemons, quickly took me to the hospital. There the doctors discovered that I had purulent appendicitis and immediately sent me for surgery.

Under the influence of anesthesia, I quickly fell into oblivion and suddenly found that I could see through walls! It was as if I became taller than everyone else and, it seemed, could see everything at once.

I saw the doctors and visitors moving along the corridor, I could hear their conversations. One of the trainee nurses whispered to the other that they were operating on a hopeless patient. The small hospital had only one operating room, so, of course, it was about me. I almost laughed in her face. What nonsense! I feel great!

Suddenly I remembered my mother. Approaching the nurse who was preparing me for the operation, I took her hand and said: - Sister, please tell my husband to call our relatives.

She didn’t seem to hear me, but with a slight start said to the nurse: “Ask Mr. Clemons if we need to call someone. He himself is so upset that he hardly thought about it.

The nurse approached Ted, my husband, pale as a sheet, and he immediately went to call.

A few hours later, the operating room door opened and a sheet-covered trolley rolled out of it, followed by the anesthesiologist, nurse, and surgeon, Dr. Blanton. Ted kept the door to my room open, and when they entered, I followed. I stood in the corner and watched as my motionless body was laid on the bed and covered with a blanket, leaving only room for a stethoscope, which Dr. Blanton immediately put in motion. After listening to me for a few seconds, he turned to Ted.

“Mr. Clemons, we did our best, but it may not be enough. She has been unconscious for several hours. Stay with her if you want, but don't try to talk - she can't hear you.

How - unconscious! The doctor immediately left, and the nurse set up a duty post near my bed, checking my pulse from time to time. Tired of talking about my imminent death, I went out into the corridor. I have never felt more alive and energetic.

A few hours later my mother, Rhoda Russell, and my sister, Helen Turner, arrived from Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Seeing how upset they were, I worried that I might be buried alive. This was not without reason - in those days only the rich were embalmed. As soon as such a thought occurred to me, the room quickly turned pale and I suddenly found myself in the open air.

In a wide spiral, I climbed higher and higher. The sun was brighter than usual, the trees were green, and in general everything looked like a painting. Having picked up speed, I soared high, high, and then suddenly I felt that it was time to return. Nobody ordered me anything, but I understood that it was so necessary.

To be honest, I didn't want to return to a cramped body at all, but some force quickly began to drag me down. There I merged without much desire - this word is most suitable here - into my motionless body, feeling how one by one all its organs come to life. In my body I was cramped and uncomfortable, and I was not at all happy that I returned.

Seeing my eyes move, the surprised sister ran after the doctor. On September 3, 1923, I was discharged from the hospital.

I will never forget what I went through then. If this is death, why be afraid of it?"

Out-of-body flight

No matter how amazing the ability of people to see and be aware of what is happening under anesthesia or during OBT, even more amazing is the ability in this state to perceive the environment at such distances that are completely inaccessible to ordinary human senses. The statement of a woman who has experienced clinical death that spiritual vision is practically unlimited is absolutely true. The example given in the work of one of the foreign researchers of the OBT problem once again confirms the incredible abilities of human consciousness.

Once a British Air Force plane crashed while taking off from a small rural airfield. There was a doctor and crew members on board. During the plane crash, the doctor was thrown out of the plane. He was lying on the ground with no signs of life. From the depression in which he found himself after the accident, the buildings of the airfield were simply not visible to him, but nevertheless he clearly saw all the stages of the rescue operation. He recalled looking at the area where the crash occurred from a height of about two hundred feet and saw his body lying nearby. Seeing how the brigadier and the pilot who survived the accident ran to him, he wondered why they needed this, wishing at that moment only one thing - to be left alone.

The doctor saw an ambulance leave the hangar and immediately stalled. The driver got out of it, started the engine with a handle, jumped into the cab, drove a little and slowed down to grab the orderly on the way. The doctor, who was unconscious at the scene of the accident, also saw the ambulance stop near the hospital, where the orderly took something with him, and then moved to the scene of the accident. At this moment, the unconscious doctor felt that he seemed to be moving away from the airfield, flying over Cornwall and rushing at great speed over the Atlantic. Suddenly this journey ended: when he regained consciousness, the doctor saw that he was being given a solution of smelling salt by the orderly, whom he had already seen, "flying" outside the body over the airfield. The subsequent investigation of the circumstances of the accident showed that everything seen by the doctor was absolutely consistent with real events. Recallthat the doctor himself was unconscious at that moment.

This strange feature of seeing the environment - and even at great distances - at a time when the usual senses are "disabled", can not be explained by anything other than the ability of the astral body to perceive everything that happens without the help of physical sight and hearing, and at the same time to move instantly in space. Information about "flights" in the astral body is well known from esoteric literature. It is not by chance that people who have experienced such states felt themselves flying or hovering in space - this is probably how the astral shell that has separated from the physical body behaves …

N. Kovaleva