Flying Demon From Guadeloupe - Alternative View

Flying Demon From Guadeloupe - Alternative View
Flying Demon From Guadeloupe - Alternative View

Video: Flying Demon From Guadeloupe - Alternative View

Video: Flying Demon From Guadeloupe - Alternative View
Video: 10 Real Life Demons Caught on Camera 2024, July

At first glance, it seems that such things can only be read on the pages of the stories of the maestro of horrors G. F. Lovecraft. If not for one key point: this story is not rooted in the world of fiction - it belongs to the realm of facts.

In the early morning of Friday January 16, 2004, a Mexican police officer from Guadeloupe was attacked by a flying monster. Until three o'clock in the morning, the watch was calm. And then hell started.

Policeman Leonardo Samaniego was patrolling the Valles de la Salla area as usual when something terrible happened. A dark figure emerged from the shadow of a large tree growing by the side of the road and slowly turned toward the patrol car. Since it was night in the yard, Samaniego turned on the high beam and directed the car towards the ominous silhouette. And then he clearly realized the whole nightmare of what was happening: it was a disgusting-looking woman, and she … was floating above the ground.

For a while, the officer froze with icy horror, looking at the creature's dark skin and black eyelidless eyes that looked directly at him. The flying monster covered his eyes with a cloak, protecting himself from the bright light. The woman then flew to the car, jumped on the hood and tried to get inside the vehicle, breaking the windshield.

In a panic, Samaniego grabbed the radio and began to ask for help, then turned the car around and pressed the gas. The car pulled away, and the woman tried to grab the shields on the windshield. Suddenly the car crashed into a wall and stopped. Leonardo closed his eyes, but in vain - the witch was still sitting on the hood, fixing an evil glance at the policeman. The shock from what he saw was so unbearable that the officer lost consciousness.

A few minutes later, doctors arrived at the scene. By that time, the witches had already disappeared.

Samaniego got better very quickly. When he told his incredible story to colleagues at work, some employees of the department admitted that they also saw a flying witch at night, however, fearing ridicule, they did not tell anyone about it.

When Texas-based cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard traveled to Mexico in May 2009, he was fortunate enough to personally interview Samaniego. Gerhard recalls that even after five years it was hard for the policeman to talk about what had happened: “Several times he became nervous and abruptly cut off the conversation when it came to the fact that he managed to survive that terrible night that would forever change his life. Leonardo admitted that he still has nightmares, and he wakes up sweating with panic."

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Translation by Elena Muravyova, for