Anglo-American Owners Of Money As Organizers Of World War II - Alternative View

Anglo-American Owners Of Money As Organizers Of World War II - Alternative View
Anglo-American Owners Of Money As Organizers Of World War II - Alternative View

Video: Anglo-American Owners Of Money As Organizers Of World War II - Alternative View

Video: Anglo-American Owners Of Money As Organizers Of World War II - Alternative View
Video: How Andrew Carnegie Became The Richest Man In The World 2024, June

The initiative to unleash the Second World War did not belong to the "possessed Fuhrer", who supposedly by chance found himself at the helm of power in Germany. The Second World War is a project of the world financial oligarchy, the Anglo-American masters of money. It was they who, relying on such institutions as the US Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England, immediately after the end of the First World War, began to prepare the next armed clash on a global scale. And the plan for a new war was directed against the USSR with its spearhead.

Important milestones of this preparation were the Dawes Plan and Young Plan, the creation of the Bank for International Settlements, the announcement by Germany of the termination of reparations payments under the Paris Peace Treaty and the tacit agreement of Russia's former allies with this decision, powerful infusions of foreign investment and loans into the economy of the Third Reich, the militarization of the German economy in violation of the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty.

The key figures in the behind-the-scenes operation of the Anglo-American money owners were the Rockefeller and Morgan families, Montague Norman (director of the Bank of England), Hjalmar Schacht (director of the Reichsbank, Minister of Economy of the Third Reich). The strategic plan of the Rockefellers and Morgan was to economically subjugate Europe, and with the help of Germany pumped up by foreign loans and investments, deal a crushing blow to Soviet Russia, returning it to the fold of the world capitalist system as a colony.

Montagu Norman (1871-1950) played an important role as an intermediary between American finance capital and the political and business circles of Germany. Hjalmar Schacht was assigned the role of organizer of the war economy of Nazi Germany. Politicians like Franklin Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill performed the functions of covering the behind-the-scenes operation of the owners of the money. In Germany, along with J. Schacht, Hitler became the main executor of these plans. It is noteworthy that some historians rate Schacht's role in governing Germany during World War II higher than that of Hitler. It's just that the first of them was a non-public figure.

The Dawes Plan, adopted in 1924 on the initiative of the Anglo-American bankers, provided for the weakening of the reparation burden of Germany (which was extremely painful for France, which received more than half of all reparations) and the provision of financial assistance to Germany from the United States and England in the form of loans allegedly to restore the economy and the subsequent restoration of payments reparations in full. In 1924-1929. Germany received $ 2.5 billion from the USA under the Dawes Plan, and $ 1.5 billion from England. At the current exchange rate, this is equivalent to an astronomical amount of about $ 1 trillion. Hjalmar Schacht, as one of the co-authors and executors of the Dawes Plan, summing up the results of this plan in 1929, noted with satisfaction that “Germany received as many foreign loans in 5 years as America received in 40 years,preceding the First World War”. As a result, Germany, defeated in the war, already in 1929 took the second place in the world in terms of industrial production, bypassing England.

In the 1930s, the process of pumping investment and loans into the German economy continued. For this, in accordance with the Young Plan in 1930, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was created in Switzerland (Basel). The official goal of the BIS was to pay reparations to Germany in favor of the victorious countries. In fact, through the BIS the movement of money went in the opposite direction - from the USA and England to Germany. Most of the strategically important companies in Germany by the early 1930s. belonged to American capital or was partially controlled by it. Some of the capital belonged to British investors. Thus, the German oil refining industry and the production of synthetic gasoline from coal belonged to the American corporation "Standard Oil" (Rockefellers). The core of the German chemical industry was I. G. Farbenindustry ",passed under the control of the Morgan banking house. 40% of the telephone network in Germany and 30% of the shares of the aircraft construction firm Focke-Wulf belonged to the American company ITT. The nucleus of the German radio and electrical engineering industry was the concern AEG, Siemens, Osram; they came under the control of the American company General Electric. Both ITT and General Electric were part of the Morgan financial empire. Finally, 100% of the shares of the Volkswagen concern were controlled by the American automobile corporation Ford.and General Electric were part of the Morgan financial empire. Finally, 100% of the shares of the Volkswagen concern were controlled by the American automobile corporation Ford.and General Electric were part of the Morgan financial empire. Finally, 100% of the shares of the Volkswagen concern were controlled by the American automobile corporation Ford.

By the time Hitler came to power, all strategically important sectors of German industry were under the full control of American financial capital - oil refining and synthetic fuel production, chemical, automotive, aviation, electrical and radio equipment, a significant part of mechanical engineering (a total of 278 firms and concerns). In addition, the leading German banks - Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank, and a number of others came under the control of American capital.


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On January 30, 1933, Hitler becomes Reich Chancellor. Before that, his candidacy was carefully studied by American bankers. The chairman of the Reichsbank, J. Schacht, traveled across the ocean in the fall of 1930 in order to discuss the details of a plan to bring Hitler to power with his American colleagues. After Hitler's candidacy and the plan for his political promotion were finally approved at a secret meeting of bankers in the United States, J. Schacht returned to Germany. Throughout 1932, he worked with German bankers and industrialists, seeking from them full support for Hitler. And this support was received. In mid-November 1932, 17 major bankers and industrialists sent a letter to President Hindenburg demanding the appointment of Hitler as Reich Chancellor. The last working meeting of German financiers before the elections was held on January 4, 1933 at the villa of the famous German banker Schroeder near Cologne.

After the National Socialists came to power, Germany's financial-credit and trade-economic relations with the Anglo-Saxon world reached a qualitatively new level. Hitler immediately makes a loud statement that he refuses to pay reparations. This naturally called into question the ability of England and France to pay off their debts to the United States on loans during the First World War, but overseas accepted Hitler's statement without any objection. In May 1933, Y. Shakht made another visit to the United States. There he met with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and major bankers and signed an agreement on obtaining American loans totaling $ 1 billion. In June of the same year, J. Schacht traveled to London and held talks with M. Norman. Everything happens as in a fairy tale:the British agree to provide the Third Reich with a loan in the amount of $ 2 billion, and at the same time do not object to the suspension of payments for servicing and repayment of British loans previously received by Germany. Some historians believe that an important reason for such a pliability of American and British bankers was that the USSR in 1932 completed the first five-year plan, which unexpectedly for the West led to a sharp strengthening of the economic positions of the Soviet state. Several thousand enterprises were built and put into operation, mainly in heavy industry. The USSR's dependence on imports of machinery and equipment has sharply declined over several years. The prospects for economic strangulation of the Soviet Union have all but disappeared. The stake was placed on the war, and the rampant militarization of Germany began.and at the same time do not object to the suspension of payments for servicing and repayment of the British loans previously received by Germany. Some historians believe that an important reason for such a pliability of American and British bankers was that the USSR in 1932 completed the first five-year plan, which unexpectedly for the West led to a sharp strengthening of the economic positions of the Soviet state. Several thousand enterprises were built and put into operation, mainly in heavy industry. The USSR's dependence on imports of machinery and equipment has sharply declined over several years. The prospects for economic strangulation of the Soviet Union have all but disappeared. The stake was placed on the war, and the rampant militarization of Germany began.and at the same time do not object to the suspension of payments for servicing and repayment of the British loans previously received by Germany. Some historians believe that an important reason for such a pliability of American and British bankers was that the USSR in 1932 completed the first five-year plan, which unexpectedly for the West led to a sharp strengthening of the economic positions of the Soviet state. Several thousand enterprises were built and put into operation, mainly in heavy industry. The USSR's dependence on imports of machinery and equipment has sharply declined over several years. The prospects for economic strangulation of the Soviet Union have all but disappeared. The stake was placed on the war, and the rampant militarization of Germany began. Some historians believe that an important reason for such a pliability of American and British bankers was that the USSR in 1932 completed the first five-year plan, which unexpectedly for the West led to a sharp strengthening of the economic positions of the Soviet state. Several thousand enterprises were built and put into operation, mainly in heavy industry. The USSR's dependence on imports of machinery and equipment has sharply declined over several years. The prospects for economic strangulation of the Soviet Union have all but disappeared. The stake was placed on the war, and the rampant militarization of Germany began. Some historians believe that an important reason for such a pliability of American and British bankers was that the USSR in 1932 completed the first five-year plan, which unexpectedly for the West led to a sharp strengthening of the economic positions of the Soviet state. Several thousand enterprises were built and put into operation, mainly in heavy industry. The USSR's dependence on imports of machinery and equipment has sharply declined over several years. The prospects for economic strangulation of the Soviet Union have all but disappeared. The stake was placed on the war, and the rampant militarization of Germany began.which, unexpectedly for the West, led to a sharp strengthening of the economic positions of the Soviet state. Several thousand enterprises were built and put into operation, mainly in heavy industry. The USSR's dependence on imports of machinery and equipment has sharply declined over several years. The prospects for economic strangulation of the Soviet Union have all but disappeared. The stake was placed on the war, and the rampant militarization of Germany began.which, unexpectedly for the West, led to a sharp strengthening of the economic positions of the Soviet state. Several thousand enterprises were built and put into operation, mainly in heavy industry. The USSR's dependence on imports of machinery and equipment has sharply declined over several years. The prospects for economic strangulation of the Soviet Union have all but disappeared. The stake was placed on the war, and the rampant militarization of Germany began.

The ease of obtaining American loans is also explained by the fact that almost simultaneously with Hitler's rise to power in Germany, President Franklin Roosevelt came to power in the United States. He was supported by the same American bankers who supported Hitler in the fall of 1931. The newly minted president could not help but approve of the generous credit gesture in favor of the new regime in Berlin. By the way, many noted the great similarity between Roosevelt's "new economic course" in the United States and the economic policy of the Third Reich in Germany. There is nothing surprising in this. The same people, mostly from American financial circles, acted as consultants and policymakers in both countries.

However, Roosevelt's "New Economic Deal" soon began to falter. In 1937, America again found itself in the abyss of a crisis, and in 1939 the utilization of industrial capacities in the United States was 33% (at the height of the 1929-1933 crisis - 19%). Assessing the situation in the United States in 1939, one of Roosevelt's closest advisers, P. Tugwell, wrote: “In 1939 the government could not achieve any success. The open sea lay ahead until the day Hitler invaded Poland. The fog could only be dispelled by the mighty wind of war. Any other measures that were in the power of Roosevelt would not have brought any results."

Under these conditions, the only salvation for American capitalism could only be a world war. In 1939, the owners of the money, using all the levers they had, began to put pressure on Hitler, demanding that he immediately start a big war in the East.

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) became an important instrument of the policy of the owners of money during the Second World War. It was created as an outpost of American capital in Europe and served as a link between Anglo-Saxon and German capital, a kind of offshore of cosmopolitan capital, providing it with protection from various political winds, wars, sanctions, etc. Although the BIS was founded as a commercial public bank, its immunity from government interference and even taxation in both peacetime and wartime was guaranteed by an international treaty signed in The Hague in 1930.

The main initiators of the creation of the BIS were bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from Morgan's inner circle, director of the Bank of England Montague Norman, German financiers Hjalmar Schacht, Walter Funk (later replaced by J. Schacht as president of the Reichsbank), Emil Poole.

The founders of the BIS, who signed the Charter of the bank, were the central banks of England, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, as well as a number of private banks. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which actively participated in the creation of the BIS, was not included in the founders for political reasons. On behalf of the United States, the BIS Charter was signed by private banks First National Bank of New York, D. P. Morgan & Company "and" First National Bank of Chicago "- they were all part of the Morgan empire. Japan was also represented in the BIS by private banks. In 1931-1932. 19 central banks of European countries joined the Bank for International Settlements. The first president of the BIS was the Rockefeller banker Gates McGarr. In 1933 he left this post. He was replaced by the American Leon Fraser, the Morgan's protege. During the Second World War, the president of the bank was again the American Thomas Harrington McKitrick.

Much has been written about how the BIS worked in the interests of the Third Reich. During the war years, the BIS carried out calculations for Germany on the supply of goods with various countries, including those for which Germany was a military enemy. After Pearl Harbor, throughout the war years, the BIS continued to be mentioned in all official directories as the correspondent bank of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. During the war, the BIS was under Nazi control, but the president of this bank was the American Thomas Harrington McKittrick. While soldiers were dying on the fronts, meetings of the BIS leadership were held in Basel with the participation of bankers from Germany, Japan, Italy, Belgium, England and the United States. Here, in the Swiss "banking offshore", complete mutual understanding reigned, here was an intense joint work of representatives of the countries opposing the war.

During the war, the BIS became the place where the gold plundered by Germany in various European countries flocked. In March 1938, after the Nazis entered Vienna, most of the Austrian gold stolen by them migrated to the BIS safes. The same fate befell the gold reserves of the Czech National Bank - $ 48 million. This was even before the outbreak of World War II. After it was unleashed, gold flowed to the Bank for International Settlements, which the Third Reich mined in concentration camps and as a result of various raids to rob civilians in occupied countries (jewelry, gold crowns, cigarette cases, dishes, etc.). We are talking about the so-called Nazi gold. It was usually processed from primary raw materials into standard ingots and sent to the BIS, other Swiss banks or outside Europe. After Pearl Harborthat is, after the United States entered the war, the Bank for International Settlements, according to the American researcher C. Highham, received gold from the Nazis for storage in the amount of $ 378 million.

The history of the capture of Czech gold by the Third Reich with the help of the BMR is worth a little more detail. The details of this operation became clear after the Bank of England declassified part of its archives in 2012. In March 1939, Nazi troops captured Prague. The Nazis, threatening with weapons, demanded to hand over the country's national treasure - gold reserves, estimated at $ 48 million. The frightened members of the bank's board reported that the gold had already been transferred to the Bank for International Settlements. As it turned out later, the gold from Basel then migrated to the vault of the Bank of England. On a command from Berlin, the gold was transferred to the Reichsbank account in the BIS, while physically it remained in the Bank of England. Then the Bank of England began to carry out various operations with gold according to commands that went from Berlin (from the Reichsbank) to the BIS, and then were relayed to London. There was a criminal conspiracy of three parties: the Reichsbank of Nazi Germany, the Bank for International Settlements and the Bank of England. By the way, in England in 1939, a real scandal began, as the Bank of England performed operations with Czech gold on teams that came from Berlin and Basel, and not from the Czech government. In particular, in June 1939, three months before the declaration of war between Great Britain and Germany, the Bank of England helped the Germans to sell gold for 440 thousand pounds sterling and ship part of the German gold reserves to New York (the Germans were sure that in the event of their invasion the United States will not declare war on Poland). The Bank of England carried out illegal operations with Czech gold with the tacit consent of the British government, which was in the know. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, Treasury Secretary John Simon,other high-ranking officials were spinning like snakes in a frying pan, resorting to outright lies (they say, the gold was returned to its rightful owner or was not transferred to the Reichsbank at all). Only recently disclosed secret archives of the Bank of England confirm that the top officials of the state lied, covering themselves, the Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements. It was convenient to coordinate the joint criminal activities of the Bank of England and the BIS due to the fact that Montague Norman, the director of the Bank of England, who did not hide his fascist sympathies at all, was the chairman of the latter throughout the war.that the top officials of the state lied, covering themselves, the Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements. It was convenient to coordinate the joint criminal activities of the Bank of England and the BIS due to the fact that Montague Norman, the director of the Bank of England, who did not hide his fascist sympathies at all, was the chairman of the latter throughout the war.that the top officials of the state lied, covering themselves, the Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements. It was convenient to coordinate the joint criminal activities of the Bank of England and the BIS due to the fact that Montague Norman, the director of the Bank of England, who did not hide his fascist sympathies at all, was the chairman of the latter throughout the war.

In 1944, at an international conference in Bretton Woods (USA), where plans for the future world financial order were discussed, the question of the unseemly role of the BIS in the world war and its work for Nazi Germany suddenly surfaced. Omitting many details, I will note that it was with great difficulty that the conference succeeded in adopting a resolution on the closure of the BIS (a number of delegates and observers from the United States tried to prevent the adoption of such a resolution). However, the owners of the money ignored the decision of the international conference. And all the incriminating information related to the activities of the BIS in wartime was classified6. This also helps today to falsify the history of the Second World War.

Finally, a few words about the banker and financier Hjalmar Schacht (1877-1970). He was a key figure who ruled the economic machine of the Third Reich, an extraordinary and plenipotentiary representative of Anglo-American capital in Germany. In 1945, Schacht was tried at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, but on October 1, 1946, he was acquitted. Schacht came out dry, just like Hitler, who, for unexplained reasons, was not included in the list of the main war criminals in 1945. Moreover, Schacht, as if nothing had happened, returned to the banking sector in Germany, founded and headed the banking house Schacht GmbH in Dusseldorf. It would seem an undesirable detail, but this fact once again helps to understandthat the Anglo-American owners of money and their plenipotentiaries in Germany were preparing the Second World War and partly summing up its results. These same owners of money today want not only to rewrite the history of World War II, but also to replay its results.