Technologies Of Universal Slavery - Alternative View

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Technologies Of Universal Slavery - Alternative View
Technologies Of Universal Slavery - Alternative View

Video: Technologies Of Universal Slavery - Alternative View

Video: Technologies Of Universal Slavery - Alternative View
Video: 'We have become slaves of technology' | Dr Nejra van Zalk | Imperial Tech Foresight 2039 2024, October

Interview with a taxi driver

In 1953, interviews appeared in American and British newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic with Daniel Fry, a technician at White Sands Air Force Base, and George King, a London taxi driver. Both of them talked about their contacts with the aliens. To most readers, their statements seemed pure fiction. Among those who did not think so, there was then a novice explorer of the unknown John Keel. He, not too lazy to compare the content of the interviews of two people living on opposite sides of the ocean and unfamiliar with each other, came to the conclusion that they are identical even in seemingly insignificant details.

To begin with, the UFO pilots seemed to Fry and King to be quite ordinary friendly guys who offered to jump across the ocean, guaranteeing that the charter to and fro would take at most an hour. Both the American and the British were convinced that they went on a flight in airships. They stopped in crowded streets and squares, anchors clinging to the crowns of trees. According to the stories of Fry and King, they "wandered among people unnoticed, as if transparent." From which John Keel concluded that there was actually no flight. The technician and the taxi driver were shown a three-dimensional stereo movie. But for what purpose?

“I was introduced to Christ, Mohammed, Buddha,” Daniel Fry confessed in an interview a couple of hours after the first “contact”. Everything would be fine. But George King, with whom he could not enter into an agreement, because he did not know him, in the first interview after what happened, also did not doubt that he "enjoyed the conversation with Christ, Mohammed, Buddha."

Cats and mice

The fact that Daniel Fry and George King were the chosen ones, intended to promote a joint mind-manipulation program launched by the scientific departments of the British and US intelligence services, was discovered by accident in 1993, when the archivists of the FRG intelligence, biasedly studying the documentary heritage of colleagues of the late GDR, became interested in the folder, containing reports of agents operating in America. The reports concerned the "Cat and Mouse" project, during which, with the help of pharmacology, hypnosis, microwave radiation, people were forced to see the non-existent, to teach people "subject to processing", the technique of seeing with someone else's eyes.

Imitating the invasion of aliens, the participants in the "Cat and Mouse" operation, without expecting it, ended up in the epicenter of a project hatched on other planets. A project called the College of Universal Wisdom. Did Daniel Fry and George King know that they had fallen under the hood of the special services and were in contact not at all with aliens, but only with their own inflamed minds?

Promotional video:


April 1961 was a turning point for Fry, as well as for King, because by that time they had earned millions by public speaking in front of a gullible audience. Concerned about the noble goal of disposing of nuclear weapons, closing environmentally dirty industries, they called for a taboo on orbital flights of earth technology. If no comments are required regarding the most dangerous military and civilian atom, carcinogenic chemistry, then what threatens the development of near and deep space by mankind? Such questions were asked to Fry in the USA and King in England by the audience of lectures. The answers sounded identical, as if read from a tape recorder: “Any launch of a rocket that breaks into the stratosphere, then into space, damages the ozone layer. When this layer collapses, all life on the planet will end."

Already in the 21st century, a certain FBI officer under the pseudonym Art Melgerberg published the bestseller "Without the Right to Lies", in which he frankly said that the missionary lecturers sincerely thought that they were the chosen ones, residents of humane space civilizations. In the minds of Fry and King, portions of what they should say in public were introduced. For what, one wonders? It turns out that in order to realize the ultimate task: to launch an irreversible chain reaction of public opinion by reshaping public consciousness.

The nonsense Fry and King were merely catalysts for the "necessary" chain reactions. Art Melgerberg has no doubts that the Cat and Mouse project in the long term will give military and political regimes in a global scale to control the collective consciousness when the concept of personality is erased, replaced by the phenomenon of the herd.

Melgerberg asserts, summing up: “Naive, they remained in the captivity of illusions until their death. On the one hand, space fantasies were imitated by American and British scientists. On the other hand, the uniqueness of the educational universal mission was imitated by real aliens. The aliens were especially successful in staging all kinds of performances, up to gravitational collapses and deaths of light."

But what have the aliens to do with it, allegedly joining the project to moribund earthlings?

Digital pass to hell

Art Melgerberg, in his book, cites dozens of facts that leave no doubt that the military of the NATO bloc have long been cooperating with a certain aggressive branch of an alien civilization based on the moons of Jupiter, Mars and the Moon. The ruling elite of these three islands of the solar system's intelligence, I am sure a retired FBI agent, initiated the creation of a universal government. Chips and digital tags are implanted under the skin of its citizens into the retina of the eyes, and after a few years they will receive the unenviable fate of slaves, whose every step is monitored, thoughts are read, intentions are revealed.

Worse, our civilization is about to become an impersonal, controlled crowd. Individuals, however wise and perceptive they may be, will not notice a violent brain-hacking. Alien thoughts, aspirations, impulses will be considered their own. The most immoral option is that the richest people, "alien lackeys", called by them to decide the fate of the world, will receive the privilege of living without control chips.

Milgerberg's letter addressed to the US president and to Congress went unanswered. Is silence really a sign of agreement with the arguments set out in the book? Very much like that.

Magazine: Archives of the 20th century №3, August 2017