Secrets Of The City Of Tyumen: The Ghost Of A Fire Tower - Alternative View

Secrets Of The City Of Tyumen: The Ghost Of A Fire Tower - Alternative View
Secrets Of The City Of Tyumen: The Ghost Of A Fire Tower - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The City Of Tyumen: The Ghost Of A Fire Tower - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The City Of Tyumen: The Ghost Of A Fire Tower - Alternative View
Video: Adam Lambert - "Ghost Town" [Official Music Video] 2024, September

Repeated obsessions of eyewitnesses and stories of Tyumen old-timers partly confirm the legend about a ghost on the observation deck of a fire tower.

The historical monument of architecture keeps the mystery and sadness of one case - a century ago one of the firefighters could commit suicide here.

Nikolai Plekhanov from Tyumen once became a witness to this obsession.

“When for the first time I saw a man on the observation deck - it was in 2003 - I was very surprised, because the watchtower has not been used for a long time. I tried to make out the figure, then I realized that she had a strange helmet on her head: now they don't wear them. Suddenly this man rolled over the railing and flew upside down. In terrible excitement, I called an ambulance, and then I myself ran towards the watchtower to help the suicide. But when I got to the place - at the foot there was no body, no traces of a fall, and the door to it was so littered with debris that it is hardly possible to go inside at all,”said an eyewitness.

Together with the arriving doctors, Nikolai Plekhanov nevertheless entered the room, but there was no one there. One could forget about this incident, but the mirage began to repeat itself.

Photo of TONB them. DI. Mendeleev
Photo of TONB them. DI. Mendeleev

Photo of TONB them. DI. Mendeleev

And every time the same vision: a man in a helmet falls down. Nikolai Plekhanov decided to figure it out. He asked the old-timers: was there anything like that in reality? And two old women living on the street. Osipenko, they remembered that a tragedy happened here in the 30s of the XX century. The firefighter jumped upside down after failing to save a three-year-old girl, and it was as if his name was Fyodor.

The stone structure was built at the beginning of the twentieth century, there is a building on the street. Osipenko, 35. Its walls are plastered, that's why they are white, although they have not remembered the repair for a long time. The tower looks dilapidated, abandoned by people. Above - an observation deck, above it - a wooden dome. Back in the 50-60s of the XX century, Tyumen was clearly visible from the fire tower.

Promotional video:

In the old days, firefighters kept a 24-hour watch here. They looked carefully to see if a red rooster had flashed where. By the smell, they could determine: either they were just burning garbage somewhere, or there was a fire in a residential building. They struck the bell: "Alarm!" The harnessed horses were already at the ready.

Photo of TONB them. DI. Mendeleev
Photo of TONB them. DI. Mendeleev

Photo of TONB them. DI. Mendeleev

Irina Romashkina