"While Drunk, It Is Unclear How He Passed Through Three Rows Of Barbed Wire Under Current And Did Not Notice " - Alternative View

"While Drunk, It Is Unclear How He Passed Through Three Rows Of Barbed Wire Under Current And Did Not Notice " - Alternative View
"While Drunk, It Is Unclear How He Passed Through Three Rows Of Barbed Wire Under Current And Did Not Notice " - Alternative View

Video: "While Drunk, It Is Unclear How He Passed Through Three Rows Of Barbed Wire Under Current And Did Not Notice " - Alternative View


The story was told by a master watchmaker who had worked for many years at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow. According to him, it was the most incredible adventure of his life.

“I lived in Kazakhstan then, and there was a prison camp in those places. Barbed wire, towers, dogs. Camp is like a camp. Who was sitting there, for what - it didn't bother me then. They are sitting - it means they need to, it means they have done something for which they are imprisoned. I haven't done anything wrong, they don't jail me. Then many thought so … But that's not what I mean.

I was young then, well, I drank hard. Now I can't do that anymore. In short, I went on a spree there in the same company. What I drank and how much, now, of course, I don't remember. But pretty much. That's for sure. Then I return home. It's late, it's dark. And the village is big.

In short, I got lost. I walked, walked - I saw: barbed wire. So, I think, I went to the camp. I went back - again the wire. I wandered around like this. Every time I hit the barbed wire fence.

What to do? I decided to go to bed somewhere until morning. I lay down under some wall and fell asleep. In the morning, just dawn, the sun was not yet in the sky, I woke up. I look: where am I? I can’t understand anything!

I slept, it turns out, under the wall of the barrack. There were several such barracks. I looked around - around the wire in three rows. And the towers. It turns out that I woke up in the zone, in the camp.

I saw where the checkpoint was, and - there. There is an officer on duty, two soldiers. Their eyes went to their foreheads.

- Who it? How did you get here?

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I explain, they say, because of drunkenness, I don't remember how I wandered. I looked: this officer was frightened, all gray became. He took me to another room. Made it all write. I read it. Is silent. Then he tore what I had written and even crumpled up the scraps and put them in his pocket. Tells me:

- Did you see three rows of wire? The current is running there. You couldn't get through there. I could only go through the checkpoint. And the doors are locked from the inside, the keys are in the safe. We did not let anyone into the territory last night. If they were admitted or released without a special permit, we would be tribunal. And since it is not clear how you got here, it turns out that we let you through the entrance to the zone. And a place for all of us, and me, and the soldiers on duty, in the same camp. And you, if you don’t tell how you came here and why, will be soldered for the longest time. Do you think?

Although after yesterday's drunkenness my head was like a cast-iron one, I immediately understood everything. Well, I think that's it, it's over. Do not rewind. We sit in front of each other, we don't know what to do. And his time, and me. Well, and for those two soldiers, that's for sure. We lit a cigarette. We are silent. Then he tells me:

- Okay! I thought it up. Wait here - and went to the soldiers.

I am sitting neither alive nor dead. What is he up to? Will they kill, maybe?

He came quickly.

- Live, - he says.

He led me through a dark vestibule. He opened several locks with the keys in the iron door. Then - another new door and new locks.

- Go, - he says. - Not a word to anyone. If you talk, we are all finished. Blow!

I don't remember how I got to the village. But he did not tell anyone about this case. He was bad, but he understood that that officer was not joking. This is clear to everyone.

A few days later I met this officer on the street. He was alone. I wanted to go up to him, and he showed with his eyes: "Do not come, they say!".

So we met several times as strangers. Then, apparently, they transferred him somewhere. And I also left.

Such a story … Now I can speak as it was. And why it happened, no one can explain. I flew over the wire not through the air ?! Three rows of wire though. And the current was started ….
