Russian Tea (Ivan-tea, Koporsky Tea) - Alternative View

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Russian Tea (Ivan-tea, Koporsky Tea) - Alternative View
Russian Tea (Ivan-tea, Koporsky Tea) - Alternative View

Video: Russian Tea (Ivan-tea, Koporsky Tea) - Alternative View

Video: Russian Tea (Ivan-tea, Koporsky Tea) - Alternative View
Video: How To Make Healthy Fireweed Tea - Ivan Tea 2024, October

Traditional Russian tea made from fireweed leaves (popular name Ivan-tea)

A drink made from Ivan tea leaves has been widely used in Russia since the 12th century. In the XIII century, the name "Koporsky tea" appeared, after the name of the city of Koporye, where it was produced in large volumes for export abroad, where it was known as "Russian tea". For example, Great Britain, which owned tea plantations in India, annually bought thousands of poods of Koporye tea; an article about him was included in the Great British Encyclopedia.

In the 17th century, “real” Asian tea (Chinese and then Indian) appeared in Russia, but until the 1917 revolution it was Ivan-tea that remained the main tea drink in Russia.

In the 19th century, Russian tea was a powerful competitor to Indian tea, but in the 20th century its production was curtailed.

Why has such a profitable production of Russian tea stopped?

At the end of the 19th century, the popularity of Koporye tea was so great that it began to undermine the financial power of the East Indian Tea Company. Therefore, after the seizure of power in Russia, the competitor (Koporsky tea) was removed from the market.

Ivan tea in modern Russia.

The methods of traditional preparation, processing and preparation of Ivan-tea are still passed on. Ivan tea is produced in small volumes in the Gorodetsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, also in the village of Stolbushino, in the skete of the Svyatogorsky monastery in the Pskov region and in the village of Maly Konyp in the Chepetsky district of the Kirov region (Vyatka).

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Useful properties of Russian tea (Ivan-tea)

1. Unlike ordinary teas and coffee, Ivan-tea does not contain caffeine, purine, oxalic and uric acids, which disrupt metabolism.

2. Due to the presence of iron, copper and manganese, Ivan tea improves the process of hematopoiesis and increases the protective functions of the body.

3. Ivan tea contains a lot of protein, which is easy to digest, which allows you to quickly and easily saturate with energy.

4. Ascorbic acid and bioflavonoids (vitamin P) increase immunity, strengthen blood vessels, bind and remove heavy metals, cleanse the body from various intoxications, including alcoholic ones, from radiation pollution, and increase efficiency.

Ivan tea contains a lot of vitamins of group B and C. Ascorbic acid in 100 gr. fireweed contains up to 400 mg, i.e. several times more than in lemons.

Ivan tea is recommended for the following diseases:

Adenoma, chronic prostatitis, decreased potency, prevention of prostatitis, prevention of malignant neoplasms, atherosclerosis, insomnia, headache, hypertension, fatigue, chronic cystitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, anemia.