75-year-old Indian Woman For 60 Years Eats Only Tea - Alternative View

75-year-old Indian Woman For 60 Years Eats Only Tea - Alternative View
75-year-old Indian Woman For 60 Years Eats Only Tea - Alternative View

Video: 75-year-old Indian Woman For 60 Years Eats Only Tea - Alternative View

Video: 75-year-old Indian Woman For 60 Years Eats Only Tea - Alternative View
Video: ANNETTE’S DREDFUL ORDEAL AT 77 2024, October

The woman claims that she has not eaten solid food almost all her life.

In India, local journalists discovered a unique 75-year-old woman who claims that she has not taken any solid food since she was 15. And for 60 years he prefers to eat only tea and water.

The most Saraswati Bai can afford is to eat one soft banana once a week. According to her confessions, she "did not eat a single rice and nothing meat." Until the age of 15, the Indian woman ate like everyone else, but then she caught an unknown infection, and her stomach began to hurt badly. But as soon as Saraswati stopped taking solid food, her condition suddenly improved immediately. Since then, she has not allowed herself to relax. And at the same time, she looks completely cheerful, full of energy and works five hours a day in her garden.

The woman raised four children. Maandra Patidar, one of Saraswati's sons, said that it was difficult for everyone in the family to get used to his mother's unusual food tradition. He also remembers many of his father's attempts to feed his mother solid food, but when everyone realized that the woman was vigorous and strong, despite eating only tea and water, they left her behind.