CIA Secrets: Poltergeist, UFOs And Invisible Ink - Alternative View

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CIA Secrets: Poltergeist, UFOs And Invisible Ink - Alternative View
CIA Secrets: Poltergeist, UFOs And Invisible Ink - Alternative View

Video: CIA Secrets: Poltergeist, UFOs And Invisible Ink - Alternative View

Video: CIA Secrets: Poltergeist, UFOs And Invisible Ink - Alternative View
Video: Canadian UFO sightings on the rise 2024, June

Among the CIA documents, there was an article from "Technology - Youth"

UFO, poltergeist, invisible ink and a secret tunnel under Berlin. "Gazeta. Ru" got acquainted with the "declassified" CIA documents and found among them articles from "Technics - Youth" and TASS reports.

The US Central Intelligence Agency has published a huge number of documents that were once classified as "secret". A collection of freely available documents is the electronic database CREST (CIA Records Search Tool), which was created back in 2000. It cannot be said that these documents were secret until recently - they were kept in the National Archives in Maryland, but they could only be viewed by library visitors from one of four computers on weekdays from 9 to 16.30.

The process of making them public was a long one. In 1995, US President Bill Clinton ordered the CIA to declassify documents over 25 years old if they have "historical value", but the CIA could not do a search through the archive until 2000. In 2014, the non-profit organization Muck Rack demanded that the archives be opened under the Freedom of Information Act, and three years later, the documents became available to anyone with Internet access.

The collection of 930,000 documents and 12 million individual pages covers the history of the CIA, the Cold War, the Vietnam conflict, the tunneling of East Berlin, the Korean War and U-2 spy planes.

For example, researchers may be interested in documents that contain instructions for preparing invisible ink from improvised means.

One of them advises to use for this "a solution of sodium nitrate and starch in water."

In addition, it was recommended to use lemon juice or ferrous sulfate to make invisible ink, another document contains 12 ways to open a sealed envelope and detect traces of chemicals on paper.

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Of particular interest to intelligence historians may be documents related to the US military project STARGATE, which lasted from 1978 to 1995. It was aimed at identifying unusual phenomena of the human psyche and the possibility of their use for military purposes. According to some reports, the launch of the project took place after receiving information that up to 60 million rubles annually are spent on such research in the USSR. Therefore, one of the goals of the project was to collect information on similar cases due to the "Iron Curtain".

In a document entitled "The Magician Enters the Laboratory" a certain Russian civil engineer Rafailian reports that he writes from "sunny Georgia" and asks to tell about a certain A. Krivorotov, who allegedly successfully treats patients with the laying on of hands and whose abilities were even studied by the famous inventor Kirlian.

In response, he is given a story about the Soviet experimenter Kirlian and how he connected the specified Krivorotov to his device.

An elementary Internet search showed that the "secret" CIA document turned out to be a simple translation of an article from the Soviet magazine Tekhnika - Molodoi (1969) with a letter to the editor.

A document from 1973 describes a series of experiments with the famous Israeli magician Uri Geller, who became famous for his ability to bend metal spoons.

In experiments conducted by the CIA, Geller was placed in an isolated room and had to guess the drawings that other people drew outside of it. Based on the results of the experiments, it was concluded that Geller "demonstrated his paranormal perception abilities convincingly and unequivocally."

As expected, the declassified documents contain descriptions of UFO encounters in various parts of the world. So, for some reason, one of the messages turned out to be a TASS report on the observation of a UFO by two Lithuanian border guards on June 26, 1996.

Another document describes the history of a French family that was harassed by a poltergeist for several years.

"The poltergeist has been declaring itself for several years in the same way: the beds moved, pillows and blankets were thrown off, closed doors inexplicably opened, the contents of the cupboards became a mess, things disappeared …"

Among the documents are also present dedicated to the famous operation, during which Western special services dug a tunnel under the Soviet sector in Berlin, with which they were listening to Soviet telephone conversations. It is known that the Soviet intelligence knew about the tunnel even before its construction thanks to the agent George Blake, who worked in Britain, and after a few years the existence of the tunnel was “revealed”.
