It Is Difficult For Hairy People To Live - Alternative View

It Is Difficult For Hairy People To Live - Alternative View
It Is Difficult For Hairy People To Live - Alternative View

Video: It Is Difficult For Hairy People To Live - Alternative View

Video: It Is Difficult For Hairy People To Live - Alternative View
Video: Why I Stopped Shaving My Legs • Ladylike 2024, July

A Chinese named Yu Zhenhuang has hair covering 96% of the body's surface.

In this respect, he was surpassed only by brothers from Mexico - Victor and Gabriel Ramos Gomez, also known as Larry and Danny. Those under the hair - 98% of the body, so that the Guinness Book of Records marks them as the hairy people on the planet.

Yu Zhenhuang, 26, is a sincere and sincere person. And, according to him, does not suffer from complexes at all. Yes, he has become a phenomenon in China since the day he was born. So what? Hairiness has long been considered a sign of masculinity. So he was more fortunate than others, that's all. Only his palms and feet were left without hair, the rest of his body is covered with a black woolen "rug".

The Reuters news agency made this young man famous all over the planet - it published several of his photographs and a short life story. The pictures were taken in a hospital ward in Shanghai, where Yu Zhenhuang was recovering from surgery - he had hairs removed from his ears, otherwise Yu could not hear normally. More precisely, I did not hear anything quieter than 40 decibels. Now, doctors say, he hears at 20 decibels, and normal conversation usually goes at 30 decibels, so you can already communicate. And all this thanks to the efforts of the doctors who worked for four hours! In China, by the way, such operations have never been done before. According to Dr. Chen Jin'an, head of the plastic surgery department at Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, it was not a matter of shaving your ear hair cleanly. Over the years, the auditory canals have already been infected, and,if not taken care of, the infection could enter the brain.

Now, Yu has even learned to extract some benefit from his hairiness. He posts his photos on his own website on the Internet, where he calls himself “hairy guy”. For what? For the sake of gaining popularity and becoming the new star of rock music.

However, this was not always the case. Once upon a time, Yu did not even think about music. He was born in Shenyang, in Liaoning province, one of the coldest northeastern provinces in the country. Childhood was not easy: the boy was teased, pointed at him.

“People laughed at me and called me a caveman,” says Yu Zhenhuang. “I used to throw stones at them. As a child, I had to fight a lot, but now I have grown up and learned to endure all this. Yoo Zhenkh% / an's head is still bandaged, but he is optimistic about his musical career:

“Of course, at first, people will say that“hairy”is singing. But I would like to hope that it is my talent that will make me popular."

Promotional video:

Yu made his debut in the entertainment business at the age of six when he starred in The Adventures of a Hairy Child. In general, the life of such a person is indeed full of adventures and difficult trials. He had to undergo five other operations - to remove hair from the nose, to reconstruct the gums, etc.

“Since childhood, I have had a lot of troubles with body hair - both physically and mentally,” says Yu, whose eyelashes are so long that they completely cover his eyes. -I used to take to heart the way people look at me or what they say about me. I didn't want to go out, didn't want to be seen, didn't want to talk to anyone. But then I realized that I needed to become thicker-skinned."

For some time now, Yu began to persistently seek popularity. Maybe other people who have the problem of "dissimilarity" to others, seeing him on stage, will be able to more easily endure the vicissitudes of fate. Even under the hospital bed, Yu has a collection of CDs of music, from Sting to Nat King Cole. Music brings people together, there is something to talk about with people. When Yu is texting someone over the Internet, he signs up with Woolboy, which means "wool boy" in English. And his hairline is really thick, like wool: on average, 41 hairs grow on every square centimeter of his body. Doctors call this phenomenon an atavism. And this term, as you know, means the appearance of signs characteristic of our distant ancestors. A person can be born completely hairy or, say, with a caudal appendage, as was the case in India,where the tailed boy was born in 2001. True, he was immediately declared the incarnation of the Hindu monkey god Hanum-na and began to worship him. The Chinese Yu did not have such prospects.

“When people tease or despise me, the best defense is to demonstrate to them my abilities and prove that I am worth something in society,” Yu.

But is there something to demonstrate? It looks like yes. Yu plays the guitar, masters the saxophone and hopes to write his own songs in the future. In the meantime, he makes his living by singing in pubs and bars, as well as at concerts, where, by the way, he met his girlfriend. He has yet to release his own album, but hopes to do so by the end of the year. Not only does he get his inspiration from Western music, he also likes some Taiwanese pop groups.

As for hairiness, Yu even learned to poke fun at her:

“If I had a choice, I would keep all my hair,” he says. “But I should have been born much earlier, when it was considered a sign of masculinity.”

Well, such people were born before. The first case of increased hairiness in history (or, in Latin, hypertrichosis lanuginose) was noted back in 1556 - an entirely hairy Peter Gonzalez was born in the Canary Islands. In the 19th century, a family from Burma was known, whose members from generation to generation performed in show business. This is one of the rare cases when such a feature was inherited for four generations in a row. More often it happens that a hairy child will be born suddenly in the most ordinary family. It is characteristic that such people often also had anomalies in the eruption and growth of teeth, their number and location. Chinese Yu, for example, also underwent surgery because his teeth were completely overgrown with gums.

In the Mexican family of Ramos Gomez, who lives in the village of Loreto and consists of 19 people, this trait is also hereditary: five generations of the family are incredibly hairy. They were especially written about in the 1980s. In Mexico, such phenomena are called "the wolf man" or "werewolf." Even the women in this family are covered in hair - some more, some less. And there is no need to talk about men - only their palms and feet remain "clean".

Victor and Gabriel Ramos Gomez, known as Larry and Danny, like many brothers in hairiness, acrobats in the circus, worked on the trampoline, thanks to which they temporarily became television stars - they were even offered a role in the X-Files series, where they were supposed to play aliens. However, the brothers did not like this idea. “We don't want to be seen as aliens,” they said.

In general, the exact reasons for this phenomenon are unknown. Previously, it was considered a hormonal disorder, now scientists have begun to study the DNA of hairy people. Apparently, the clue will be found by geneticists.