Legends Of Pleskavia. Pskov Dracula. Part 4 - Alternative View

Legends Of Pleskavia. Pskov Dracula. Part 4 - Alternative View
Legends Of Pleskavia. Pskov Dracula. Part 4 - Alternative View

"Izborsk. Part 1".

"Titov's stone. Part 2"

"Devil's glade in Lokna. Part 3"

Legends about people who made a pact with the devil exist, perhaps, in the culture of every nation. There is a similar legend in Pskov. That rare case when a person who really existed went down in history and remained in it not thanks to heroic deeds and good deeds, but on the contrary, thanks to countless atrocities. This is a terrible legend about a merchant named Sergei, the son of that very impudent man who dared to challenge Ivan Vasilyevich Rurikov himself.

Pogankin's chambers. Pskov
Pogankin's chambers. Pskov

Pogankin's chambers. Pskov.

The Pskov Museum-Reserve is located in the courtyard (palace) of the merchant Sergei Pogankin

According to one version, the Pogankins received their nickname under the following circumstances:

In 1570 Ivan the Terrible undertook a punitive campaign against Novgorod, where he carried out such a "beating of citizens" that, according to the chronicle, "the Volkhov River flowing through the city was all stained with the blood of the innocent murdered." Pskov was next in line, for the tsar "would like to ravage the city of Pleskov, like Veliky Novgorod." Approaching the city with his army, Ivan Vasilyevich stopped at the Lyubyatyevsky monastery, where the Pskov merchants were already waiting for him. “Well,” said the tsar, “the Pskovites, would you like to pay off? You know what I did with Novgorod? " The merchants trembled with fear, and only one stepped forward and asked: "How much do you need, sir?" Amazed by such impudence, only the king exclaimed: “Oh, you filthy dog! Are you so rich that you can give me as much as I want ?! " Like, this was the ancestor of Sergei Pogankin.

Promotional video:

Be that as it may, but all the rumors about the Pogankins are still the most bad. The money of this family, they say, was "filthy", i.e. unclean, acquired, in an unrighteous way. Well … If you follow this logic, then 99% of today's rich people can be baptized with one surname.

They say that as soon as Sergey separated from his father, he immediately built a courtyard for himself, which is still striking in its scale. For medieval Pskov, it was an attraction of unprecedented waste. The question arises, from whom did he hide in his individual fortress, being inside the fortress wall of the city, which itself was one giant fortress?

The plan of the castle of the merchant Pogankin
The plan of the castle of the merchant Pogankin

The plan of the castle of the merchant Pogankin.

This "mansion" was built according to all the laws of the fortification of its time, like a real fortress, with loopholes in the walls, several fathoms thick, capable of withstanding artillery shelling. They say that the underground passage from the basements of the courtyard led to the side of the pier, where a boat with rowers was always on duty at Pogankin's, ready at any moment to go into the Velikaya River, set a sail, and go straight to Livonia. Well, nothing changes over time! Comparing with what we see today, we come to the logical conclusion that the habits of the nouveau riche have not changed for centuries.

The window openings of the chambers are located so as to make it difficult to target them in the event of a siege
The window openings of the chambers are located so as to make it difficult to target them in the event of a siege

The window openings of the chambers are located so as to make it difficult to target them in the event of a siege.

They also say that before Sergei began the construction of the castle, he was quite a friendly guy, he loved to go out to sea with friends, fish for walleye, perch, catch a bit, and then overturn a cup of honey by the fire under his ear and a glass of honey. But that's how the filthy money fell into his hands, Sergei changed. Became vicious, suspicious and vindictive. It is believed that untold riches were given to him by Satan himself.

Once Sergei Pogankin, in the heat of anger, tied his young wife to the rump of a half-wild horse and let her into the field. The horse returned the next day, splattered with blood. From that time on, Pogankin began to indulge in wild amusements often.


He began to rub shoulders with dashing people from Sorokovy Bor, who robbed and killed travelers on the Pskov-Gdovsky tract on the shore of the Peipsi Sea. I gave up fishing, forgot my friends, and began to amuse myself with a wild hunt for common people.


And he kept the prisoners in cellars, where they languished with iron chains chained to the walls. And terrible things were happening there. People were hung on hooks, burned with hot iron, molten lead was poured into their mouths, and they committed all sorts of abominations. At the same time, Pogankin blew the prisoners' blood, filled a cup with it and drank until he was drunk. No one came out of the dungeon alive. They say that the groans of the tortured are still heard by the museum guards at night.

The museum, it should be noted, is provincial, but its exposition is unique. The metropolitan meetings of antiquity can also envy her.

Ikola Mozhaisky
Ikola Mozhaisky

Ikola Mozhaisky.

Not an icon, but a sculpture. This is very unusual. It is generally accepted that the tradition of sculptural images of saints is characteristic only of the northern Urals.

Hall of icon painting
Hall of icon painting

Hall of icon painting.





Pectoral crosses
Pectoral crosses

Pectoral crosses.

Percy (old Russian) - breasts. Those. Breast crosses.



Sword of Prince Dovmont
Sword of Prince Dovmont

Sword of Prince Dovmont.

The sword of Prince Vsevolod
The sword of Prince Vsevolod

The sword of Prince Vsevolod.

Swords of Dovmont and Vsevolod
Swords of Dovmont and Vsevolod

Swords of Dovmont and Vsevolod.



“Wikipedia” reports on this subject: - “Zvezditsa (Greek ἀστερίσκον, ἀστερίσκος) is an object of church utensils, which is two metal cross-connected arcs. It symbolizes the star of Bethlehem (the diskos is covered with a star with the words “And when the star came, and came to the top, where the Child [Christ] was” (having come, the star stood where the Child [Christ] was)). Mt. 2: 9

Used in proskomedia (the first part of the Orthodox liturgy). The star is placed on the diskos with four ends above the particles of bread prepared for the Eucharist on it. The zvezditsa does not allow coverings and "air" to touch these particles directly, and also does not allow them to mix with each other."

I do not exclude that this is another manifestation of the Cargo cult. And initially the star was not at all a ritual, utilitarian purpose. Very much like some kind of technical device, or detail.

Hat (mitra) of the hegumen of the Mirozh monastery
Hat (mitra) of the hegumen of the Mirozh monastery

Hat (mitra) of the hegumen of the Mirozh monastery.

Here I would like to express some thoughts about who this igumen really is. There are serious suspicions that this word has nothing to do with the ancient Greek language. The constituent parts of the word, syllables, after their separation, show a picture indicating that the "abbot", by analogy with the words "athlete", "businessman", etc. This is a person of "something". And if this is so, then nothing else comes to mind except “Yehuda”, ie. - Judas. Then it becomes clear that the abbot is not some kind of "leader", but a man of Judas. Otherwise - the priest of the apostle, who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.



It was done very skillfully, but in my opinion, the miniature depicting the arrival of the guardsmen of Ivan the Terrible was drawn quite recently. And only in order to convince everyone of the veracity of this story. And since someone decided on such a gross falsification, a legitimate question arises: - "Was there a boy?" It is very likely that the annexation of Pskov and Novgorod to Moscow Tartary did not happen the way we are told.

With your hand
With your hand

With your hand.

Surprisingly, it would seem that such a trivial object as a jug should not have become almost a piece of jewelry, but we see what it is. Passion for plumbing from precious metals, this is not an invention of the twentieth century.





A person who understands the symbolism of secret societies will surely pay attention to the fact that panagia is made in the form of an eight-leafed leaf. But this is a sign of the Templars. This once again proves the version that the “abbots” were not only spiritual servants, but also financial ones. If we consider the version of the network of castles and monasteries as a network of branches of a single Hanseatic League, it turns out that the abbot is an analogue of the modern position of the Bank's branch manager.

And then this version becomes one more confirmation of the assumption that the Templars did not hide their gold anywhere. They dispersed it to castles and monasteries. To each "branch" - a little. It is known for certain that the Templar flotilla, shortly before the official cessation of the Order's activities, anchored not in the port, Konigsberg, but in a deserted place, where it unloaded under cover of night and went back to sea.

This moment is considered to be the beginning of the legend about the untold treasures of the mysterious Order of the Templar Knights buried in the Baltic States. And who knows if some of the lost treasures are not represented today in the Pskov Museum "Pogankin Chambers".

Teeth amulet
Teeth amulet

Teeth amulet.

Who's teeth? It may very well be crocodiles. Don't believe me? And here is what the Pskov chronicle says: -

“In the summer of 7090 (1582) … of the same summer, the Korkodil lutians came out of the river and the way of the shutter; there are a lot of people. And people were terrified and prayed to God all over the earth. And you will hide your packs, but you will keep others”(Pskov Chronicles, Moscow, 1955, vol. 2, p. 262)

By the way, this is not the only evidence that the Pskov people have repeatedly suffered from the attack of crocodiles. Modern scholars believe that these were merchants who visited Egypt, brought crocodiles to Pskov, and released them into the Velikaya River. But the same scholars say that Napoleon discovered Egypt.

It is very likely that this is indirect evidence confirming the existence of a completely different climate in the North-West of Russia in the near past. And in this climate there were different flora and fauna. So, according to legends, several species of lizards were found here. About those that "whelped on the trees", I wrote in one of the previous articles of this series.

Exhibition of painting objects
Exhibition of painting objects

Exhibition of painting objects.

Dutch smoking pipes
Dutch smoking pipes

Dutch smoking pipes.

Exposition of items related to the Great Patriotic War
Exposition of items related to the Great Patriotic War

Exposition of items related to the Great Patriotic War.

Whatever it was, but Sergei Pogankin still left a long memory of himself, though not kind. But still, this is our story, and let it be honest, without embellishment.

16. Princess Olga.

According to legend, the city on the site of the Pskov Krom was founded by Princess Olga, with whose name numerous legends and legends are associated. The “Consolidated Chronicle” mentions the age of Princess Olga in 903: “In the summer of 6411. I will play up [and mature] and walk after Olza and listen to him and bring him a wife from Plskov named Olgu [ten years], and [and be wise, and meaningful and red]; [the son of Svyatoslav was born from her]. Thus, the chronicle tradition defines Olga's age in 903 at 10 years.

Princess Olga
Princess Olga

Princess Olga.

Could this be or could not? It turns out that at the conclusion of dynastic marriages, everything was determined by the parents, and then the young bride grew up already at the court of her future husband. So it was in Russia, so it was in Byzantium. Therefore, as we can see, the age of 10 years is a real age for the X century. It is clear that at a not so tender age, the Grand Duchess of Kiev Olga founded the city of Pskov.

Archaeological excavations have established that a settlement on the spit of the Kremlin cape at the confluence of Pskova and Velikaya existed earlier, starting from the 60s of the 9th century. Obviously, it was fortified and belonged to the local Krivichi tribe, being a small tribal center.

The Joachim Chronicle informs about the same event: “When Ingor is mature, Oleg bring him up, they give him a wife from Izborsk”. It has long been noticed that the chronicle "from" can hardly be understood as "from", that is, "from Plskov" as "from Pskov." Rather, as “from the vicinity of Pskov,” or, according to the Joachim Chronicle, “from the vicinity of Izborsk,” depending on where the distance is to be laid from. As you know, the early Russian chronicles were compiled from the beginning of the 12th century, when the city of Pskov was already well known, and the historical Motherland of Princess Olga was linked to Pskov.

The "Book of the Degree of Tsarist Genealogy" is a source of the 16th century, but with its information dating back to an earlier period, reports that Princess Olga was originally from the "Ves", that is, the village of Vybutskaya, which is 12 km up the Velikaya River from the city of Pskov.


This village does not exist now, only a settlement remains - an archaeological cultural layer on the site of a village of the 10th century and subsequent Old Russian time. There is also a stone temple in the name of the Prophet Elijah of the 15th century. According to local legend, it was erected next to a wooden church founded on this site by Princess Olga. According to the same legend, in this temple, it was as if the sleigh left here by the princess were kept.

It remains only to understand how historians themselves can fail to see the contradictions so obvious. If Olga was baptized in Constantinople, being the Princess of Kiev, then how could she found a church in Pskov? No answers. There is a desire to convince everyone that Russia is so ancient Christian that it was baptized almost before Byzantium.

And they also said that this wooden church is three years older than Pskov itself. In the Vybut region, the Velikaya river makes a bend, and in total in the area of this 4-kilometer bend there are 19 places on both banks of the river, which, according to legend, are somehow associated with the name of Princess Olga. The famous Pskov historian Nikolai Kazimirovich Bogushevsky began to record these legends for the first time.

However, these legends existed here much earlier - apparently, since the stay of Princess Olga herself. The toponym Olgina Gora in the Vybut region was mentioned in 1394 - in connection with the military clash between the Pskov and Novgorodians.

In the 16th century, one of these traditions was included in the Book of the Degree. It tells how Prince Igor, while hunting in the local places, saw a place suitable for hunting on the opposite bank of the river, but could not cross. Then the prince, as they would say now, began to "vote", and as a result, a certain girl took him into her boat, who ferried the hunter to the other side.

Rumor brought us that on the way the Prince tried to pester the carrier, received a harsh rebuke and then married her to his wife. The chronicle reports that Prince Oleg was the matchmaker. This was the future princess of Kiev Olga. Another local Pskov legend says that there were nine members of the squad with Igor, and that the prince gave her a ring as a keepsake. Local residents even showed where this famous crossing took place - opposite the now existing village of Gorki or even opposite the Vybut church.

According to the stories of the inhabitants of the nearest villages, next to the church, a little higher than the cemetery, under the cliff of the river bank, there was a boulder-stone with a "Olga's footprint" carved on it, approximately 36 - 37 sizes - a bare foot print with the image of toes.

Holguin's stone is an investigator
Holguin's stone is an investigator

Holguin's stone is an investigator.

Many legends were associated with the stone, including about Princess Olga, who, according to legend, sat on this stone and left a footprint on it.

Prayers were held next to the stone, and the procession from Pskov, established in 1868, reached here. The lower preserved part of the stone shows that it is a gray granite with dark and white inclusions of a large amount of quartz. According to the geological definition, this is not a boulder, but a continental rock that has broken through the limestones, which is quite a rarity for these places.

By the way, the closest "Scandinavian" thing - a needle from a cloak fastener - was found just 1.5 km from this place - on the other side of the river near the village of Erosikha in the layer of the first half of the 10th century - that is, just the time of Princess Olga.

Continuation: "The Thundering Tower. Crusades. Part 5."

Author: kadykchanskiy