The Tradition Of Death Among The Slavs - Alternative View

The Tradition Of Death Among The Slavs - Alternative View
The Tradition Of Death Among The Slavs - Alternative View

Video: The Tradition Of Death Among The Slavs - Alternative View

Video: The Tradition Of Death Among The Slavs - Alternative View
Video: Talvisota-The Winter War |Countryballs| 2024, October

By the way, the word death means just a transition - a change of dimension, which is what actually happens.

Now let's talk about the ritual that accompanies the process of the Transition:

1-3 days: next to the deceased in the temple there was only a priest (what is supposed to be heard by the deceased should not be heard by the living), who read him instructions from the Book of the Way, because the deceased perceives everything as alive, but cannot make itself known.

4-6 days: the body was taken from the temple and brought home to say goodbye to relatives and friends. The body is in the house: all mirrors are hung so that the living cannot see the reflection of the deceased; the doors were not locked so that his Soul could freely enter, if this was not done, then it remained for 3 years; they made grounding of the deceased to prevent decomposition of the body - a copper wire was attached to the middle finger of the hand, the other end of which was placed in a jar with earth; copper or silver coins were placed on the eyes; near the face - a mirror or a light feather to prevent burial of those who fell into lethargic sleep.

Day 7: croda (cremation), funeral boat or burial in the grave. But before these rituals, the body was carried out of the house, feet first. On the street, the coffin was set on chairs to say goodbye to neighbors, and then carried (carried) to the burial place (churchyard). Before closing the coffin, the relatives kissed the deceased on the forehead. The fetters were removed from the legs and arms and placed on the legs. Coins were put into the hand, the coffin was closed and sank to the bottom of the grave. Everyone threw a handful of earth into the grave, then they buried the coffin. Hands washed and dried with towels, commemorated. Nothing was taken from the cemetery. Then there was a farewell dinner at home (no alcohol).

Day 8: in the morning they go to feed the deceased (the dead absorb the energy of the food), bring food and leave it on the grave, leave. They do not take anything with them, do not touch the graves with their hands, especially fresh ones. Next visit on day 9.

Day 9: (Slavic week) the measured (etheric) body disintegrates, and the separation of the Soul from the body occurs ("breaking the silver thread"). The soul rises up, describes the "eight" around the Earth and the Moon. The atmospheric layers are perceived by her as a kind of border river. Purgatory takes place (planet # 7 - Valhalla), where it remains until the fortieth day, when the astral shell disintegrates. In general, this period (40 days - the Slavic month) is considered the time of the final break of karmic ties with earthly incarnation, or, more simply, the time of passage of the "three courts", which will be discussed further. Therefore, the commemoration, arranged in nine-day and forty-day terms, was intended to facilitate the Soul's break with earthly existence.

Many peoples have knowledge of what happens to a person when he dies, what he feels, what he feels and what he should do when he gets to the Otherworld. These are the so-called "books of the dead". The Slavs also have a similar "Book of the Way". Its importance for our time is enormous, because most of us nowadays do not know anything about the existence of the original Faith of the Ancestors, and, therefore, our Souls in the Explicit World, practically, do not develop according to KON, but are left to themselves or to alien cults that have their own plans for these "lost Souls". According to KON (the same is said in the “Book of the Way”), a person in Java must form, in modern terms, a program that recognizes our true “I” - SPIRIT. Or, more simply, to acquire SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS OF YOURSELF as a SPIRIT that controls at every moment of time of our activity,and before this self-realization we are robots. The Yngling Old Believers have such a concept as the "swastika movement of the Spirit." It is called the system of spiritual transformation and human development. It is "Swastika" because it has four Ways that a person must follow. Just go, and not stand still, because stagnation leads to mental death or degradation of the Spirit.

Promotional video:

Mental death is called absolute informational self-destruction. Degradation of the Spirit is a distorted perception of the higher spheres, lowering a person to a lower level of development and, in fact, turning a person into an animal that lives at the level of instincts and animal needs.