Who Ruled Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark, Napoleon - On Alien Networks - Alternative View

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Who Ruled Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark, Napoleon - On Alien Networks - Alternative View
Who Ruled Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark, Napoleon - On Alien Networks - Alternative View

Video: Who Ruled Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark, Napoleon - On Alien Networks - Alternative View

Video: Who Ruled Jeanne D &Rsquo; Ark, Napoleon - On Alien Networks - Alternative View
Video: Fate Apocrypha – RULER JEANNE D'ARC EXPLAINED: True Name Identity, Past, Abilities & Skills 2024, October

The mighty of this world are ruled by aliens

Joan of Arc

It can be assumed that extraterrestrial civilizations influenced prominent statesmen, giving instructions by voice or telepathically, suggesting thoughts and ideas. A typical example in this respect is the story of Joan of Arc - the Maid of Orleans. Joan of Arc was a simple country girl. At the beginning of the 15th century, during the Hundred Years War between France and England, she heard a "voice from above" who instructed her to rid the city of Orleans from the siege, to crown Charles VII in Reims and to expel the British army from France.

Jeanne became the leader of the nation, who simply in some incomprehensible way gathered under her banner many French knights and inspired them with fortitude and determination to fight. Her voice inspired the soldiers before each battle so that they rushed into obviously unequal battles and continued to fight, even being mortally wounded.

Jeanne brilliantly won one battle after another, while a mysterious "voice from above" warned her about everything. At the Battle of Potet, Jeanne's 1,500-strong detachment inflicted a crushing defeat on the British, numbering about 5,000. The British army lost 2,500 people killed, the rest were captured or escaped, and the French had only 10 casualties!

Leading the troops of France, Jeanne d'Arc in a short time was able to make a turning point in the war and consistently liberate Orleans, Reims, Compiegne and other cities in the north of occupied France. A mysterious voice warned Jeanne that she was about to be in the hands of enemies, and she told her comrades-in-arms about this. And so it happened, near Compiegne, Jeanne's detachment was surrounded by the Burgundians, she was taken prisoner, and then put in prison. There she fell ill with a fever, and the doctor said that medicine was powerless. But her voice reappeared, and she quickly recovered.

Jean d'Arc was convicted by the Inquisition tribunal. During interrogation, she confessed that she was visited by "night voices from above." The tribunal accused her of heresy with an admixture of witchcraft, despite the fact that the special commission confirmed her virginity, in other words, the commission argued that Jeanne was not in love with the devil. But on the charges of the tribunal, she was burned at the stake in the Place de Rouen. This is the official version. The death of Joan of Arc turned out to be associated with a series of mysterious events.

For some reason, Jeanne was brought to the execution in a heavy hood that completely covered her face, and the place of execution was surrounded by a dense ring of 800 English soldiers, although as a rule the burning of witches was a mass spectacle, which crowds of people could freely observe. An official act certifying the execution of Jeanne was never found. Three prosecution witnesses and three judges of the tribunal who participated in her trial, for some reason, died one after another within a few months after the execution. And five years later, the living Joan of Arc appeared in Metz, and her brothers, Marshal Gilles de Rais, recognized her, and later - by the entire population of Orleans.

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There is evidence that Jeanne then got out of prison through an underground passage, which was discovered in 1955, and instead of her they were forced to execute another woman. Or maybe the same mysterious voice helped Jeanne escape?

1436 - the surviving Joan of Arc married the Comte d'Armoise and bore him two sons. In 1445, Pope Calixtus III overturned the Rouen tribunal's judgment against Joan of Arc, and in 1920 she was declared a Catholic saint.

George Washington

There is also an assumption that aliens also influenced George Washington, who eventually became the first president of the United States, who commanded an army of colonists in the North American War of Independence in 1775-1783. Washington told his colleague E. Sherman that in December 1777, when his army was defeated, ceded Philadelphia to the British and barely managed to avoid complete defeat, a beautiful woman appeared in his room, and the room itself was filled with radiant light. The woman told Washington: "Son of the Republic, watch and learn!" - and stretched out her hand to the east.

There, in the clouds of fog, Washington saw continents, cities and countries, against which amazing visions began to appear. The first depicted an angel drawing water from the ocean with his hand and sprinkling it all over Europe and Asia. The second reproduced peace and prosperity in his country. And the third vision foreshadowed America's clash with armies from Asia, Europe and Africa. Washington interpreted visions as the birth, development and destiny of a nation.

In his diary, Washington then mentioned the luminous spherical "wigwams" that appeared, hung and disappeared, as well as green-skinned aborigines who delivered him information about the British troops and gave "wise advice."

American historians then considered that they were talking about the Indians, although it is absolutely obvious that the Indian huts, called wigwams, could not be spherical and luminous and could not fly and hover.

Only UFOs, or, in other words, alien ships could look and behave like that.

Napoleon Bonaparte

However, there is also material evidence of the impact of extraterrestrial forces on one outstanding statesman.

We are talking about an implant in Napoleon's skull, which was discovered in the late 1990s by Professor D. Lefebvre. This implant has the form of a 12 mm long metal plate resembling an integrated circuit. Research has shown that this miniature transceiver delivered impulses to Napoleon's brain and heart. Judging by the thickness of the bony build-up above this implant, it was probably implanted in Napoleon around 1794, when the emperor disappeared for a few days and may have been temporarily abducted by aliens.

Prior to this, Napoleon did not shine with special military abilities, and after the aliens took control of him, already in the Italian campaign of 1796-1798, his rapid military career began. In this campaign, he first commanded a small army of half-naked and hungry soldiers, inferior to the enemy in numbers and artillery weapons, and won a number of brilliant victories, having passed a triumphal march through Italy. Napoleon said: “I feel that some great forces are pushing me towards a goal that I myself do not know. And as soon as they leave me, I can be destroyed even with a straw. But before that, all human efforts will not do anything to me."

He was distinguished by exceptional fearlessness and, even when he was an officer and general, repeatedly acted in the forefront of his grenadiers, inspiring them at the most critical moments of the battle. At the same time, he was never touched by a single enemy bullet.

Napoleon was always so cold-blooded and confident in what he was doing that before the start of the triumphant battle of Austerlitz, he fell deeply asleep, and in the midst of the famous battle of Wagram, he ordered to spread the bearskin on the ground and also fell asleep. Waking up, as if nothing had happened, he continued to give clear orders.

In the battle of Arsene, when a smoking cannonball fell in front of a column of frightened soldiers, Napoleon forced his horse to stand above this cannonball, which exploded, and the horse fell with its belly ripped open. And unharmed Napoleon appeared among the smoke and simply got on another horse.

1800, December - when an assassination attempt was prepared on him, he got into the wrong carriage, which slipped through the place with a hellish car 10 seconds before the explosion. In 1804, after a string of brilliant victories, Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor of France, and a few years later Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Denmark entered his empire. But around 1810, the influence of aliens on Napoleon's consciousness, probably for some reason, stopped, and he began to act like an ordinary person.

Speaking about the impact of aliens on Napoleon, Lefebvre says that “we can only guess how the history of the Western world could have developed if the aliens had not intervened in it. The question is still not resolved whether they acted, wishing to help humanity, or, on the contrary, to harm it."

G. Kolchin