Pictures And Facts Of The Coming Centuries That Contradict The Official History - Alternative View

Pictures And Facts Of The Coming Centuries That Contradict The Official History - Alternative View
Pictures And Facts Of The Coming Centuries That Contradict The Official History - Alternative View

Video: Pictures And Facts Of The Coming Centuries That Contradict The Official History - Alternative View

Video: Pictures And Facts Of The Coming Centuries That Contradict The Official History - Alternative View
Video: 12 Most Mysterious Recent Archaeological Finds And Artifacts Scientists Still Can't Explain 2024, June

In this article, I wanted to talk about various creatures that, not only in history, but also in science, either no longer exist for a very long time, or simply could not live in a certain environment.

But everything is in order. I'll start with a simple one, namely crocodiles. When I wrote an article about a possible subtropical climate in most of the territory of Russia, I also mentioned the chronicles in which there were references from which one can draw only one conclusion that crocodiles were found in Russia.

Of course, this causes skepticism in many, but all the arguments of people stop at something like - "they could not live on the territory of Russia, just because." But why?


I don't remember exactly, but it was the Pskov Chronicle around the end of the 16th century, back in the time of Ivan the Terrible, according to official history. According to the chronicle, there were many crocodiles and they lived in the Great River.

And now the main question - What could prevent the same crocodiles from existing on the territory of Russia, at least 500, at least 1000 years ago? The first thing that comes to mind is the climate.


And the climate could really prevent such reptiles from existing in Russia, but if the climate was at least a little different? Science most likely does not provide this, but still.

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But the most important problem of existence for any living creatures and not only creatures is people. Where the same crocodiles could disappear, the answer is quite simple - the climate, or people.


But the mention of crocodiles was only for the development of the topic, since in fact, even if crocodiles existed on the territory of Russia, the maximum that this changes, then this climate, perhaps, was different then, no more.

But, of course, there are animals whose existence is of greater interest - these are dinosaurs. Science does not really know where the dinosaurs disappeared, and again, based on modern knowledge and dubious methods for determining age, it concludes that all these creatures died out many millions of years ago.


But what can we say about the existence of any living creatures, if the ocean has not yet been practically fully explored. Not to mention the fact that until now, when 2020 is already coming, ancient structures are found in the jungle, mountains and other places, although they have existed there for a long time.

This I mean that any creature can hide and are unlikely to be found, especially if the creature is intelligent enough. There are photographs of the XIX-XX centuries with pterodactyls and hunters, many consider them reliable, but I will not say that. I also tend to believe that this is a fake, but that's not the point.


The story is the same as with crocodiles. What could have prevented any particular species of dinosaur from surviving? There is no answer, other than simply because science thinks so.

Could they have lived for example 1000 or 500 years ago? In fact, the only thing that could prevent them was, again, people. People could exterminate any kind of living creatures, if they were of value or danger to them.


Relatively speaking, can somewhere in the mountains, for example, in the little-studied Andes, live perhaps a little changed, but still some kind of relative of a pterodactyl? Nothing can completely prevent him from doing this.

This is not to mention the underwater world, where anyone can be and in the near future, apparently, people will not find out about it. The same "mythical" Loch Ness monster can be a very real animal.


I could go further and start talking about even more mythical creatures, like dragons, which in my opinion, too, may well have once existed, but that's not the point.

All this I lead to the fact that practically any "extinct species" from the point of view of science, can exist at the moment and people simply do not know about it.


Yes, in this article there were a lot of "maybe", but it seems to me that this whole topic has a place to be, as well as various "prehistoric creatures", as they are called.

Although again crocodiles, this is practically a fact, given that the annals are one of the most accurate sources of history, although few people take them into account.


This article contained quite a few of my subjective opinions and views on certain things, but as always, I do not urge to believe in something, these are just thoughts for reasoning.
