Unusual And Mysterious - Alternative View

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Unusual And Mysterious - Alternative View
Unusual And Mysterious - Alternative View

Video: Unusual And Mysterious - Alternative View

Video: Unusual And Mysterious - Alternative View
Video: STRANGE VIDEOS of Scary Stuff That's CREEPY 2024, October

Unusual and mysterious phenomena

In the III century BC. e famous Chinese philosopher Confucius once said: "It is very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there …".

But the ancient philosopher was right! And especially if you apply this aphorism to the UFO problem!

Humanity is forced to look for those who found us long ago! At least in order to learn how to behave in this world. We are talking about such a "familiar" physical world around us! However, it is equally important to know the situation on the etheric plane. But what about the mysterious, inaccessible astral plane?

1988, Kiev, December - another speaker came to the podium. He talks about the so-called NEPO - invisible natural plasma formations. The very fact that they live in the world around us is not particularly surprising among the ufologists present. Many have photographic materials with NEPO fixed on them. In general, they look great in photographs - and film!

But then the next speaker came out and the talk about NEPO subsided by itself.

• The report of the Tomsk researchers (and there, at that time, very serious researchers joined their efforts) was quite curious. It followed that in the region of the Russian city of Kemerovo there is a certain village. I will not give its name here for two reasons. The first is purely ethical. And the second - there are, as it turned out, places on our planet where a sufficiently long stay is not recommended for outsiders … For their own good. To make it clearer what is being said, let us clarify. In this very village there is a poltergeist. But not episodic, but in all residential buildings, administrative buildings, just in the lap of nature. And all this has been going on continuously since 1924!

Three generations in this village grew up in these conditions. These villagers have developed a special, different from others worldview, a different attitude, their own concepts of reality, what is possible and what cannot be. And moreover, to tell the truth, the village is quite a modern settlement. Cars, tractors, televisions, stone houses. And not only houses, but also, we emphasize especially, modern stone garages.

Promotional video:

One such solid, brick, completely modern garages and figured as a documentary illustration. The pictures were taken professionally. Colored. The garage is visible on them from different points.

Here it is face … Here it is a profile. Here in a half-turn … From a distance … Close up … As already mentioned - brick. Dimensions: width about 5 m, height - 4 m, length a little over 12 meters. The gates are double-leaf, iron. And always open! The floor is adobe, well rammed. The garage is good for everyone!

Yes, only no one has been holding a car or a tractor in it for many years! Even in such a peculiar village, there were no such daredevils. And in general, they never approach him alone. And to enter the open doors - so God forbid! Right "Roadside Picnic" and more!

There is a garage on the edge of the village, it stands alone. Researchers from Tomsk were told in general terms what the "highlight" of this brick structure is. They asked permission to photograph. With difficulty, it is true, but such permission was obtained from the "delegation" of the local population, which always accompanied the researchers …

They began to take pictures … The locals, by the way, also set a condition that the pictures should be developed literally right there. Why did they set up a photo laboratory at a distance of several hundred meters from the garage? And the developed photos were immediately presented to local representatives. Their pictures, in fact, were not interested in themselves. They took it in hand, watched in silence and … returned it to the waiting researchers …

I was able to watch some of them. For example, the one where, from a distance of about ten meters, the inside of the garage was photographed (outside, through an open door).

The brick wall on the inside to the right was a bright cherry red in one place. The entrance to the garage is not far from that place, about a meter and a half. Ufologists often come across extremely courageous people. Crawled up, measured the temperature: 80 degrees Celsius. And the rest of the wall, as usual, was 15 degrees. It’s as if a fire was burning next to the wall in two hours.

However, there was no fire there, not two or three hours before. And it didn't burn for a week either. They take pictures further … Truly, the eyes do not see, but is fixed on the film! And in the next photo, a mysterious structure in the form of a huge (three meters) icon lamp was captured inside the garage. The local representatives began to get a little worried. But they said it was okay so far. But they didn’t like the next photo so much that they “asked” the researchers from Tomsk to get ready quickly and quickly, and to leave even faster and never look into their village again …

The researchers did not argue with the locals. And, by the way, it will be said how to argue here if the photo, in fact, is "not that"! On it in the garage there is no longer an amazing three-meter lamp, but a certain face! As if with fiery red strokes on the canvas, so with fiery red lines at the back wall of the garage was inscribed that face, seeing which, the best thing is to rush straight to the nearest church at full speed!

The locals were very unhappy with this! You, they say, leave, and we live here! The locals did not go into explanations of what the appearance of such a face was fraught with for the village! But these are the very residents who calmly, and even with some humor refer to such phenomena as, for example, the "hunter's house" or "bridge". And much more …

By the way, the "hunter's house", located again in this village, is a phenomenon that impassable walls spontaneously appear in the rooms of this house at night (right in the middle of the rooms).

However, as soon as the lights are turned on, they disappear!

When asked if a UFO had ever been seen here, the answers were muffled, evasive, like - why not!

Of course, the poltergeist is observed not only there. He was watched, is being watched, and most likely will be watched all over the world!

• In the bad 1930s, an amazing case of poltergeist was noted in Kiev. On one of the nights in 1932, the golden domes of Kiev churches, including the Mikhailovsky Cathedral, were "renewed". In the morning, a commotion was raised in the city NKVD. The president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Bogomolets was urgently "invited" to explain. We set a categorical task: to find a "scientific" explanation of such a phenomenon in order to correctly explain it to the masses …

But it was not possible to get even the slightest "scientific" explanation from scientists. And although the latter took the significance of this kind of demarche on the part of the NKVD quite seriously, they could not explain what happened from the platform of Marxism-Leninism! Therefore, the party leadership worked according to the principle: "No man, no problem!" St. Michael's Cathedral, like many other churches and cathedrals, was soon destroyed …

This is a special question altogether - the history of poltergeist observations in the former Soviet Union. For our story, the above examples are curious in the sense that anomalous phenomena begin to appear here.

FYs (phenomenal phenomena), of course, have some relation to UFOs, but only a little. But for some reason, speaking about FY and, in particular, about a poltergeist, as a rule, they mean a phenomenological poltergeist! That is, when the “cheering spirit” overturns the chairs, heats up the walls, sets fire to the carpets hanging on them, throws dishes off the shelves, breaks through glass, etc.

However, according to some of the researchers, there are still more alarming types of FN. And, in particular, a poltergeist. We are talking about the so-called situational poltergeist … Let's clarify what we mean.

• Yu. Roscius gave such a case. By the way, this case is described by the American magazine "Faith" … in March 1950. 1899 - A man was killed by lightning in his yard. Thirty years later, the son of this man was also killed there by lightning. Then on October 8, 1949, the grandson of the first son and the son of the second son again fell victim to lightning in the same place!

• Or here's another. “The gallant officer, Major Summerford in Flanders, was wounded in 1918 by a lightning strike that threw him off his horse, after which his lower body was paralyzed. After retiring for health reasons, the major went to Vancouver and, having recovered a little, took up fishing. 1924 - he was with three fishermen by the river during a thunderstorm. Lightning hit a tree under which the unfortunate major was sitting … The right side of his body was paralyzed. After recovering after a couple of years, he began to take walks in a Vancouver park, and there, in the summer of 1930, he was again struck by lightning, as a result of the blow was complete paralysis. Two years later, the unfortunate man died. Surprisingly, his misadventures did not end there. In June 1934, a thunderstorm passed over Vancouver, a lightning strike struck one of the graves and smashed a tombstone. And of course, lightning struck the Major's tombstone!"

• The newspaper "Soviet Russia" on June 26, 1991 reported: "British captain Edward Ladner, the commander of the sailing ship" Dewdrop ", during a storm was washed overboard by a wave. It was not possible to save him. 19 years earlier, in the same place and under similar circumstances, Edward's father, who commanded the sailing ship "Aretuz", had died. But the most curious thing is that exactly 19 years before the death of the captain "Aretusa" the captain of the steamer "Keri", the eldest of the Ladner captains' generation, drowned in a storm. All three, by the way, bore the name Edward."

• 1943 - an island in the Pacific Ocean … Large-scale naval and air battles between the fleets of the United States and Japan are being conducted on endless expanses. Fierce battles for every island. Because, contrary to well-established geographical definitions, this is no longer so much a part of the land surrounded by water as, first of all, a strategically important unsinkable defensive object! The defense in 1943, unlike, say, 1942, was held by the Japanese.

So, on this very island a whole division of the Japanese dug in. With the set amount of weapons and supplies. The Japanese are known to be very serious warriors! Therefore, the storming of the island was carefully prepared. However … The landing was surprisingly easy! No one put up the slightest resistance to her! The Japanese … left the island, leaving behind weapons, supplies, and remarkably fortified positions. So the Americans thought at that moment.

And only after the end of the war it turned out that the Japanese division had not left the island! She simply disappeared! And this fact was all the more striking since the Japanese simply did not have their own means of evacuation through thousands of nautical miles!

• There is a story about one unlucky officer. The fact is that he could not fire a single rifle the first time. Absolutely all of them misfired! One can only imagine how his friends and foes made fun of the poor fellow.

A. Kulsky
