Colossal Ancient Moai Reveal Their Secrets To Scientists - Alternative View

Colossal Ancient Moai Reveal Their Secrets To Scientists - Alternative View
Colossal Ancient Moai Reveal Their Secrets To Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Colossal Ancient Moai Reveal Their Secrets To Scientists - Alternative View

Video: Colossal Ancient Moai Reveal Their Secrets To Scientists - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Finally Discovered the Truth About Easter Island 2024, June

On Easter Island, there are about 900 world famous stone statues called "moai". They are all very different, but until 2012, archaeologists did not realize how much - it suddenly turned out that a number of statues is not only a "big head", but also has a proportionate giant body, dug deep into the ground. Over the past few years, difficult excavations have managed to learn something very interesting.


Moai are scattered throughout Easter Island, somewhat chaotic - broken, abandoned, unfinished - but many stand in their rightful places, pedestals at key points on the island. It was believed that they were well studied, although scientists did not come to a consensus on a number of issues and even a series of field experiments did not clarify. And after the bodies of the moai were dug up, suddenly there were a lot of mysteries.


For example, the issue of transportation - if earlier enthusiasts proved in practice that small moai can be moved without complicated tools and machines at all, then how did the ancient builders cope with such colossi?


Almost all ancient moai on the island are thoroughly beaten by the elements and often look more like angular stones. Ocean wind, frequent storms and tsunamis, earthquakes, banal erosion - those statues that are in open space do not differ in the beauty of their lines. But the situation is different with those who were buried “up to their throats”, they found a fair amount of cut patterns. A find of the century? Yes, if you carefully read these prehistoric drawings.


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The patterns on the long buried bodies of the statues depict canoe boats and travel through vast expanses of water. This is no secret for a long time, the ancestors of the modern Polynesians in fragile boats crossed the Pacific Ocean when no one even heard of Ancient Rome, colonizing vast territories.


The question is - where did they go, why did they not build a great civilization? Specifically, the history of Easter Island is sad and terrible, the local inhabitants degenerated and waged civil wars until they practically exterminated each other. And the moai are traces of desperate attempts to once again attract the attention of the gods and beg for salvation for the islanders.


Comparing the old, newer and unfinished moai in the quarries, scientists quite clearly described the process of degradation of the inhabitants of Easter Island, who in the end tried only to blindly copy the majestic products of their ancestors, forgetting their essence and subtleties of manufacturing technology. And suddenly it turns out that on the island there are many completely different, huge, beautiful and decorated with stories about the glorious deeds of statues.


Direct evidence of the existence of a strong, developed nation, which, in addition, for some reason left messages to descendants, burying huge statues deep in the ground. And who knows what secrets are still hidden there?