10 Traces Of Primitive Civilizations In Russia - Alternative View

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10 Traces Of Primitive Civilizations In Russia - Alternative View
10 Traces Of Primitive Civilizations In Russia - Alternative View

Video: 10 Traces Of Primitive Civilizations In Russia - Alternative View

Video: 10 Traces Of Primitive Civilizations In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Agafia. Hermit Surviving in Russian Wilderness for 70 years 2024, October

Anyone interested in the secrets of the past will name the mysterious sights of our planet, as if created using ancient advanced technologies - Egyptian pyramids, Japanese sarcophagi or grandiose structures in Peru. However, our country also has its own traces of pracivilizations. Let's list some of them and add that in fact there are many more.

1. Megaliths of Mount Pidan (Primorsky Territory)

Pidan is a well-known outdated name for Mount Livadiyskaya (height - 1332.6 m), which is part of the Sikhote-Alin mountain system in the Primorsky Territory. It is believed that the word "Pidan" translated from the language of the Jurchen tribe means "Stones poured by God." And indeed, looking at the stones located on Mount Pidan, you begin to believe that it could not have done without "gods" or people with high technology. Scientists believe that these are natural formations. The photographs clearly show carefully crafted blocks with straight edges stacked on top of each other and huge structures.


2. Peipsi mine in the Urals

The Chud mines are traces of ancient gold mining, which was engaged in by the mysterious tribe of Chud, who once lived in the Urals and Siberia. After the appearance of Christians there, it disappeared, and according to legend, it went underground. Geologists and archaeologists at the beginning of the 20th century found many Chud mines, but almost all of them were later destroyed. However, one mine - near the village of Borisovka in the Chelyabinsk region is well preserved. The age of this regular circle with a clear hole in the middle is at least 4 thousand years!

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3. Megaliths on Mount Ninchurt in the Arctic

In the Murmansk region, on the Kola Peninsula, next to the famous mystical lake Seydozero there is Mount Ninchurt. The name of this lake comes from the Saami "seid" - a sacred stone in which the soul of a shaman dwells. The Sami call this place Luyavrchorr, which means “Mountains by the Lake of Power”. Back in the last century, a megalithic complex with blocks and stone steps was discovered here. Numerous tourists find on the mountain and around it more and more evidence of the existence of civilizations in these places, for example, a road made of stone slabs, regular round stone wells and blocks.


4. Mysterious megaliths of Vottovaara

Vottovaara is a hard-to-reach mountain in the Muezersky region of Karelia. Its height is 417 meters, and its area is about 6 kilometers. It is officially recognized that this place was a cult place for the ancient Sami - sacrifices were made here, there is a huge number of seids - sacred stones. But even more interesting are the mysterious megaliths, as if left over from an ancient mighty civilization - huge blocks and stone balls.


5. Chichaburg is an underground city in Siberia

In the late 90s of the last century, when aerial photography in the Novosibirsk region, researchers discovered an unusual anomaly on the shore of Lake Chicha, which is located 5 km from the regional center of Zdvinsk. The picture clearly showed the outlines of buildings, and on an area of more than 12 hectares. Scientists, using geophysical equipment, explored a mysterious place called Chichaburg. The pictures show the clear outlines of streets, quarters, powerful defensive structures, and on the outskirts - the remnants of a developed metallurgical production. It turned out that there was also a class stratification in the city - stone palaces were adjacent to the houses of commoners. According to the data of preliminary excavations, the settlement was created in the 7th-8th centuries BC, therefore a developed civilization existed in Siberia at the same time as the ancient Greek …


6. Kurgan in the Yakut tundra

This mysterious mound is located in the inaccessible Khalarchinskaya tundra on the Kolyma lowland (Nizhnekolymsky ulus, the Republic of Sakha, Yakutia). Its exceptionally correct form is striking. Compare the image of this mound with another, no less mysterious formation in the north of the Irkutsk region - Patomsky crater.


7. Patomsky crater

Patomsky crater is located in the Bodaibo region in the north of the Irkutsk region. It was discovered in 1951 by geologist Vladimir Kolpakov, and is still one of the most mysterious natural objects. It is unclear how the crater, which looks like a volcano, but does not contain any traces of erupted deep rocks, appeared on the surface of the earth, and how it happened that this formation has no analogues in the world. For a long time it was believed that the Patomsky crater was a consequence of the Tunguska explosion, however, larch trees were discovered on the slopes of the crater, which appeared before the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. But the same larch trees have posed a new riddle. The annual rings of some of them were growing intensively for almost 40 years, and then this process stopped for some time. Scientists observed a similar picture in Chernobyl and in Semipalatinsk, in the nuclear test zone. It turns out that there was a burst of radiation in the Patomsky crater? It turned out that it was so. Scientists found that in 1845, a fivefold increase in the radioactive isotope in wood, which lasted for several decades, occurred on the territory of the crater. The reasons for the increased background radiation at a time when there could be no talk of any nuclear research are still not clear.


8. Zyuratkul moose

A giant elk-shaped geoglyph was found near Lake Zyuratkul in the Chelyabinsk region. The giant, stone-built figure of a moose can only be seen from the air, just like the famous geoglyphs of the Nazca plateau. The age of the Siberian geoglyph is from four to ten thousand years. Today it is the largest (218 by 195 meters) and the most ancient geoglyph.


9. Stone city in the Urals

Kamenny town is one of the most famous megalithic complexes in Russia. It is located in the Gremyachinsky District of the Perm Territory, at an altitude of 526 meters above sea level. It got its name due to the fact that it consists of streets, squares, passages, arches, dead ends, as if cut through a monolithic stone. According to legends, a strong and proud tribe once lived on this place. Once the leader had a blind daughter. The evil sorcerer cured her, but in return he enchanted the city, turning it to stone. Once the Stone Town was called the Devil's Settlement and was notorious. Perhaps because sacrifices were clearly performed here. This is indicated by the bowl-shaped depressions that can be found on the stones at the highest point. Most likely, these were sacred vessels for sacrificial blood. Some of the huge stones and stone blocks on the site seem to have been worked with some amazing tools.


10. Chandar plate

In the last century, the scientist Alexander Chuvyrov in the Ufa archive found notes from the 18th century, which said that two hundred white slabs covered with strange signs were kept near the village of Chandar. Chuvyrov decided to find these stones and organized several expeditions. Only in 1999 was one of the mysterious slabs found - a local resident said that a huge stone had been lying under the porch of his house since time immemorial. He was pulled out and taken to the Bashkir University. The dimensions of this stone are 148 cm by 106 cm, the thickness is 16 cm, and the weight is about a ton. But the most striking thing about the slab is that there is a map on its surface - a three-dimensional one! Serious investigations began, during which it was proved that the South Urals is represented on the Chandar plate, but the terrain was partially different from the modern one. There are mountains, rivers on the mapand the Ufa canyon, which no longer exists in our time. Moreover, there are images of dams, canals and dams. There are also inscriptions on the slab, which scientists could not decipher. It is curious that the age of the find was simply fantastic - about 120 million years.


Author: N. Trubinovskaya