"Admiral Nakhimov" - A Name That Condemns Ships To Death? - Alternative View

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"Admiral Nakhimov" - A Name That Condemns Ships To Death? - Alternative View
"Admiral Nakhimov" - A Name That Condemns Ships To Death? - Alternative View

Video: "Admiral Nakhimov" - A Name That Condemns Ships To Death? - Alternative View

Video: Crimean War 2024, October

Can the name of the ship determine its future fate? Many sailors are convinced that yes. And the most “unlucky” name for a ship in the Russian fleet is “Admiral Nakhimov”. For more than a hundred years now, all ships bearing the name of the legendary admiral have been destroyed at sea.

On August 31, 1986, the largest steamer on the Black Sea, the Admiral Nakhimov, left Novorossiysk for Sochi. According to official figures, there were 1234 people on board.

At 23.20, he went to the bottom after a collision with the dry cargo ship "Pyotr Vasev". 423 people died …

Steamer Admiral Nakhimov
Steamer Admiral Nakhimov

Steamer Admiral Nakhimov.

Mysterious pattern

Having studied the history of the Russian fleet, one cannot fail to notice a frightening pattern - - all ships bearing the name "Admiral Nakhimov" ended very badly.

The first link in this chain was the sinking of the ship "Admiral Nakhimov" during the legendary Battle of Tsushima in 1905. The ship, which was the pride of the Russian fleet, was considered unsinkable for many years.

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After 36 years, the second cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" died just as tragically as its predecessor. And although after 14 years of operation its name was changed to "Chervona Ukraine", a silver plate with the name "Admiral Nakhimov" remained in the keel of the ship since the time of construction at the Nikolaev shipyard. The cruiser defending the besieged Sevastopol was bombed by German aircraft and sank to the bottom, taking 70 people with it.

45 years later, another "Admiral Nakhimov" rested on the seabed and interest in the "curse of Nakhimov" flared up with renewed vigor.

In 1961, the Prosorylivy missile ship fired at the decommissioned missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov 50 km from Sevastopol.

Missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov
Missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov

Missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov.

In 1973, the research vessel "Admiral Nakhimov" sank in the Tsemesskaya Bay. The sudden onset of the hurricane caused a sharp drop in temperature, due to which the hull of the ship froze and the ship sank.

Another wrecked "Admiral Nakhimov" had a bad name from the start. In 1985, during an exercise in the Barents Sea, he collided with a submarine. The damage to the ship was so severe that it was sent for scrap. However, he did not even make it to the disposal site, running aground near Durban.

Since then, the sailors consider any vessel bearing the name "Admiral Nakhimov" dangerous. What causes ship wrecks?

Psychics talk about the restless soul of Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov and the negative information field left by sunken ships. And skeptics can only be surprised at such a strange coincidence of circumstances.
