The Theory Of The Immortality Of Man And His Soul - Alternative View

The Theory Of The Immortality Of Man And His Soul - Alternative View
The Theory Of The Immortality Of Man And His Soul - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of The Immortality Of Man And His Soul - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of The Immortality Of Man And His Soul - Alternative View
Video: The Immortality of the Soul (Aquinas 101) 2024, October

Not every modern person can easily answer the question about the history of the origin of our universe. But scientists have even several versions on this score. But the most popular is the explosion theory, according to which the emergence of the universe occurred as a result of its sudden growth from an insignificant point. It is this point that is the beginning of our Universe, and since there is a beginning, then there must be an end. But scientists do not dare to say where and when it will come.

In ancient times, there was absolute confidence that the creation of the universe belonged to higher forces. This is understandable, because belief in God was above all else in those days. There is it now, but each person has his own.

Scientific progress is constantly in development, every now and then from the news you learn about the discovery of world significance. But the question of eternal life, of course, occupies one of the leading positions.

From birth, every person knows that he will live a certain number of years on Earth and die. And no matter how long a person's life path lasts, it will always seem too short. This is what prompted the search for methods that could make any earthling immortal. Sometimes these methods were striking in their cruelty and ended in sacrifice and cannibalism. There are many examples in history on this topic, which indicates the frequency of using such methods. Success in this area has nevertheless been achieved, there are entire villages in which the average life expectancy of people is one hundred years. Some of the scientists talk about the peculiarities of the climate of this area, someone considers the genetics of the people to be the cause of longevity here.

Scientists have proven that you can increase life expectancy by lowering body temperature by 2-3 degrees. This is explained by the fact that at such a body temperature, all processes in the body slow down and internal resources are spent more slowly, which means that a person lives longer.

Modern scientists are actively working with this area and have achieved great success in it. Genetics, stem cells and nanotechnology are considered particularly promising. The very same science of eternal life, called immortology, in addition to freezing, also studies the cloning of a person as a way of eternal life. All of these methods are effective and lead to rejuvenation, but not to immortality. The body of each person is equipped with a biological clock that measures the duration of life.

Scientists have high hopes for the development of nanotechnology and consider them very promising in the matter of eternal life. Nanorobots, being in the human body, can cleanse the body of harmful substances and force cells to divide, thereby stopping the natural aging process. So far, this is only a theory that is not supported by practice, but scientists have something to work on and something to strive for in this area. Research on immortality by freezing the body to a temperature of -196 degrees can be called successful. In this state, the body does not decompose and remains unchanged until science achieves certain successes in one area or another.

The issues of eternal youth and immortality are being actively resolved by scientists, and perhaps their goal will someday be achieved, and they will give humanity such an opportunity.

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In the meantime, no less interesting is the question of life after death, whether it exists at all, and what the afterlife is like. There is no consensus among scientists on this score. Examining people before death, similar results were found, which allows us to draw a conclusion about what happens to the person at this moment. A person feels a certain weightlessness of his body and looks at himself as if from the side, before his eyes there are moments from life, usually the most important. It was this condition that was described by those people who had a chance to experience clinical death. They talk about a tunnel, at the end of which the light is burning, about a state of complete peace and inner harmony. Believers perceive such stories as confirmation of the existence of life after death and God in general.

It is simply impossible to subject these stories to scientific verification, because a scientist cannot proceed to another world with a deceased person. The only thing that is possible is to remove the information emanating from the brain in the first minutes after cardiac arrest, which is still capable of transmitting a signal for some time. Despite the death of a person's body, his consciousness continues to live for several minutes and give impulses, thanks to which one can understand what is happening with the consciousness of the deceased.

In this matter, science does not enter into disputes with the church, it simply conducts research and collects the facts that it is able to collect at a given time. You can often hear calls that death should not be feared, because after it a person will have a new happy and carefree life in the afterlife. It is presented as a kind of parallel universe, where dead people find eternal peace.

Skeptics, on the other hand, approach this issue from a different angle and do not understand how some other life can appear after death. Death is death, it means that the body has died, it no longer exists, and it can no longer live even in the afterlife. They believe that the facts and stories about clinical death are not enough to make an unambiguous conclusion in favor of the existence of life after the death of a person. In fact, skeptics also cannot imagine any evidence that there is no life after death, they simply put forward a theory and follow it unquestioningly, forcing others to doubt the existence of another world.

In recent years, science has made great strides in the study of human life and death. Humanity is more than ever close to becoming immortal, thanks to the discoveries of great people. But it is difficult to say whether the planet will exist after scientists achieve this goal. Perhaps this will lead to the complete destruction of all terrestrial beings, and a new civilization will begin to develop on another planet.
