Unspoken Leaders. Who Are The Priests And Shamans? - Alternative View

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Unspoken Leaders. Who Are The Priests And Shamans? - Alternative View
Unspoken Leaders. Who Are The Priests And Shamans? - Alternative View

Video: Unspoken Leaders. Who Are The Priests And Shamans? - Alternative View

Video: Unspoken Leaders. Who Are The Priests And Shamans? - Alternative View
Video: Alan Watts, The difference between Shamans & priests 2024, June

In the old days, each village had its own priest who guarded the settlement from evil spirits. The priest or shaman has always been the most honorable inhabitant of the village, his opinion has always been considered the most important. Neither the priest nor the official heads of the village could disagree with the chief priest. Everyone knew that the future and the present depended only on him.

It seems to us that in our age this simply cannot be. Of course, somewhere far, far away in Chukotka, shamans conjure and drive away evil spirits, and in the African jungle, healers brew potions from herbs to summon spirits and ask them for advice. But so that we …

The main witch. Terrible eyewitness story Elena

My parents died (had an accident) when I was 12 years old. My grandmother took me from the city to her village. The village is overcrowded, there are almost no young people, and my grandmother was not particularly kind. As soon as I finished ninth grade, I immediately applied for college in the city in order to get out of this hole as soon as possible. I came to the village less and less.

I graduated from university a year ago and found a good job. I didn't have time to visit Baba Maria, I only called her occasionally.

The sad news came at the most unexpected moment. The phone rang, it was the head of the village council, a sad voice from the receiver said that tonight my grandmother was gone, and I needed to come to the funeral.

In the morning I woke up early, got into my rusty "nine" and set off. The road to the village takes about two hours, and only for the reason that its condition does not allow picking up a speed of more than fifty.

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The old log house and skewed house made me nostalgic. My eyes immediately fell on the lid of a cheap coffin, which stood at the front door. Old ladies passed by and were baptized. They all looked worried. I went to the front door, and the familiar smell of garlic hit me in the nose, which, as before, was hung on all windows and doors. I still could not understand why he was hanging.

“Good day, Elena! - came a low bass. In the house near the coffin was not a small father, but next to him was the head of the village council - You know, they called from the regional center about the inheritance, just now, they said that they would come only on Monday. I nodded approvingly, looking at the grandmother's body lying in the coffin, and left the house. I also thought how much my grandmother had changed in just one year, the body that lay in the coffin did not look like her at all.

On the doorstep, I ran into another tear-stained granny who, apparently, came to say goodbye to Baba Maria. Granny went into the room in which the coffin was lying, and then I heard: "Well … what will happen to us all now … with us … how are we without you …".

When I left the house, I noticed that a decent crowd of locals had already gathered around the house. Old people and old women are those who remained to live in this village. "The time has come!" - the familiar bass sounded behind me. As I stepped aside, I let three not quite decrepit old men and one boy of about fourteen inside the house. I once again looked round at all those gathered at the funeral. All people wept and were baptized. All this seemed strange to me, because these people were not related, and Baba Maria was old enough, why be so worried?

The coffin was taken out, put in the back of a rusty ZIL, and everyone followed it towards the cemetery, which was located outside the village. At the dug hole, the rumble of crying and prayers became even louder, and this gave me a headache in earnest. Then, most of all, I wanted the coffin to be buried as soon as possible and it was all over.

p> During the funeral, each grieving person came up and threw a handful of earth, muttering something incomprehensible at the same time. I stood on the sidelines. And only at the very end did I dare to come up to throw a handful of earth into the hole.

"Girl! - came an old man's voice behind my back - you are Maria Alexandrovna's granddaughter? You will now take her place and continue her important work, won't you? " I looked at the old man with surprised eyes and thought: "What the fuck is this, what post?", Turned around and went to the side of my own house.

Fighters with evil spirits. Secrets of modern priests and shamans

Only a priest or shaman can drive out evil spirits and only he can save those who trust him. From generation to generation, from grandfather to grandson, from grandmother to granddaughter, an ancient magical power is transmitted that can resist the forces of evil …

p> After the funeral, another surprise awaited me - all four wheels of my car were punctured. The mysterious face of the head of the village council appeared from behind the fence. He looked at the wheels:

- Well, well … have you already annoyed someone? Today is Saturday, tomorrow is Sunday. On Monday I will call Mikhalych and he will patch your wheels. Today and tomorrow he thumps.

- The day after tomorrow? I need to go to town! Maybe the bus that goes?

- No, there are no buses on weekends.

I took out my phone to call a taxi. And only then I noticed that in this wilderness there is not even a cellular connection. Then it seemed to me that someone was cruelly joking at me. And I so did not want to spend the night here. I didn't even ask the head of the village council about the landline phone, I knew he would answer.

In the evening, the priest came into the house: “Elena. So you stay here until the day after tomorrow? Listen to me carefully. Don't leave the house after eleven o'clock. So that you do not hear and see - stay in the house! On Monday, Mikhalych will be hung over and patch up your rubber, and you will immediately take the documents for the inheritance. Do you understand me? . He grabbed my shoulders and shook me several times.

But I didn't want to spend the night in the house where a couple of hours ago there was a coffin with the deceased. I decided to go to sleep in the car, besides, you can listen to your favorite music there. Despite the hard day and stress, I managed to doze off.


A noisy and grunting radio wave made me open my eyes. From the loudspeakers a voice was heard muttering something incomprehensible. I looked ahead and saw in about thirty meters a silhouette of a man, like an old grandmother. I understood that only old people live in this village, you never know, maybe this is some kind of sick with senile marasmus. And at this time the voice from the speakers began to speak more and more clearly: “death…. damn … everything is mine … . Without thinking twice, I turned on the high beam. The silhouette of the grandmother disappeared, and music began to play in the speakers. I looked at my watch: 3:49, in two hours the sun will rise.

There was a knock on the window when the sun was already shining brightly, it was Father. I looked at the car radio to find out the time and then I realized that I had another problem, besides the cut wheels, I also had a dead battery. I got out of the car. “So … he still came … - the priest spoke quietly - now you know everything. This is the Demon, the curse of our village, every night he goes hunting. But he didn't touch you, he knows who you are. Only your grandmother knew how to stop him. Now you have to do it."

The priest took an old key out of his pocket and gave it to me: “Here, this is the key to the barn. Only Maria Alexandrovna could go there, now it's your turn."

I knew about the barn. I remembered that the grandmother could sit there for hours locked up, what she was doing there, I had no idea. She would not let me go there.

The unplastered walls of the barn were densely hung with some symbols and inscriptions in an incomprehensible language. In the middle of the room was a table, and on it were some old books with pentagmas and inverted crosses. All around me were satanic symbols, runes and incomprehensible inscriptions. My head was dizzy with surprise. The day before yesterday I was living a normal life, going to work, meeting guys, hanging out in clubs. And now a terrible secret has fallen on my head. And the worst thing is that now I have to do all this!

“They just won't let me go. The cut wheels and the lack of communication are the work of the locals. Surely there is a jammer for mobile communications somewhere. But, who are all these people to me, so that because of them I would read satanic books for the rest of my life and drive out evil spirits in a dusty barn? We must run,”I thought.

Imperceptibly, through orchards and vegetable gardens, through bushes and corn, I went to the edge of the village. Further through the forest, I finally came to the highway, where you can catch a ride. It took me almost half a day to escape from the village. Late in the evening I was in my cozy apartment.

I asked my boyfriend Lesha to pick up the car and documents for the house. I immediately handed over the documents to the real estate office, let them sell the house. How and how that village lives now, I do not know and do not want to know. And I also wonder if I have magical abilities and will they manifest themselves someday?
