Conveyors For Assembling People - Alternative View

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Conveyors For Assembling People - Alternative View
Conveyors For Assembling People - Alternative View

Video: Conveyors For Assembling People - Alternative View

Video: Conveyors For Assembling People - Alternative View
Video: How to assemble the WLX conveyor 2024, October

Previous Part: The Secret of Ancient Energies

Ernst Rifgatovich, you spoke about assembling the human body piece by piece with the help of prana balls. Isn't that too weird?

- Before the Egyptian expedition, I did not even have the slightest thoughts about this. But when we saw the wall paintings in the tombs of the Valley of the Pharaohs, in the temples of Karnak, Luxor and Abu Simbel, there was no limit to our surprise - there are drawn procedures for assembling the human body, whole conveyors for this, with the participation of balls of prana.

And this is not a process of sacrifice to the gods?

- I know that the procedure of sacrifice is common among savages. I doubt that the people who built the pyramids and colossal statues were savages.

And yet, what did you see on the walls of the dungeons of Egypt?

- First of all, attention is drawn to the drawings of giants holding people of African or Arab appearance by the hair and chopping off their heads. The following are operating tables on which people's heads, arms, bodies and legs rest. The conveyors on which the parts of the human body lie are clearly visible, and the process of assembling the human body is shown. The conveyors are depicted as unnaturally long snakes. And in conclusion, “packed” people wrapped in bandages are shown on a conveyor belt. And at all, absolutely at all stages of the assembly, prana balls were present.

If you believe everything that you say, then the question naturally arises: why was it necessary to cut the bodies of people into pieces in order to assemble them again?

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- This question haunted us for a long time. Finally, we noticed that 2 types of prana are involved in the process of assembling the body - in the form of a ball and in the form of a five-pointed star. It turned out that the second type of prana is a symbol of the water goddess Nun. Moreover, we came to the conclusion that the people standing next to the conveyors were primarily making a water man.

ERNST Rifgatovich, don't you think that your hypotheses, which run counter to science, are too speculative? After all, Egypt is well studied, this is not Tibet or the Himalayas

- The official science on Egypt is also based on hypotheses, not on evidence, therefore it is also speculative. The only difference is that official science recognizes those explanations that, as they say, fit well in the head, although they are very far from reality. Is it possible to believe that the pyramids were built by slaves who did not know the wheels? Is it possible to take seriously as a cult rite the strange procedure of dismembering human bodies and assembling them anew? Scientists should try to look at antiquity in a different way. And any science starts with a hypothesis.

Do you have a hypothesis explaining the wall paintings on the procedure for assembling the human body?

- Yes. This is the creation of the "water man". The fact is that if you look closely at the wall paintings, you can see that the parts of the body resemble vessels into which something is poured. We assumed that they were filled with water. It should be noted that the body of a young person is 90% water, with age the amount of water decreases somewhat, but remains within 75-80%. It is also known that water is capable of recording and storing information. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to think that the water-information structure is the basis of human life. When analyzing the wall paintings, one can understand that the giants brought water prana to the separated parts of the body (head, hands, etc.), rewrote all water information and transferred this information into a vessel with water that imitates this part of the body. Then they connected all the models together, copying the human body,and transferred the liquid water inside them into the water of the fourth state. What is water of the fourth state? We came to the idea of its existence in 1996, when in the Himalayas we studied the phenomenon of Somati - the self-preservation of the human body. And now we have managed to obtain such water - it is viscous and is able to maintain its shape and volume in space. Research has led to the idea that this water can stably store the information entered into it. After the transfer of liquid water inside the models into the water of the fourth state, the giants, as I think, removed the models and received a viscous waving whole water human body. This body contained all the necessary water information for a person. Further, as is clear from the drawings, balls of bodily prana were brought to the dismembered parts of the body, which, in my opinion, copied all bodily information into themselves. This information was transferred from all parts of the body to the formed water person, where, apparently, self-assembly of molecules and human tissues took place, ie, 10–20% of the volume of his body was formed. Probably, protein substrates were introduced inside. In this way, the human body was created, consisting of two main parts - water and bodily. Water and body pranas helped to do this. A spirit could enter such a body, and a person could come to life if the water of the fourth state was transferred again into liquid water. And if the water remained in the fourth state, then the body could be considered conserved (Somati). I do not exclude the possibility that some of the mummies could be such bodies in the Somachi state.formed 10–20% of the volume of his body. Probably, protein substrates were introduced inside. In this way, the human body was created, consisting of two main parts - water and bodily. Water and body pranas helped to do this. A spirit could enter such a body, and a person could come to life if the water of the fourth state was transferred again into liquid water. And if the water remained in the fourth state, then the body could be considered conserved (Somati). I do not exclude the possibility that some of the mummies could be such bodies in the Somachi state.formed 10–20% of the volume of his body. Probably, protein substrates were introduced inside. In this way, the human body was created, consisting of two main parts - water and bodily. Water and body pranas helped to do this. A spirit could enter such a body, and a person could come to life if the water of the fourth state was transferred again into liquid water. And if the water remained in the fourth state, then the body could be considered conserved (Somati). I do not exclude the possibility that some of the mummies could be such bodies in the Somachi state. And if the water remained in the fourth state, then the body could be considered conserved (Somati). I do not exclude the possibility that some of the mummies could be such bodies in the Somachi state. And if the water remained in the fourth state, then the body could be considered conserved (Somati). I do not exclude the possibility that some of the mummies could be such bodies in the Somachi state.

And what is the point of dismembering the body and assembling it again?

- It seems to me that giants (people from parallel worlds?) Were able to correct water and body information. When assembling the body, they introduced these adjustments in order to create a more perfect person, less susceptible to disease and able to use psychic energy. The latter, in my opinion, is associated with the water information of the human body and is poorly realizable without creating a full-fledged water person. But there is another aspect - the creation of an aquatic life form.

Are you saying that there are unknown life forms in the water?

- According to Tibetan, Indian and Egyptian mythology, water is a living substrate, and it is inhabited by disembodied aquatic creatures, up to the aquatic man. I have no reason and knowledge to deny this.

- From everything that you have told, we can conclude that many diseases come from the water of the human body

- We also made the same conclusion and have already created the so-called “water alloplant”. The first results have been very encouraging. After many years of expeditionary work, I became firmly convinced that legends, myths and traditions did not arise out of nowhere. And even the Egyptian myths about people with animal heads have a real basis.

Ernst Muldashev about the secrets of the past

Next part: Ancient people were made in laboratories