Falsification Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" - Alternative View

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Falsification Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" - Alternative View
Falsification Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" - Alternative View

Video: Falsification Of The "Tatar-Mongol Yoke" - Alternative View

Video: Falsification Of The
Video: Юрий Селезнев против альтернативной истории // Наука против 2024, April

The classical, that is, the version recognized by modern science of the "Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russia", "Mongol-Tatar yoke" and "liberation from the Horde tyranny" is well known, but it would be useful to refresh your memory once again. So … At the beginning of the 13th century, in the Mongolian steppes, a brave and devilishly energetic tribal leader named Genghis Khan gathered from the nomads a huge army, welded together by iron discipline, and set out to conquer the whole world, "to the last sea."

After conquering the closest neighbors, and then capturing China, the mighty Tatar-Mongol horde rolled westward. Having traveled about five thousand kilometers, the Mongols defeated the state of Khorezm, then Georgia, in 1223 they reached the southern outskirts of Russia, where they defeated the army of Russian princes in a battle on the Kalka River. In the winter of 1237, the Mongol-Tatars invaded Russia with their entire innumerable army, burned and destroyed many Russian cities, and in 1241, in fulfillment of the precepts of Genghis Khan, they tried to conquer Western Europe - they invaded Poland, the Czech Republic, in the south-west they reached the shores of the Adriatic Sea, however, they turned back, because they were afraid to leave in their rear the ruined, but still dangerous for them Russia. And the Tatar-Mongol yoke began. The huge Mongol empire, stretching from Beijing to the Volga, hung like an ominous shadow over Russia. The Mongol khans issued labels to the Russian princes for reigning, attacked Russia many times in order to plunder and plunder, repeatedly killed Russian princes in their Golden Horde. It is necessary to clarify that there were many Christians among the Mongols, and therefore some Russian princes struck up rather close, friendly relations with the Horde rulers, even becoming their brothers. With the help of the Tatar-Mongol detachments, other princes were kept on the "table" (ie on the throne), solved their purely internal problems and even collected tribute for the Golden Horde on their own. Having strengthened over time, Russia began to show its teeth. In 1380, the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy defeated the Horde Khan Mamai with his Tatars, and a century later, in the so-called "standing on the Ugra", the troops of the Grand Duke Ivan III and the Horde Khan Akhmat met. The opponents camped for a long time on different sides of the Ugra River, after which Khan Akhmat, finally realizing that the Russians had become strong and he had every chance of losing the battle, gave the order to retreat and took his horde to the Volga. These events are considered “the end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke”.

Today, a lot of information has accumulated, indicating that the so-called "Tatar-Mongol yoke" is a delusion of today's historians, since the Tatar-Mongols were not nomadic peoples who came from Asia, but Russians. Mongoloids of the Tatar-Mongols began to be considered only in the 17th century, possibly due to the deliberate falsification of the historians of Peter I. The evidence that the Tatar-Mongols are Russians is as follows.

Sources about the "yoke"

The term "Tatar-Mongol yoke" itself, however, is not found in Russian chronicles. All the so-called "defeats and sufferings" of the Russian people from the Mongols are described in the following entry (Hearts from strong bulat. Collection of Russian chronicles and literary monuments.):

Oh, bright light and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are glorified by many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, wonderful animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and menacing princes, honest boyars and by many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land, about the Christian Orthodox faith!

From here to the Ugrians and to the Poles, to the Czechs, from the Czechs to the Yatvingians, from the Yatvingians to the Lithuanians, to the Germans, from the Germans to the Karelians, from the Karelians to Ustyug, where the filthy Toymichi live, and beyond the Breathing Sea; from the sea to the Bulgarians, from the Bulgarians to the Burtases, from the Burtases to the Cheremis, from the Cheremis to the Mordtsy - everything was conquered by the Christian people, these filthy countries obeyed the Grand Duke Vsevolod, his father Yuri, Prince of Kiev, his grandfather Vladimir Monomakh, who The Polovtsians scared their little children. And the Lithuanians did not appear from their swamps, and the Hungarians strengthened the stone walls of their cities with iron gates so that the great Vladimir would not subdue them, and the Germans were glad that they were far away - across the blue sea. Burtases, Cheremis, Vyada and Mordovians fought for the Grand Duke Vladimir. And the emperor of Constantinople Manuel from fear sent great gifts to him,so that Grand Duke Vladimir did not take Constantinople from him.

And in those days - from the great Yaroslav, and to Vladimir, and to the current Yaroslav, and to his brother Yuri, Prince of Vladimir, trouble fell on Christians and the Monastery of the Caves of the Most Holy Theotokos was lit by the nasty.

Promotional video:

This text is called "The Word about the death of the Russian Land" and is a fragment of a work that has not come down to us about the Tatar-Mongol invasion. But this text is unnecessarily meager, and any foreign invasion is not at all guessed in it.

Part of this document was destroyed (possibly later by Romanov historians who created falsifications). However, this does not assert that the continuation of the document is also about the capture of Russia by the Mongols. And under the word "filthy" can be designated as peasants, pagans, and just neighboring peoples.

Appearance of the "Tatar-Mongol"

There are doubts that the people who attacked Russia were precisely the Asian Mongols. For example, the Mongoloid appearance of the head of the nomads Genghis Khan, described in a fairly “historically young” portrait, now kept in Taiwan, raises doubts. Ancient sources portray Chingiz as tall, long-bearded, with "lynx", green-yellow eyes. Persian historian Rashidad-Din (a contemporary of the "Mongol" wars) writes that in the family of Genghis Khan, children "were born mostly with gray eyes and blond". G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo mentions the "Mongolian" legend, according to which the ancestor of Chingiz in the ninth tribe of Boduanchar is blond and blue-eyed! And the same Rashid ad-Din also writes that the very generic name Borjigin, assigned to the descendants of Boduanchar, just means Gray-eyed!

By the way, Batu's appearance is drawn in the same way - fair-haired, light-bearded, light-eyed … The author of these lines lived his entire adult life not so far from the places where he allegedly "created his innumerable army of Genghis Khan." By the way, there are no names "Batu" or "Batu" in any language of the Mongolian group. But "Batu" is in Bashkir, and "Basty", as already mentioned, is in Polovtsian. So the very name of Chingizov's son did not come from Mongolia.

I wonder what his fellow tribesmen wrote about their glorious ancestor Genghis Khan in the "real" present Mongolia? The answer is disappointing: the Mongolian alphabet did not yet exist in the 13th century. Absolutely all the chronicles of the Mongols were written not earlier than the 17th century. And, consequently, any mention that Genghis Khan really left Mongolia will be no more than a retelling of ancient legends three hundred years later … Which, presumably, really liked the "real" Mongols - undoubtedly, it was very pleasant to suddenly learn that your ancestors, it turns out, once passed with fire and sword to the very Adriatic …

It is also mysterious that not a single contemporary of those events was able to find the Mongols. They simply do not exist - black-haired, slant-eyed people, those whom anthropologists call "Mongoloids". It was possible to trace only the traces of two Mongoloid tribes that certainly came from Central Asia - the Jalair and Barlas. But they did not come to Russia as part of the army of Chingiz, but to Semirechye (the region of present-day Kazakhstan). From there, in the second half of the 13th century, the Jalair migrated to the region of present-day Khojent, and the Barlas - to the valley of the Kashkadarya River. From the Semirechye they came to some extent Turkic in the sense of language. In the new place, they were already so much Turkified that in the 14th century, at least in the second half of it, they considered the Turkic language their native language "(from the work of B. D. Grekov and A. Yu. Yakubovsky" Rus and Golden Horde "(1950). Just as there was no assimilation of the Russian peoples by the Mongoloids, which should have been manifested in 300 years!

Beginning in the 80s of the 16th century, a purposeful and unstoppable movement of Russians to the east began, beyond the Urals - “walking to meet the sun”. It would be logical to assume that on this path stretching for thousands of kilometers, the pioneering Cossacks will stumble upon at least some traces of the great empire of the Mongol khans, stretching from the eastern coast of China to the borders of Poland …

Not the slightest trace of the empire! The cities disappeared somewhere, the magnificent "Yamskaya tract" thousands of kilometers long, along which messengers from Russia allegedly rushed to Karakorum, disappeared somewhere. Not the slightest material traces of anything remotely resembling a state. Moreover, the local population for some reason does not know at all, does not remember either the great capital Karakorum, which once flourished in the Mongol steppes, or the great emperors, whose power supposedly extended over half the world. The Manchus who rule in North China are well remembered and well known - this is a concrete, customary evil, adversaries who are still making raids. But for some reason no one can remember Batu and Genghis Khan … What is interesting, nowhere from the Urals to Lake Baikal, the Cossacks do not even meet the semblance of a state or cities!Only the "Kuchumovo kingdom" on the territory of the present Tyumen region remotely resembles the embryo of the state, and its capital Isker, a small fortification, with a great stretch can go out of the city.

It is curious that on all ancient miniatures the Tatar-Mongols are indicated with a Russian appearance. On the lower miniatures "Standing on the Ugra" and "Taking Kozelsk" the appearance of the attackers is by no means Mongoloid.

It is interesting that in the Western European miniature "The Death of Genghis Khan", Genghis Khan falling from the saddle is depicted in a helmet that is extremely reminiscent of Boleslav's helmet - it was then that they were worn in Poland, and in Russia, and throughout Europe. By the way, almost all Russian old miniatures depict "Tatars", which in appearance and weapons can hardly be distinguished from Russian warriors.

Let's leave aside the question of composition - since it was not the duke who killed the Tatar, but the Duke's Tatars, the image should have been somewhat different. Take a closer look at the "Tatar" trampled by a noble ducal foot. A completely Russian face, a Russian caftan, a thick Russian beard, a Russian hat, which the archers later wore. In the hands of the "Tatar" is not a curved and narrow Central Asian saber, but a weapon called "Elman", once taken over by the Russians from the Turks. Sabers of this type, changing, were in service with the Russian cavalry for a long time, even in the time of Paul 1. In addition, similar weapons were used by the Germans and Italians (a falcione-type cleaver made in Brescia in the 16th century).

How many Tatars were there?

Pre-revolutionary historians argued that there were half a million nomads, but such an army could hardly feed its horses, overcoming such distances. No matter how hardy the horses are, they would often die of hunger. Each nomad had 2-3 horses, plus carts. No grass would have sufficed to feed the rear ranks of the horsemen - the front ranks had to eat all the fields like locusts. Apparently, the version of so many nomads was compiled by historians who had no idea about nomadic life.

Modern historians claim that the Tatar-Mongols were 30 thousand. But this is not enough - such a number of nomads would hardly have been able to conquer a number of countries. This is too little to conquer almost all of Eurasia.

In addition, there are no known cases in history that forced nomadic peoples to unite in an army, pull to the other end of the world and easily capture many countries. Usually, nomadic peoples that do not have a territorial tie, keep in small groups, occasionally attacking their neighbors. It is doubtful that Genghis Khan was able to rally wild nomadic peoples and force them to conquer the world - this meant that they had to give up their nomadic life. Very strange motives appeared among the nomads - to leave their families, and for some reason to go far away to conquer the lands they hardly needed.

It is also surprising that the Tatar-Mongols perfectly adapted to combat conditions: they fought in the winter, and in the thickets, which, it would seem, nomadic life does not have. Moreover, they were not such "wild" peoples - they used siege weapons, battering rams, and, according to some reports, even "Greek" fire! Some sources describe them as excellent navigators (allegedly the Mongolian navy in the 13th century fired at the ships of the ancient Japanese with something like rockets). And if we also consider their ability to tact, iron discipline … More like a well-armed European state. By the way, in many early images of the Mongols, they were depicted in chain mail.

Symbiosis of Russians and Tatars

For some reason, Russians and, even more so, Christians are constantly fighting in the Tatar-Mongols. For example, in the battle on Kalka (where, by the way, the word "Mongols" is never mentioned in the annals), the Russian princes who held the defense against the Tatars surrendered when a certain Ploskinya (the name is clearly Russian), who came out of the "Mongol", kissed the pectoral cross, inviting the princes to surrender, promising they would be spared. In Sarai the Great there were Christian churches, and at the "khan's headquarters" there was an Orthodox bishop.

There are a number of chronicles of those times about the Polovskoy prince Basty, who adopted Christianity, which sheds light on the “Tatar-Mongol” people. the unification of the Russian principalities.

As official history teaches us, Vsevolod the Big Nest was the first to try to unite the Russian lands around his principality, i.e. Vladimir Suzdalsky. He took possession of Vladimir and ascended the grand prince's table, went on campaigns against the Volga Bulgarians and Mordovians, on Ryazan, subjugated Kiev, Chernigov and Galich. What is “Khan Batu” doing a quarter of a century after Vsevolod's death? Imagine, going on campaigns against the Volga Bulgarians and Mordvinians, subduing Ryazan, Kiev, Chernigov and Galich, taking possession of Vladimir, and then … transfers the label to the great reign to Vsevolod's grandson Alexander Nevsky.

With the arrival of the Tatar-Mongols, Russia for some reason, on the contrary, intensified. The turmoil that had existed before the Mongols and the struggle of the princes for power subsided - order appeared. A prince who ruled Russia was elected, who received a label to reign in the Horde.

In 1242, under Alexander Nevsky, the Teutonic Order was easily repulsed, which indicated the excellent condition of the Russian troops..

Too much and often have written about how Russian princes and "Mongol khans" became brothers, relatives, sons-in-law and father-in-law, how they went on joint military campaigns.

Russians on the side of the Mongols in his ranks

In Poland, on the side of the Mongols, there was the Kiev tysyak Demetrius, which is directly indicated by the Russian chronicles. After the capture of the city of Vladimir, the Mongols left Prince Yaroslav to reign there, who distributed the surrounding cities to his brothers - it is strange that nomads entrusted such power to him.

Not only Russian warriors fought on the side of the Tatar-Mongols. And the Tatar-Mongols often fought on the side of the Russians.

Alyn - "Horde Murza". Mentioned in chronicles as a participant in the campaign of Prince Andrey Gorodetsky against Prince Dmitry Pereyaslavsky. Yektyak - "Tsarevich of Kazan". In 1396 he commanded a part of the troops of the Suzdal prince Simeon during the latter's attack on the Murom separatists. Kavgady - "Horde official" participates in the campaign of the Gorodets prince against Pereyaslavsky (1281). He persuades Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy to cede the great reign to Prince of Moscow Yuri Danilovich (1317), commands part of the Moscow army during the attack on Tver. Attends the trial of the Russian princes over Mikhail Tverskoy. Mengat - "voivode Batyev". In 1239, he tried to persuade the Kiev prince Mikhail to surrender the city without a fight - and after the Kievites killed his ambassadors, he left the city. Nevryuy - "Tatar Tsarevich". Commander of the troops of Alexander Nevsky, sent against the prince's brother Andrew,trying to unleash another strife. In 1296/1297, according to Nikonovskaya, Simeonovskaya and Laurentian chronicles, he held a princely congress.

There were oddities with the tax collectors. For some reason, yasak collectors appeared only 19 years after the “conquest” of Rus by the Tatars. The pickers were often beaten by the Russians, but the Mongols, for some reason, were very calm about this - apparently, the pickers were also Russians. Most likely, the so-called Baskaki are ordinary tax collectors of the state.

It is also interesting that, on the one hand, Russia seems to be a "vassal" of the Golden Horde. On the other hand, the Russians suddenly attack the Volga Bulgaria, i.e. part of the Golden Horde and force the local city to take a vassal oath! Rather, it looks like Russia and the Horde were one state.

The kings of the Horde were called khans or kagans. Russian princes were often called this way before the advent of Christianity. "And faith in all languages extended to our Russian language and praise to OUR KAGAN VOLODIMIR, from him the baptism was bykh" - so Metropolitan Hilarion called Prince Vladimir. LN Gumilev wrote: "KHANAMI were the rulers of Avars, Bulgarians, Hungarians and even Russes: Vladimir Saint, Yaroslav the Wise and, finally, his grandson, Oleg Svyatoslavich, bore this title."

A number of undeservedly forgotten historians of the 17th century (for example, AI Lyzlov in his work "Scythian History") generally indicate that the Tatars are a European people, akin to the Slavs. And Genghis Khan was only the founder of the Trans-Volga Horde (whose borders stretched from the Sea of Azov to the Caspian, but not Asia). There is no mention of the campaigns of the Mongols in China, Georgia, and Asia in general. Only campaigns to India, more precisely to Persia, are described (for some reason, according to this information, India was at Euphrates, perhaps this is due to the fact that the word indé meant that both outside - outside, and India meant neighboring states).

By the way, historians of that time do not mention Nestor's chronicle at all, which only confirms rumors that this chronicle is falsification, and is the disinformation work of the Peter the Great historian Miller, who encroached on many historical works of that time. And Tatishchev tried to prove that his fellow historians who created the “classical version” of the Tatar-Mongols are wrong, but his conclusions were called “heresy”.

Curiously, there are passages in Lyzlov's book that make it possible to say with a high degree of certainty that Great Tartary, or the Trans-Volga Horde, was called a long time ago … China! And Afanasy Nikitin clearly distinguished between China ** and China: "And from China to China to go by land for six months, and by sea for four days."

Even N. A. Morozov, in the 6th volume of his work "Christ", began to scrupulously check the "ancient" Chinese astronomical chronicles, allegedly dating back to 2650 BC, and found out the most interesting things. The Chinese, it turned out, do not have documents written earlier than the 16th century AD. Moreover, they have no descriptions of astronomical instruments, and no traces of ancient observatories have been found in China. For the first time, Chinese lists of the appearance of comets were published by Europeans in the 18th-19th centuries, these lists bear obvious traces of rewriting from each other and, as Morozov pointed out, they were supplemented by the Europeans themselves, that is, European scientists replenished Chinese sources with European materials, "adjusting the problem to the answer." … For example, the "emperors Zhao-Le-Di, Wen-Di and Da-Di", who supposedly ruled in one year, are in fact the Clear-Ardent King,Literary Tsar and Great Tsar. And the name U-Di means … "war king." Which is more like a long list of titles from one person.

The parallels between the Roman Empire and China are sometimes amazing.

The beginning of the 3rd century. AD: The Roman Empire ceases to exist in internecine wars. The time has come for "soldier emperors". In those same years in China … the Han Empire perishes in internecine wars, "illiterate, morally decayed soldiers came to power."

Roman Empire: in the middle of the 3rd century. AD power in Rome passes to a relative of the emperor Caracalla Julia Mesa, whose rule is called "bloody". In the end, she is killed. In those same years, in China … the wife of one of the emperors, "energetic and fierce", came to power. Rule by shedding blood right and left. In the end, she is killed.

The beginning of the IV century. AD: The Roman Empire is divided into Eastern and Western. In those same years, the Jin empire in China was divided into two parts - Eastern and Western.

The Roman Empire is at war with the Huns. China in the same years - with the Xiongnu.

V century AD: The Western Roman Empire was conquered by the Germans and the Huns. Chinese Western Liang … conquered by the Xiongnu. And in Rome, and in China on the throne at this time "a very young emperor."

This is what happened in China since 1722 “The Manchu rulers formed a special committee to compile the history of the previous Ming dynasty … The opposition could not come to terms with such an interpretation of the history of the fallen dynasty, so there were“private”stories of the Ming dynasty …

The rulers responded with executions, imprisonment, exile … Books that were disagreeable to the government were confiscated. There were 34 seizures between 1774 and 1782. From 1772 a collection of all printed books ever published in China was undertaken. The collection lasted 20 years, 360 people were involved in the analysis and processing of the collected material. A few years later, 3457 titles were issued in a new edition, and the remaining 6766 were described in the catalog. In fact, it was a grandiose operation to confiscate books and an equally grandiose operation to falsify texts. All undesirable passages were removed from the new editions, and even the titles of the books were changed”. ("World History" in 10 volumes, prepared by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.)

And in the 60s-70s of the last century, Archimandrite P. I. Kafarov, head of the Russian Orthodox mission in Beijing. Being keenly interested in the history of China and the legends of the Great Wall, he diligently, for a long time searches for it … and does not find it! The wall of China in its present form was created under Mao Tse-Tung, before that there were several earthen ramparts.

So the Mongols did not take "China". More precisely, perhaps, they took, but not that one, not the Chin empire, but China of the “golden horde”.

The city of Karakum is the capital of the empire of Genghis Khan. The "classical" theory of the Mongol-Tatar empire places it somewhere in the Mongolian steppes. The word Karakum itself is Turkic and in translation it can mean “northern Crimea”. Here are the travel notes of the monk Guillaume Rubruck, a member of the embassy to the “great khan of the Mongols”, sent by the French king Louis Saint (1253). He travels to Karakorum … through the Black Sea, Taurida and the Don steppes. Returns - through Derbent and Armenia. An absolutely normal direction if the Karakorum is located somewhere on the Volga or in the Northern Crimea. If Karakorum is in the Mongolian steppes, you will never get there by such a road.

Invasion of Europe

In March 1241, the "Tatars" invaded Europe, the territory of Poland in two large groups, captured Sandomierz, Wroclaw and Krakow, where they perpetrated robberies, murders and destruction. After the Silesian detachments were defeated near Opolje, both wings of the Tatars united and moved to the town of Legnica, where on April 9 they were barred from the road with an army of ten thousand, Henry II the Pious, Duke of Silesian, Lesser Poland and Greater Poland. A battle ensued, in which the Poles suffered a crushing defeat. The Mongols won with some strange smoke, possibly with Greek fire.

“And when they saw a Tatar who ran out with a banner - and this banner looked like an 'X', and on top of it there was a head with a long beard trembling, filthy and stinking smoke from the lips that let out on the Poles - everyone was amazed * and horrified, and who rushed to run wherever they could, and so they were defeated - from Lyzlov.

After the victory in Poland, the "Tatar" cavalry turns south, goes to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Dalmatia. Until the end of 1242, regardless of losses, the "Tatars" break through to the Adriatic Sea, and, in the end, come to its shores. They pass through the Czech Republic almost without fights, they do not stay in Hungary for a particularly long time. "Tatar" cavalry rushes to the Adriatic.

Neither in Poland, nor in the Czech Republic, nor in Hungary, nor in Croatia, nor in Dalmatia - the "Tatars" make no attempts to somehow subjugate the country. They do not levy a tribute to anyone, do not care about putting their administration in prison, they do not lead to a vassal oath. There is no smell of conquest here - we have a purely military campaign, the actions of which for some reason coincided with the actions of Frederick II Hohenstaufen, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation and the king of Sicily (the Sicilian kingdom then included Southern Italy). For some reason, the "wild" Mongols allied with Frederick II in his war against Pope Gregory X. Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary - all three countries defeated and devastated by the "Tatars" - were firm supporters of the pope in the conflict between Pope and Frederick.

In Europe at that time, it was widely believed that Frederick II … secretly got in touch with the "Tatars" and tried with their help to crush the papal power! After the Russians returned to their homeland in Russia in 1242. the crusaders attacked, and against Frederick the "crusader army" also moved, which stormed the capital, the city of Aachen, to crown their emperor there.

By the way, medieval Western Europe … for some reason was convinced of the existence in the east of a huge kingdom of a certain Christian ruler "Presbyter John", whose descendants in Europe were the khans of the "Mongol empire"!

This conviction was held extremely firmly - for more than two hundred years, persisting as far back as the 15th century! Many European chroniclers "for some reason" identified Presbyter John with Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan, by the way, “for some reason” was also called “King David.

“A certain Philip, prior of the province of the Holy Land of the Dominican Order,” writes a modern historian, “taking wishful thinking, wrote to Rome that Christianity reigns everywhere in the Mongol East.” Why, “taking wishful thinking”? And so it was. “The Mongol East "was Russia, a completely Christian country." This belief persisted for a long time and became an integral part of the geographical theory of the late Middle Ages."

Interestingly, "Presbyter John" maintained a particularly warm and trusting relationship with Frederick II Hohenstaufen! Thus, he became the only European monarch who did not feel the slightest alarm at the news of the invasion of the "Tatars" in Europe. The only one who corresponded with the "Tatars" - Frederick II, as our reconstruction shows, conducted military operations with them against the Pope.

And a certain Abbot Odo from the monastery of Saint-Remy in Reims (1118-1151) wrote to his friend Count Thomas that he was in Rome when the patriarch from the kingdom of Presbyter John was there.

Conclusions: Too many coincidences, or rather, mutually confirming evidence. Combined with the thesis that no Mongols from Central Asia ever appeared in Russia, and the "Horde" was nothing more than a Russian army, information about the "kingdom of Presbyter John" just becomes the final touch of the picture. There is no other way to explain why Europe did not doubt the reality of the "Kingdom of John" for more than two hundred years. It can be assumed that in Western Europe XIII-XV centuries. did not know much about what was happening in the REMOTE regions like India, Indochina, Indonesia.

The "Tatar-Mongols" were Russians and a number of peoples living in the western Black Sea region, in the Caucasus. The state of Genghis Khan was located between the Azov and Caspian seas, and in fact was the heiress of Khazaria. Tatar-Mongols are European peoples with a European appearance (with rare exceptions). There was no yoke - just order was established in Russia after internecine wars for power between the principalities. Tatar-Mongol "invasions" took place only in cases of separatism of any principalities. And the Baskaks were just ordinary civil servants.

The capital of the Tatar state, Karakum, was located, apparently, somewhere near the Black Sea and Crimea.

Most of the Tatar-Mongol troops included Russians. For comparison, the troops of Batu (Basti's Polovtsian) were 600,000 people ("150,000 Tatars, 450,000 other infidels and Christians")

Russia and the Horde were essentially one state with common goals. Batu's policy coincided with the policy of Vsevolod the Big Nest and Alexander Nevsky, perhaps Baty is Vsevolod (and later Alexander was attributed to him). On the territory of the Horde there were Christian temples, perhaps Judaism, left over from Khazaria, was also widespread.

The territory of Kievan Rus was often called Moscow Tataria, the territory of the former Khazar Kaganate - Free Tataria, from where, by the way, the Cossack horsemen went, on which speculations about nomadic tribes were based (among the "Tatar-Mongols", for example, the leaders were called vatamans!). The territory of Asia was often called Great Tataria, sometimes Siberian Tataria, part of the territory - Chinese Tataria, which will be indicated on the lower maps. Many ancient maps have survived, proving that Russians were called Tatars. On them, the territory of Russia is indicated as Tataria (Tartaria). And the word Mongolia most likely comes from the word Mogolia (indicated on the maps). Perhaps that is why the territory of Russia in the Bible was indicated as the land of Magog.

On many ancient maps, it was not Tatar-Mongolia that was indicated, but Tartar-Mogolia, and often Moscow Tataria (Kievan Rus) was designated separately.

The Tatar-Mongols allied with Frederick II in his struggle against the Pope. Under Peter I, German historians were working under the leadership of Miller, who, apparently, decided to erase the evidence of the formidable state of Russia-Horde (Tataria) and attribute their exploits to wild nomadic peoples. At the same time, the chronicles of Nestor are created (or distorted), other sources are destroyed. At various times, this aroused the indignation of such historians as Tatishchev, Lomonosov. Even the works of the latter were rewritten by Miller.

However, the delusion, despite the obvious evidence, still remains in our heads.
