Herzen And Radishchev. Who Really Was Herzen's Alarm Clock, Or Why Do Cooks Need Power - Alternative View

Herzen And Radishchev. Who Really Was Herzen's Alarm Clock, Or Why Do Cooks Need Power - Alternative View
Herzen And Radishchev. Who Really Was Herzen's Alarm Clock, Or Why Do Cooks Need Power - Alternative View

Video: Herzen And Radishchev. Who Really Was Herzen's Alarm Clock, Or Why Do Cooks Need Power - Alternative View

Video: Herzen And Radishchev. Who Really Was Herzen's Alarm Clock, Or Why Do Cooks Need Power - Alternative View
Video: Are We Living in A Computer Simulation? | Gregg Braden 2024, October

"Any cook can run the state"

- IN AND. Lenin.

Those who come from the Union probably remember Lenin's catchphrase about the Decembrists, Herzen and Chernyshevsky, and in spite of the fact that Radishchev in the original interpretation of the phrase, it seems, did not seem to have been said, but between times it slipped, what to say "Radishchev-tka woke up the Decembrists, and they are patho, that, that, and these are generally faqs" … Soviet historiography in general was, by and large, ordered, somewhat perverted in connection with the officially declared workers 'and peasants' party policy and the strictly limited Central Administration and RD (valuable instructions and guiding documents) of the CPSU, and such principles as "Caesar's wife is beyond suspicion", "We have no sex" and "Moscow is the third Rome" were hammered into the heads of everyone who more or less touched history with a sledgehammer. children's bench.

However, what began to happen later made us recall Soviet historiography with warm nostalgia and read some documents more carefully. If Soviet historians smoothed corners, hushed up unpleasant facts and pulled the deeds of the necessary characters in the right direction by the ears, then the delights and baseless fantasies of the peoples who had become independent at first terribly laughed … and then they began to scare them by the fact that they were called upon with all their might to show what they are. there were and are great and … how godlessly humiliated and tyrannized THEIR (such great) evil and insidious Russian invader …

But Russia already had a couple of gentle and pliable rulers. The first time - after the death of a half-German with an iron will of Stolypin, it ended with rivers of blood, civil war and intervention, the second time - after the death of the iron diplomat Gromyko, there was no direct intervention, but economic sabotage, bloodshed and civil war were, as expected, so think about the role of personality in world history and the influence of incapable rulers on the fate of millions …

Until March 27, 1854 (when Napoleon, who was at the peak of his power, together with Victoria (also fed by the same financial monopoly of the Roman Empire - the Rothschild banking corporation), who also dreamed of greatness, declared war on Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich) Russia was also Europe, and was even more European than the same Spain-Italy-Portugal … but somehow it did not work out … and after the war, under the leadership of the first and only ruler of Russia, who was born in Moscow, Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich, Russia forever became Russian and went its own way, leaving in memory of the Roman Empire only the official surname of the tsars - the Romanovs. But this was not at all welcomed by its Western "partners" and the only way out that they found in an attempt to break Russia in this stalemate was to bring to power, in Lenin's language,heterosexual "cooks" …

Pyotr Romanovich Bagration
Pyotr Romanovich Bagration

Pyotr Romanovich Bagration.

And the "cooks" did not hesitate to climb into power even in antiquity, no, I do not mean rabidly breeding since the middle of the 19th century. collections of anecdotal libels about "Ekaterin-second", "Elizavetpetrovn" (both heroines of the anecdotes, later called "history of Russia of the 18th century", were invented from a living example, using with might and main facts and gossip from the life of Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration (nee Skavronskaya), the wife of Bagration of the real prince Peter, and the real queens of Alexandrina Victoria, Maria da Gloria and especially Maria Isabel) and similar "mariiteresias", I will say more, or rather, I will unequivocally say that UNTIL THE 30s of the XIX CENTURY, NO WOMAN RULED ANY STATE! And even more so in Russia! Defeating the "salic law" is the basic law (!) for all monarchies - an opportunity arose only as a result of the victory of the imperial financial aristocracy over the imperial clan in 1830, and even then not on the ancestral lands, but on the lands of the first colonies - on the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula, but even so, it was oh so far to women's equality, although in the native lands there were such comic princesses as the Madagascar Raschuerin or by no means the operetta first and only Empress of China Tsisii, and again I will argue that until the last quarter of the 19th century, THERE WAS NO MATRIARCHES, from the word "never" … even a century later, such rulers as Indy Rygandi, Goloda Moir or Malgorzata Thatcherova were perceived as a kind of deviation, and the stories about matriarchy themselves would begin to be invented only on the threshold of the last twentieth century.and even then not on the original lands, but on the lands of the first colonies - on the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula, but even so, it was oh so far to women's equality, although in the native lands there were such comic princesses as Madagascar Rashuerina or not at all the operatic first and only Empress of China Tsisii, and again I will argue that until the last quarter of the 19th century there were NO MATRIARCHATES, from the word "never" … even a century later, such rulers as Indy Rygandi, Hunger Moir or Malgorzhat Thatcherova were perceived as some deviation, and the stories about matriarchy themselves will begin to be invented only on the threshold of the last twentieth century.and even then not on the original lands, but on the lands of the first colonies - on the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula, but even so, it was oh so far to women's equality, although in the native lands there were such comic princesses as Madagascar Rashuerina or not at all the operatic first and only Empress of China Tsisii, and again I will argue that until the last quarter of the 19th century there were NO MATRIARCHATES, from the word "never" … even a century later, such rulers as Indy Rygandi, Hunger Moir or Malgorzhat Thatcherova were perceived as some deviation, and the stories about matriarchy themselves will begin to be invented only on the threshold of the last twentieth century.although in the native lands there were such comic princesses as the Madagascar Raschuerin or by no means the operetta first and only empress of China Tsisii, and again I will argue that until the last quarter of the 19th century, there were NO MATRIARCHATES, from the word "never" … even a century later, such rulers as Indy Rygandi, Goloda Moir or Malgorzata Thatcherova were perceived as a kind of deviation, and the stories about matriarchy themselves would begin to be invented only on the threshold of the last twentieth century.although in the native lands there were such comic princesses as the Madagascar Raschuerin or by no means the operetta first and only empress of China Tsisii, and again I will argue that until the last quarter of the 19th century, there were NO MATRIARCHATES, from the word "never" … even a century later, such rulers as Indy Rygandi, Goloda Moir or Malgorzata Thatcherova were perceived as a kind of deviation, and the stories about matriarchy themselves would begin to be invented only on the threshold of the last twentieth century. The hunger of Moir or Malgorzhat Thatcherov was perceived as a kind of deviation, and the stories about matriarchy themselves would begin to be invented only on the threshold of the last twentieth century. The hunger of Moir or Malgorzhat Thatcherov was perceived as a kind of deviation, and the stories about matriarchy themselves would begin to be invented only on the threshold of the last twentieth century.

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These "cooks" lived widely and could teach anyone how to rule correctly. I believe that everyone should know them in person, and I will immediately warn you that these princes have such a thing that hardly anyone can have a doubt that these prunes can charge a turnip; it is said about them: "All people are like people, and I am a princess!" Their fates, however, developed in different ways: one achieved true greatness and by the year 81 became indisputable number one, the other, not having time to turn around properly, remained behind the scenes for everyone and died in childbirth at 34, the third sex life overshadowed all her deeds, and at 38 years old she completely forgot about the crown and, repeating the fate of her mother, until 73 she lived for her pleasure, despite this, they all have one thing in common - meet, THEY WERE THE FIRST:

Marusia (Maria da Gloria Juana Carlota Leupoldina da Cruz Francisco Xavier de Paula Isidora Michaela Gabriela Rafaela Ghosn

zaga de Austrias and Braganza and Bourbon April 4, 1819 - November 15, 1853, by the mother of Habsburg, by her husband the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha; head of the Regency Council from March 6, 1826 (6 years old), Queen of Portugal from May 26, 1834 (2nd time, 15 years)).

Maria da Gloria Juana Carlota Leupoldina da Cruz Francisco Xavier de Paula Isidora Michaela Gabriela Rafaela Gon zaga de Austria and Braganza and Bourbon
Maria da Gloria Juana Carlota Leupoldina da Cruz Francisco Xavier de Paula Isidora Michaela Gabriela Rafaela Gon zaga de Austria and Braganza and Bourbon

Maria da Gloria Juana Carlota Leupoldina da Cruz Francisco Xavier de Paula Isidora Michaela Gabriela Rafaela Gon zaga de Austria and Braganza and Bourbon.

Victosh (Alexandrina Victoria of Hanover (Braunschweig-Luneburg) May 24, 1819 - January 22, 1901, by the mother of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, by her husband the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (which, in fact, is the same); Queen of the United Kingdom Great Britain and Ireland from June 20, 1837 (18 years old), and from May 1, 1876 (57 years old) also the Empress of India)

Alexandrina Victoria Hanover (Braunschweig-Luneburg)
Alexandrina Victoria Hanover (Braunschweig-Luneburg)

Alexandrina Victoria Hanover (Braunschweig-Luneburg).

and of course, Squirrel (Maria Isabel Luisa de Borbon and Borbon Dos Sicillas October 10, 1830 - April 19, 1904, by mother and husband from Bourbons; Queen of Spain from September 29, 1833 (almost 3 years) - September 30, 1868 (almost 38 years), since 1837 (7 years) the country's first constitutional monarch).

Maria Isabel Luisa de Borbon and Borbon Dos Sicillas
Maria Isabel Luisa de Borbon and Borbon Dos Sicillas

Maria Isabel Luisa de Borbon and Borbon Dos Sicillas.

In order to immediately remove the questions why Saxe-Coburg-Gotha flickered so often, I will explain: at that time, Gotha was the banking capital of Europe and the birthplace of insurance and investment lending, from where the different-sized Rockefellers let money into their subordinates, cheap outskirts monarchies and, of course, put the overseer to their grandmothers (I meant money, the girls at that time were still ogogo). The Spanish Maruska, who for some unknown reason was called Elizabeth (Isabel-Yeshavel (although if the English Sanka decided that she was Viktoshka, why shouldn't Masha be Lizka)), they also strenuously imposed loans for the friendly help of financial oligarchs in the form of another consort from a Gothic surname, but, thanks to the iron will of the Queen Regent Maria Cristina de Bourbon, the Goths never took over the Iberian Peninsula … at all,besides, the young princess was frankly stupid, soft (in every sense) and pliable, and was not particularly interested in where the money came from; and the adult girl, recognized at the age of 13, was assigned an intelligent, comprehensively educated and unprincipled-depraved mentor Salustiano Olozag, who carefully educated the young, fostering inclinations (such as a tendency to malnutrition and sexual temperament), which she inherited in abundance from her Italian motherfostering tendencies (such as a tendency to malnutrition and sexual temperament), which she inherited in excess from her Italian motherfostering tendencies (such as a tendency to malnutrition and sexual temperament), which she inherited in excess from her Italian mother

Queen Regent Maria Cristina de Bourbon
Queen Regent Maria Cristina de Bourbon

Queen Regent Maria Cristina de Bourbon.

Maria Cristina Ferdinando di Bourbon, albeit not a beauty, but very passionate, parted for the love of the sergeant and her daughters, and with … power. In addition, the origin of Isabelle from extremely close kinship ties (her husband is her brother, the fathers of the spouses were brothers, and the mothers were sisters, and both nieces of their husbands) could not help but affect her intellectual abilities … but despite this, the people loved her and to those who are interested in it as much as I am, I can suggest reading a couple of fairly illustrated and informative articles written based on official sources.

Of course, it's interesting about girls, but as you yourself probably understood, this is just a saying, a fairy tale ahead. By this digression, I tried to explain the reason for the hostility of Western Europe towards Russia and Prussia. The fact is that the latter remained loyal to the old clan military nobility, while the entire west was under the financial aristocracy, spreading from the Netherlands and the Rhine German regions, like a cancerous tumor … It was for this that Russia and Prussia were always pitted and … they were terrified, because it was they who, when the western German possessions betrayed the Holy Roman Empire and united in the Rhine Union, remained the bearers of true Roman imperial power and traditions, and it was for this that both our countries suffered most severely from the violent revolutions and interventions in 1918, but nothing, we survived, and here is Germany,wounded mainly by our brotherly hands, she fell and now stinks, it's good at least we left the Prussian lands, did not let our "original Egypt" be polluted …

So, attempts to gloss over Russia were undertaken since ancient times, even before Moscow, as a result of the not very successful Eastern war for Russia, when the closest relatives Prussia and Great Britain stabbed in the back, became the Third Rome and proclaimed a course on its own exclusivity, and always these innuendo was accompanied by blatant shocking lies. One of such fairy tales, which was raised into dogma by the followers of Marx and Engels who sincerely hated Russia (who came from the former Rhine principalities of Berg and the Archbishopric of Trier, which directly adjoined the so-called Historical Netherlands and were always the most Dutch of all German lands; finished, by the way, both classics in an old Dutch sump - in London) is a tale about the connection between such unrelated events as the Porcupine Rebellion,creativity of the writer Radishchev and the "Russian" "revolutionary" Herzen …

So theses: 1) the Decembrists did not read Radishchev's "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow"; 2) Radishchev and Herzen are contemporaries; 3) neither the Decembrists, nor Radishchev, nor Herzen were revolutionaries.

Let's start point by point. Why couldn't the Decembrists read Radishchev's "Journey …"? Because in 1825 this murky libel had not yet been written and, as the official historiography claims, “the stupid near-Masonic“golden youth”who did not sniff gunpowder could not, after reading, take care of the fate of Russian serfs, and even more so, God forbid, release them. So, only the facts, and not hidden from anyone and lying on the surface in the same pedia. As Josef Goebbels used to say, paraphrasing Hitler's theses: "A lie must be monstrous in order to be believed," so no one even pays attention to these facts, considering: "Oh well, no, this cannot be, because this cannot to be never! ", although the same Josef Goebbels easily explained the mechanism by which the truth was replaced with a lie:" A lie,repeated a thousand times - it becomes true."

Now I just cite facts about the “fiery revolutionary Radishchev” and “his” writings in the correct order, I will remind all of them from primitive pedia and do not require special efforts to understand, I will not repeat groundless inventions about the life and pedigree of the “great proletarian writer” and concurrently "The first Russian revolutionary", there will be only technical information, though I will highlight the marker words:

“The novel is a collection of scattered fragments linked by the names of towns and villages” (a good start? I wonder what does the word “novel” have to do with it ?!)

"The censor looked only through the content, and since the chapters of the novel are named by city, the censor considered this book a guidebook and let it pass without reading it" (yeah, as many as 2 times, this explanation reminds me of baby talk from the series "my dad is on a business trip because he is the commander "or" the criminal investigation department is looking for lost corners ")

"A book was printed in a home printing house" (and this slapstick is from a series about underground Marxists on the threshold of the twentieth century; why, everyone used to do that, everyone had their own printing house; the most interesting thing is that it was printed, it turns out, anonymously, HOW? ! found out that it is HE ?!)

And now, seriously: “The novel itself was banned, removed only in 1905. However, the novel diverged in the lists and became widely known ", and immediately" In the 1840-1850s "Journey …" was practically unknown to the reading public, in any case, there are no traces of acquaintance with "Journey" by Belinsky, Granovsky, Petrashevists or even Herzen (!) Until 1857 (!!!) ". But how is that ?! After all, the "great Pushkin" wrote about him a lot, allegedly in 1836! How do we know about this? And here: “Pushkin's article“Alexander Radishchev”was first (!) Published by P. V. Annenkov in 1857, and in 1858 Herzen in the Free Russian Printing House (London) published one of the handwritten lists of "Travel", full of inaccuracies. The entire circulation of "Travel …", published by A. A. Cherkesov in 1872, after the abolition of serfdom, was destroyed"


Now watch your hands. This means that Pushkin confirmed Radishchev, and Pushkin confirmed P. V. Annenkov, and who is P. V. Annenkov? But Wikipedia says: "the author of the first collected works of Pushkin (1855-1857) and the first biography of Pushkin (!) -" Materials for the biography of Pushkin "(1855)" and "later, collecting new materials and having the opportunity to publish in more liberal censorship conditions many old, published the book "Pushkin in the Alexander era" (1874) ". So, after almost twenty years, "Pushkin" flew into the Alexander era, but which of the Alexandrovs is still a big question, so the current existence of the mythical "great Russian poet" "A. S. Pushkin "we owe solely to the pen of this man, who personally invented for us the" great " Russian " poet " Alexander " Sergeevich "" Pushkin "…

Annenkov was just one of the cohort, and when I read the "sharks of the pen" now I already understand that people knew what they were writing … there were times such that any current "bulk" just smoke on the sidelines and cry into the pillow at night. The concept of "gallant age", invented only in the last third of the 19th century and nostalgically describing the pre-revolutionary 30-40 years of the same century, from childhood instilled in us a sense of refinement and nobility, chivalry and justice, beauty and high art ….


To my great regret, now I am parting with these fabulous countries, the thirst for knowledge and the need for realism are stronger and they show that behind the thin film of the advertising and entertainment poster "XIX century" is hidden the omnipresent all-conquering stench, dirt, hopeless labor and … devilish, inhuman cruelty … Hugo and Dostoevsky only revealed the real face of the 19th century.


And the skulls of the 19th century “people” are not the toothless skulls we are used to. Here is a real skull of "gallant" people: selfishness, a nose for danger, fangs, deceit and lack of principle, a minimum of thought and a maximum of action …

Jackal Skull
Jackal Skull

Jackal Skull.

Well, what was the opinion of Annenkov himself, I apologize to Pushkin, about the little book? Frankly, the opinion was expressed very far from any recognition of value, and even more so the call for revolution was not seen in it, here is a quote:

“The Journey to Moscow, the cause of his misfortune and fame, is, as we have already said, a very mediocre work, not to mention the barbaric syllable. Complaints about the unhappy state of the people, the violence of the nobles, etc. are exaggerated and vulgar. Outbursts of sensitivity, cutesy and inflated, sometimes extremely funny. We could confirm our judgment with a multitude of extracts. But the reader should open his book at random in order to be convinced of the truth of what we said."

Or here are the words of a really real and great writer Fyodor Dostoevsky: "scraps and tips of his thoughts are side by side with free translations of French enlighteners"

So was Radishchev at all, and who was he, if at all ?! Who could write so clumsily and awkwardly, having slapped instead of a novel "a collection of scattered fragments", and even with the desire to protect the rights of serfs, was he even in Moscow and St. Petersburg? - I was. I'll tell you now.

The alleged "Radishchev" "Alexander", allegedly exiled, had children allegedly in sacks, and the most famous of them - Afanasy and Fyokla (Bogolyubov) - were allegedly not recognized by their family and were generally incomprehensible by whom. The trouble happened to the "recognized" children worse, two of them - "Vasily" and "Nikolai" - allegedly lived with the brother of "Alexander" - Moses (?! And they also had Joseph), director of the Arkhangelsk customs (?!) and they lived as if separately, when they write about Vasya - they do not mention Kolya, and vice versa; further - more, the heroic Vasya exchanged service in the army for the police, just on the eve of the "war of 1812", Kolya also rushed to the police, that's what patriots were!

Here is what "Mitroshenkova Lada Vadimovna, a postgraduate student at the Russian State Humanitarian University, until 2001, was the chief curator of the Maloyaroslavets Military History Museum of 1812" writes about him:

“In 1812, the zemstvo police chief in Maloyaroslavets was staff captain Vasily Alexandrovich Radishchev … Radishchev is known for showing exemplary vigilance in guarding the borders of the district from "suspicious individuals" who are "loitering" along the roads past the city. In August 1812, for example, he detained the real extraordinary professor of medicine B. K. Milhausen, who had the imprudence to make his way from Kaluga to Moscow on foot. Vasily Alexandrovich was also engaged in the "extermination" of spirits in the district after the province was declared martial law. In addition, it was the zemstvo police chief who discovered the hidden by the Maloyaroslavets landowner D. A. Kudryavtsev in his garden, artillery pieces. Later it turned out, however, that the guns were just amusing, intended for fireworks"

What a heroic guy he was! In addition to these heroic deeds, the brave staff captain Vassenka got married to the “serf girl Akulina Savvateevna. Four children from this marriage: Alexandra, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Alexei (1835 - 1904) - will lose their title of nobility and the Radishchevs' surname and will bear the name of Vasilievs (after their father's name)”(well, this is understandable, you must somehow explain what The famous Alyoshka got out into rags, but all he got back was his "family" surname), i.e. so-called The Khvalynsk branch of the Radishchevs was not actually the Radishchevs, the servile son Alexei Vasiliev bought himself this surname (in 1893) only after seducing and kidnapping the daughter of the richest merchant old believer in 1866 he became the first director of the City Public Bank in Khvalynsk,and after 4 years the banker was already able to take the position of the head of Khvalynsk and stayed there for 34 years … well, is he really not worthy to "return" the noble surname ?! Here is an ode to the banker Radishchev.

Okay, they sorted out the mythical Vasya, but there was still one more Arkhangelsk Moiseevsky pupil Kolya … Ooooh! He was even more heroic! At first, he wandered around St. Petersburg all-and-everywhere with his “father,” and then suddenly “in 1801 he was re-assigned to the Coronation Commission. In 1802, he served with his father in the Commission for the Drafting of Laws (well, what, lie, lie, the paper will endure), and in 1803 he moved to the Department of Public Education as an archivist. At the end of 1806, he was dismissed from service, wanting to join the police in order to share the labors that lay ahead of the nobility of the Kaluga province, and lived in Moscow (?!), Where he moved in the circle of Merzlyakov, Voeikov and Zhukovsky, with whom he became very friends (well and what, what kind of Kaluga police? - there is a war, in Moscow, I suppose, it is more fun). The last years of his life, from the early 1820s (i.e.until the 20s he was in Moscow and hung around? But what about “Moscow, burnt by fire, was given to the Frenchman”? Apparently, he was in a drunken stupor and did not notice this, with Zhukovsky) and until his death, R. was the leader of the nobility in the Kuznetsk district of the Saratov province and enjoyed love and respect among the population there. He died suddenly in 1829 ". So, he died somehow suddenly, and led in the same place where the elder Vasya was a gentleman, and, which is typical, well, in general, they did not intersect with each other (yes, this happens on paper). Ah, I almost forgot: he was still a scribbler who allegedly wrote a biography of his "father", and the Evonaya writings were allegedly printed "almost literally in the Bantysh-Kamensky dictionary" (who is Bantysh-Kamensky? - a member of the department of inheritances, secret adviser,one of the most famous creators of the "history of Russia" under Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich) in 1836 (?!) "One thing is bad -" … this biography first appeared in print in 1872, in "Russian Antiquity". And one more unpleasant moment: not a single image of either one or the other is NOT!.. okay, enough talk about candy wrappers, it's time, probably, to talk about real people …

There were only three real Radishchevs, perhaps even relatives: Pavel Alexandrovich Radishchev, Afanasy Alexandrovich Radishchev and Fyokla Alexandrovna Radishcheva. For us, in connection with the resonant "revolutionary" work, only the first of them will be important. So, meet, here he is, a real "great proletarian writer" and part-time "the first Russian revolutionary".

Pavel Alexandrovich Radishchev (August 1783, Petersburg - May 12-13, 1866, Petersburg) - Russian writer and memoirist, just from his words we learned about the difficult life of the "great Russian writer Radishchev"; it was he, and not the mythical "Nikolai", with whom he generously shared the details of his own biography, wrote in 1856-1857 and published in 1858 the first "Biography of A. N. Radishchev"

from which we, in fact, learned about the adventures of such a great family. Apparently, it was Pavel Aleksandrovich who sprinkled something from the notorious "Travel …", no, not everything. Pay attention to the first note in this "Biography …": a part of the "Travel …" was written by Herzen himself and PA Radishchev had to rebuild on the go. Here, a Wikipedia post about the savage life of this rather extraordinary person, an elephant-footed impoverished cripple-disabled person just earned himself a tolerable life as best he could, trading his writing talent and his surname entered “in the VI and II parts of the genealogy book of Kaluga, Saratov, Tambov and Kharkov provinces (Herbovnik, V, 61) "… The ending is remarkable:

“Pavel Radishchev's life, imperceptibly for him, turned into one continuous journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow and back, from publisher to publisher. And he died on the train during one of these trips to the capital. An extract from the book of the arrival of money in the Bolkonskoye Orthodox cemetery of St. Petersburg for 1866 has been preserved: “(May 15, 1866) Pavel Alexandrovich Radishchev; collegiate assessor; digging a grave fifty kopecks, one ruble place."

Author: SKUNK69
