Robbers Of The Russian Seas - Alternative View

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Robbers Of The Russian Seas - Alternative View
Robbers Of The Russian Seas - Alternative View

Video: Robbers Of The Russian Seas - Alternative View

Video: Robbers Of The Russian Seas - Alternative View
Video: English meet French on Sea Of Thieves ⛵ ⚓ 2024, June

Pirates of the Russian seas made prosaic adjustments to the romanticized image of the book "gentlemen of fortune". Pirates terrified many powers, plundered coastal cities, and staged cruel adventures. As a result, not a trace remained of the usual stereotype of filibusters traveling under a black flag with the symbolism of death.

Ushkuyniki - the first pirates of Northern Russia

The volunteer is a free person who trades in robbery. This type of activity was common among ushkuiniks in Northern Russia. The pirates took advantage of the lack of deterrent forces on the territory of Novgorod.


Ushkuyniki were considered the descendants of the Varangians. The squads, carefully trained in robbery, robbed not only the lands of Novgorod, but also nearby settlements. To a lesser extent, pirates raged in Lithuania, Scandinavia, attacked Ugra and Bulgars. But the main interest for them was furs, so all the forces of the sea robbers were concentrated on the Volga and Kama. So, in 1181, the ushkuyniks raided the city of Koksharov.


The pirates adapted to sail in oar-sail boats, which could hold up to 30 people. The ears were very comfortable given the constant need to move. They could easily be ferried across the rapids, between riverbeds located close to each other. The bow of the ship was traditionally decorated with the image of a bear's muzzle, carved directly into wood. "Gentlemen of Fortune" of Northern Russia have always been well armed. The robbers of the Russian seas equipped themselves with bayans with large rings, spears, and swords. But they still preferred sabers and crossbows more preference.

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Ushkuyniks took an active part in the wars as mercenaries. They conducted Novgorod affairs, calculated the weakening of the Horde's units. The attempts of the Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod princes to free the Zhukotin inhabitants from pirates did not lead to success. Therefore, the ushkuyns moved freely to the very junction of the borders of the Golden Horde and China.

Cossacks-filibusters - robbers of the Black Sea

The Cossacks were feared for their bloodthirstiness and respected for their fearlessness. In 1510, the Crimean Khan, fighting against the piracy of the Cossacks, blocked the Dnieper to strengthen the Ochakov fortress, but the pirates raided Ackerman and other structures with the same scope. River robbers totally plundered all coastal territories. The enterprising Cossacks, who found their way to the Black Sea through the rivers, cruelly took revenge on the Khan's fighters for the women and children who were taken into slavery.


The Cossacks adapted to cross by maneuver boats, which, with the necessary dose of romance, were called "seagulls". They were maximally adapted for coastal and river navigation. If necessary, the vessel was carried on the shoulders. The "seagull" already accommodated 20 more pirates than the ears could afford. The filibusters, armed with sabers, muskets and cannons, attacked mainly at night.

For two centuries, pirates made 25 raids, including attacks on Constantinople, Sinop, Constantinople, the fortresses of Kafa and Varna. The fame of the brave sea robbers spread throughout Europe. They took part in the wars against Spain, helped to capture the French fortresses.


Only 1625 became fatal for them. Then, at the mouth of the Danube, a Turkish squadron was able to sink the Cossack flotilla. In captivity, pirates were undoubtedly subjected to cruel torture and painful death. With the onset of the war of liberation under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, sea campaigns gradually came to naught.


Privateer fleet of Ivan the Terrible

By the 16th century, Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible had already captured Narva, which opened the entrance to the Baltic for the state. Trade was established immediately. British merchants without a twinge of conscience profited from promising cooperation, as did the Swedish pirates. When the robbery reached its climax, Ivan the Terrible created a privateer fleet, where the Dane Carsten Rode was invited. The tsar generously granted him the rank of "sea chieftain", endowing him with broad powers. In return, the robber should be given to the treasury for the best cannon and the “tenth money” of the seized profit.


Rode's first campaign could not be crowned with success, due to the lack of proper equipment and a vessel. But everything turned out well: courage and willingness to take risks allowed the robber to take the enemy by surprise. The Swedes surrendered almost without a fight. Then the sea raids became easier for the “Moskalit robber”. He destroyed enemy merchants on a grand scale, and appropriated the wealth for himself. And by the end of the 60s, the squadron was replenished with sixteen armed ships.

The first Russian privateer, feeling his strength, began to shamelessly violate the treaty with Grozny. However, already in 1570, the king gave Narva to the Swedes. Rode began to persecute. While trying to hide in Denmark, he was arrested and imprisoned in the basement of the castle.


Stepan Razin - Russian pirate of the 17th century

Before the start of the uprising, Razin was one of the most cruel Caspian sea robbers. The episode of 1667, when a pirate commanded a large army, was especially striking. For such a number of fighters, the chieftain was unable to find ships, so he took several hundred of the best warriors to the sea. The rest moved along the coast.


The official goal of the campaign was a noble goal - to free the Slavs of the Caspian from the slavery of the Persians. In fact, the pirate, with due skill, formed the Don fleet from the ships captured from the merchants. In pursuit of Persian sharp-breasted ships, the chieftain was captured near Astrabad. Having announced a false reconciliation, the pirate promised the local shah a rich treasury, ships and charters. Nobody knows for sure about the further development of events. However, historians agree that Razin quietly grabbed his saber and chopped off his head. As a result, the fearless robber returned to the Don with generous booty in the company of beautiful Persians.


Russian piracy under the leadership of Catherine II

During the reign of Catherine II, the empire needed allies to fight Turkey. The solution was found among the Greek pirates, who skillfully combined brazen robbery with liberation wars.


In the shortest possible time, it was decided to establish a base for the Russian fleet on the islands of the Aegean Sea. The ships were delivered to the site in strict secrecy. There was also a successful naval school, where experienced corsairs taught the basics of boarding and the techniques of arson to everyone.

One of the most famous pirates who managed to enjoy the atrocities under the Russian flag was Paul Jones. The Black Corsair made a living by robbery and assisted the US Navy in the War of Independence. At that time, Catherine II was looking for qualified naval officers, of whom were not within reach, judging by the fact that she invited Jones to Russia.

John Paul Jones - Scottish sailor who served in the UK, USA and Russia
John Paul Jones - Scottish sailor who served in the UK, USA and Russia

John Paul Jones - Scottish sailor who served in the UK, USA and Russia

The Empress gave the pirate all the powers. And within a couple of weeks, a squadron was skillfully put together, including 11 ships. Then, despite the unequal forces, Jones with a crash defeated the Turks in the Dnipropetrovsk estuary. The robber could not deprive himself of the opportunity to joke in Scotch on the enemy and wrote in tar on board the flagship: “We must burn. Paul Jones . For an absolute victory, the empress awarded him the Order of Anna, first degree. On that note, they parted. And after the first Russian-Turkish war, Catherine's base was eliminated.