Second Youth - Alternative View

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Second Youth - Alternative View
Second Youth - Alternative View

Video: Second Youth - Alternative View

Video: Second Youth - Alternative View

One of the most mysterious phenomena of the human body is its unexpected rejuvenation or, in scientific terms, age regression. Every year, dozens of cases are observed in the world when gray hair and wrinkles suddenly disappear in people, health improves, and sometimes even new teeth grow. A person who is well over 60 looks and feels young, and not only does not age, but every day he becomes younger. Why does this happen and how does modern science explain this phenomenon?

When to give birth is already funny

At the end of the 20th century, a 91-year-old resident of Beijing Lan Shiren became the hero of newspaper pages. After three weeks of illness, he suddenly felt vigorous and completely healthy. Doctors examining him with amazement stated that the old man began to grow new teeth, and the roots of gray hair turned black!

A similar case occurred in Shanghai, where 90-year-old Tan Jizhen, also after a long illness, suddenly felt a burning sensation in her gums - after which, within a few days, her 25 teeth grew!

Another representative of the Celestial Empire, 98-year-old Wu Dechen from Hengyang City District, was bedridden for a long time - but suddenly recovered his health, he had two new teeth, and his hair turned from gray to black and became much thicker.

In 1979, the scavenger Sempu Issa and the seamstress Sei Senagon were under the supervision of doctors. Both in 1979, when their rapid rejuvenation began, were 75 years old. Although the old men were not familiar, what they experienced was very similar. According to them, one night they experienced intense sexual arousal. Both old men returned to their natural hair color, after a week their old teeth fell out and new ones began to grow. Their bones have become strong and their skin elastic. The doctors stated that their condition corresponds to the age of 18.

In 1981, Senpu Issa married a young girl who gave birth to a daughter from him. Sei Senagon, having married, gave birth to twins.

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But in 1985, their story ended tragically: both of the suddenly rejuvenated people sharply aged in one week and passed away. And their children outlived their parents for a short time and died from the weakness inherent in deep old people.

In 2007, the Italian press reported on 97-year-old Rosa Faroni, who had six grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren - and suddenly looked 70 years younger than her age! Neither Rosa herself nor the doctors who examined her could explain what was the matter. The woman never followed a diet, all her life she drank and smoked a little. After a sudden rejuvenation, she got a young lover and told reporters that now she was only worried about the fear of getting pregnant, because giving birth at that age is already ridiculous.

Pioneer in law

In Soviet and post-Soviet times, the Georgian thief in law Soko Lomidze, nicknamed the Old Man, was widely known in the criminal circles of our country. At the age of 15, he began his career as a pinch - a pickpocket. And at the age of 25, he suddenly began to look younger: the gray hair that appeared early disappeared, wrinkles smoothed out, the cheeks instead of stiff stubble were covered with a boy's down. Lomidze became smaller every year and looked more and more young.


The changes in appearance helped the thief to pull off two of the most high-profile cases. In 1983, at the age of 41, he entered the apartment of the widow of the former party functionary Manana Georgadze in a pioneer uniform. Her husband, secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Mikhail Georgadze, was accused of accepting bribes on an especially large scale, for which he provided his fellow countrymen with positions in the State Planning Committee and Vneshtorg. During a search at a functionary's dacha near Moscow, a huge amount of currency and jewelry was found. Georgadze himself, without waiting for the trial, shot himself, and his wife was allowed to move to Tbilisi, which she did, taking with her jewelry and money from other hiding places.

Manana did not let anyone from outsiders into the apartment, and besides her, there were three huge mastiffs. Coco Lomidze in a pioneer uniform and a red tie rang the millionaire's doorbell and said that their school was collecting waste paper. His appearance was so convincing that Manana opened the door. Lomidze's accomplices broke into the apartment, and in order to neutralize the dogs, three shepherd bitches were admitted there, who were taken in the dog's receiver and who were in heat at that time.

The second incident happened in 1989, when Soko Lomidze was already 47 years old. At the meeting of Georgian thieves, it was decided to somehow humiliate the then Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Eduard Shevardnadze, who earlier, being the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia - in fact, its leader, according to criminal authorities, fought too zealously to eradicate crime.

Shevardnadze arrived in Tbilisi on an official visit, the program of his stay included a visit to the Palace of Pioneers. The minister was greeted by children in red ties - and one of them was Coco, who looked indistinguishable from other guys. He ran up to Shevardnadze, shouting that he wanted to kiss the great man's hand. The embarrassed minister did not allow him to do this - and only in the hotel he discovered the loss of an expensive and memorable gold watch with diamonds.

Two days later, the thieves announced a public auction to buy back the stolen watches - with the current results announced on republican television. To Eduard Shevardnadze's credit, he did not take any measures to identify and detain the criminals, moreover, it was he who offered the largest amount for the return of the chronometer. After that Coco was "crowned" as a thief in law.

In the same 1989, Lomidze felt the extinction of male functions and turned about this to the famous healer Juna - but she could not help, redirecting Coco to specialists from the Institute of Gerontology. Their conclusion was unambiguous: Lomidze loses the ability to be a man precisely because of incomprehensible rejuvenation - at 42, his body functions like a 12-year-old child. A year later, the same diagnosis was made by the then chief physician of the country, Minister of Health of the USSR Yevgeny Chazov.

Coco Lomidze passed away in 1998 at the age of 56 - and, according to eyewitnesses, looked like a 9-year-old boy.

A gene that works on its own

Japanese gerontologists have found that the processes occurring in the body of a suddenly rejuvenated person are natural. Furthermore. - they managed to find a gene that caused rejuvenation. It turned out that the same gene leads to oncological diseases, but in this case it destroys not healthy, but sick and aging cells.

Scientists have not come to a consensus on how to make such a gene work in the right direction. But the very identification of such a pattern became a real breakthrough in the science of longevity. The opinion was confirmed that the human body is able to protect itself from aging - you just need to help it do it.

The girl who did not mature

Spontaneous blocking of the aging gene can be observed not only in an elderly person, but also in a child who is not destined to become an adult.

In 1993, Brooke Greenberg was born in the American city of Reistertown (Maryland), who for many years looked like a baby. Her birth weight was 1840 grams, at 10 months - 3400 grams, at the age of 14 it stabilized around 7250 grams. Physically and mentally, she remained at the level of a one-year-old child who had just had milk teeth.

Doctors who studied the phenomenon of the girl called her disease "X syndrome". One of the world's leading genomics experts, Dr. Eric Schadt, who heads a medical center in New York, argued that, despite numerous diseases, Brook's body was free of any abnormalities and her condition was due only to a mutation in a gene responsible for aging.

Unfortunately, in 2013, Brooke passed away at the age of 20, while continuing to look like a one-year-old child. Doctors never came to a consensus on what caused her death. But Dr. Schadt continues to publish the results of her examinations and is convinced that the work of the aging gene can be directed in the right direction, which means that a person can become practically immortal.

Platon Viktorov