Mysterious Strangers Among Us - Alternative View

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Mysterious Strangers Among Us - Alternative View
Mysterious Strangers Among Us - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Strangers Among Us - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Strangers Among Us - Alternative View
Video: Kentucky Route Zero: In and Out of Context | Static Canvas 2024, October

From time to time, stories appear in the media about people who look strange or behave strangely, which sometimes drive ordinary people into a stupor … There are many versions of their origin, including a supernatural order … By their external characteristics, these subjects can be divided into several categories.

"Biorobots" disappearing nowhere

This is what happened in the late 70s in the city of Togliatti, which is rightfully considered one of the most "anomalous" in Russia. Five passengers dressed in brown entered the bus en route from Zhigulevsk to Togliatti. Raincoats, suits, ties, shirts, caps - they all were the same. The faces of the men are also the same, thin with beards and devoid of any expression, only some incomprehensible strength shone in their eyes … True, one of the five was a woman, also in brown, but with a colored headscarf instead of a scarf. Moreover, they did not seem to enter through the door, but somehow materialized right on the bus …

We stood on the platform in a circle, back to back. They did not talk to each other, but looked at each other. The passenger who described the whole story seemed to be communicating telepathically. With the appearance of mysterious strangers, the noise in the cabin died down … These people left on the square near the River Port. The view was obscured by the oncoming bus for a few seconds, and when it passed, there was no one at the stop or near it …

A resident of Togliatti named Vadim was riding a trolley bus one summer day. In the area of Stepan Razin Avenue, a young man entered the trolleybus. He was light-haired, dressed in light-colored clothes, new, as if fresh from the store. He sat down opposite Vadim and stared straight at him, smiling slightly … For a second Vadim turned to the window, and when he turned again, his fellow traveler disappeared. There were only a few passengers at that hour, the bus had not yet reached the next stop … Where did the stranger go?

Here's another case that happened in the same Togliatti. In one of the VAZ shops, a woman on duty, who was sitting at the checkpoint at the entrance, saw an unknown man sitting on the floor directly opposite her. He was decently dressed in brown woolen trousers. The attendant went to the stranger to find out who he was and what he was doing here. But before she could approach, he seemed to vanish into thin air …

In 1990, a group of 11 men of the same height appeared in the area of a summer cottage village near Moscow. The aliens were wearing tight-fitting light-colored overalls. They moved strangely, simultaneously making high jumps. They were seen by local summer residents, as well as by the military. Moreover, all eyewitnesses later admitted that when strangers in overalls approached, they felt an inexplicable horror …

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Time Travelers

In Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film Circus, a strange woman is captured. She is wearing a black dress and a hat that covers most of her face. She walks down the street, holding a strange object in her hand at head level and at the same time as if talking to herself … Researcher George Clark believes that the mysterious object can only be a mobile phone!

A 1941 photograph shows the opening of the South Fork Bridge in the Canadian province, built to replace the one washed away by the flood. In the crowd of spectators stands a young man who looks like our contemporary: he has a modern haircut, a T-shirt with an emblem, a modern cut sweater, sunglasses, the model of which corresponds to our century … He also holds a portable camera in his hands! By the way, the picture was examined. Its authenticity has been confirmed …

Shadow People

Here is a story told by a woman who was a little girl in the mid-1990s and lived with her parents in Dorchester, Massachusetts. When the family moved to a new house, on the very first night, the heroine saw a long shadow on the wall. In front of the child's eyes, it separated from the wall and began to move around the room. She looked like a tall man with glasses. Then the girl saw three more shadows near the cabinet. Then a huge shadow covered the nursery and she plunged into pitch darkness … The little girl jumped out of bed in horror and threw herself into the next room, where her grandparents slept … Today this American thinks that she had encountered travelers between dimensions. Probably for them she was also a shadow …

However, it is not at all a fact that all these strange personalities are aliens from other space-time dimensions or from another planet. They may, for example, be associated with some kind of secret scientific experiments. But guesses remain guesses …