Secrets Of The Third Reich. The Bell Project, Which Was 1000 Years Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Third Reich. The Bell Project, Which Was 1000 Years Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Third Reich. The Bell Project, Which Was 1000 Years Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Third Reich. The Bell Project, Which Was 1000 Years Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Third Reich. The Bell Project, Which Was 1000 Years Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View
Video: Don't call him "Dimon" 2024, October

The BELL Project is the most secret, most mysterious and most ambitious Project in Germany during the Hitler era. Its implementation promised the Fuhrer the fulfillment of the most unimaginable dreams, and the rest of the world was threatened with complete enslavement …


After the end of World War II, the Polish special services became aware of the existence of the "General Plan - 1945" - a secret Nazi high-tech evacuation program, behind which was Hitler's closest associate Martin Bormann. It was alarming that the special SS teams operating within the framework of this plan, instead of dealing with the elimination of documentation, specialists and enterprises for the development and production of jet technology, guidance systems, computers and much more, purposefully destroyed traces of other, more mysterious activity. In recent years, information about one of these top-secret German projects called "The Bell" has been leaked to the press. The project carried out experiments with a bell-shaped object,made of hard, heavy metal and filled with a mercury-like purple liquid. The liquid was stored in a tall thin thermos 1 m high, packed in a 3 cm thick lead sheath.


The experiments were carried out under a thick ceramic bell, with two cylinders rotating rapidly in opposite directions. A substance similar to mercury was conventionally called "xerum-525". The room in which the experiments were carried out was located in an underground gallery. Its area was about 30 m2, the walls were covered with ceramic tiles with a thick rubber lining. After the end of each experiment, the room was treated with saline for 45 minutes. The processing was carried out by prisoners of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. The rubber pads were replaced every two or three experiments, the used ones were burned in a special oven. After about ten trials, the room was dismantled and its contents destroyed. Only the Bell itself has survived.


Each experiment lasted approximately one minute. In its active state, the "Bell" emitted a pale blue light, scientists kept a distance of 150-200 m from it. Electrical equipment in this radius usually failed. Various plants, animals and living tissues were placed within the radius of the Bell. During the first series of tests, conducted from November to December 1944, almost all prototypes were destroyed - liquids, including blood, coagulated and separated into purified fractions! The first team of researchers fell apart due to the death of five out of seven scientists. In the second series of experiments, begun in January 1945, the harm done to the animals was somewhat reduced by various modifications to the equipment. Just before the end of the war, the SS evacuation team took out the Bell and all the documentation in an unknown direction. Scientists involved in the project were shot by SS soldiers between April 28 and May 4, 1945. What was the ultimate goal of the Bell project? According to Witkowski, the descriptions made by the scientists who worked with the Bell did not use nuclear physics terms, and no radioactive materials were used during the experiments themselves. Sporrenberg remembered the terms "vortex compression" and "separation of magnetic fields." Some researchers suggest that experimenters tried to use torsion fields, now known as torsion fields (Project "Master of Light") to influence the fourth dimension - time (Project "Chronos"). That is, we are talking no less about creating … a time machine? However, there are also assumptions that are more like the truth. In the activities of one of the participants in the project, Professor Gerlach, there are episodes that give grounds to refer him to the category of scientists dealing with the issues of gravity.


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In the 1920s and 1930s, Gerlach worked on the problems of spin polarization, spin resonance, and the properties of magnetic fields that have little in common with nuclear physics, but concern some of the unexplored properties of gravity. Gerlach, together with Otto Stern, owns an experimental proof of the existence of an electron spin, dated 1922. And Gerlach's student O. Gilgenberg published an article entitled "On gravity, vortex flows and waves in a rotating medium." But after the end of the war and until his death in 1979, Gerlach never returned to this topic, as if he was forbidden to talk about it. And now let's recall the mysterious substance "xerum-525". The only thing we know is that it looked like mercury. In the Indian text Samarangana Sutradhara, which is attributed to King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 AD),there are descriptions of aircraft in which mercury was used as fuel.


Here is one such description: “His body should be strong and durable, made of light material, like a large flying bird. A device with mercury and an iron heating device underneath should be placed inside. Through the force that lurks in mercury and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person inside this chariot can fly distances across the sky in the most amazing way. Four sturdy containers for mercury should be placed inside. When they are heated by controlled fire from iron devices, the chariot will develop the power of thunder thanks to mercury, and it will immediately turn into a pearl in the sky. Experts assume that the flow of mercury, accelerated along the ring path to high speeds, excites a gravimagnetic field of great intensity around the "flying chariot",as a result, the lift required for flight is generated. But why mercury? The point is that in order to obtain the maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest bulk density as a working fluid. This condition is met precisely by mercury - or compounds based on it. As soon as the speed of the flow of mercury exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the "flying chariot" will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the "flying chariot", which had hovered in the air before, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a shiny silver ball or pearl will appear.that in order to obtain the maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest bulk density as a working fluid. This condition is met precisely by mercury - or compounds based on it. As soon as the speed of the flow of mercury exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the "flying chariot" will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the "flying chariot", which had hovered in the air before, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a shiny silver ball or pearl will appear.that in order to obtain the maximum lifting force, it is necessary to choose a substance with the highest bulk density as a working fluid. This condition is met precisely by mercury - or compounds based on it. As soon as the speed of the flow of mercury exceeds the sound one, the intensity of the gravimagnetic field around the "flying chariot" will reach such a value that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the "flying chariot", which had hovered in the air before, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a shiny silver ball or pearl will appear.that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the "flying chariot", which had hovered in the air before, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a shiny silver ball or pearl will appear.that the light rays coming through the cocoon of the field will begin to bend. And the "flying chariot", which had hovered in the air before, will disappear, and in its place, in strict accordance with the Indian text, a shiny silver ball or pearl will appear.


In this regard, it is worth remembering the light that the German "Bell" began to emit when it was in working order. The indologist and historian Vishnampet Dikshitar in his book "The War in Ancient India" gives numerous evidence of the use of "flying chariots", or vimanas, in the ancient Indian wars and claims that the vimanas were actually flying vehicles. Attempts to build an aircraft with a propulsion system based on mercury were made as early as the 18th century. This is evidenced by the story of the Italian monk Andrea Grimaldi Wolande. In the newspaper "Leiden Vestnik" of October 21, 1751, the aircraft he built is described as follows: “In the car on which Andrea Grimaldi Wolande can make seven miles in one hour, there is a clock mechanism; its width is 22 feet, it is shaped like a bird,the body of which consists of pieces of cork interconnected by wire, covered with parchment and feathers. The wings are made of whalebone and intestines.

Inside the machine there are thirty unique wheels and chains that are used for lifting and lowering weights. In addition, six copper pipes are used here, partially filled with mercury. The balance is maintained by the experience of the inventor himself. In a storm and in calm weather, it can fly equally fast. This wonderful machine is driven by a seven-foot-long tail strapped to the bird's legs. As soon as the car takes off, the tail directs it to the left or right, at the request of the inventor. Three hours later, the bird descends smoothly to the ground, after which the clockwork starts up again. The inventor flies constantly at the height of the trees. Andrea Grimaldi Wolande flew the English Channel from Calais to Dover once. From there he flew to London that same morning, where he spoke with renowned mechanics about the design of his car. The mechanics were very surprised and suggested building a car before Christmas that could fly at 30 miles per hour."


After reading about "guts", "wheels", "chains" and especially "pipes filled with mercury", many scientists dismissed this story. But besides the article, there are two more documents testifying to the flights of the "Grimaldi bird". In Italy, there is a letter from London confirming the flight, and in the French city of Lyon there is a scientific study of this machine certified by three academicians, in which it is recorded that in 1751 Grimaldi made a successful flight from Calais to Dover. Unfortunately, we do not know anything about the further fate of the invention of the Italian monk. Returning to the "Bell" project, it should be remembered that the Third Reich paid great attention to the historical legacy of ancient civilizations. Take, for example, the well-known German Institute Ahnenerbe (German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Ancestral Heritage). The effectiveness of the work carried out there is clearly evidenced by the fact that in 1941 the institute was included in the personal headquarters of the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler and oversaw projects to create weapons of retaliation. It is no secret that in 1938-1939 a successful expedition to Tibet was organized under the aegis of Ahnenerbe and the SS. A direct radio bridge was installed between Lhasa and Berlin, which, according to available information, functioned until 1943.


In addition to extensive information on the anthropology, geography and climatology of the region, the members of the expedition brought to Germany numerous ancient texts, including the complete collection of the Buddhist collection Gandzhur. It is possible that, thanks to the benevolent attitude of the Tibetan religious authorities, German scientists could have in their hands descriptions of devices similar to Indian Vimanas, and possibly even some surviving examples of ancient technologies. In this light, the Bell project appears to be one of the segments of a broader scientific program to create a propulsion system for an aerospace system of a fundamentally new type, based on the technological heritage of ancient civilizations. The main task of the Bell project, apparently, was to create a system for protecting pilots from negative consequences,arising during the operation of engines of a new type. It is not known how far German scientists were able to advance in this direction, but the boom in observations of mysterious vehicles with unusual flight characteristics that began in the 40s of the 20th century suggests that their efforts were crowned with some success.