Scientists Have Told How Most People Feel Before Dying - Alternative View

Scientists Have Told How Most People Feel Before Dying - Alternative View
Scientists Have Told How Most People Feel Before Dying - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Told How Most People Feel Before Dying - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Told How Most People Feel Before Dying - Alternative View
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Does it hurt to die? Sooner or later, most people think about what he will experience in the last minutes of his life. It seems to some that feelings and pain will be heightened and from this there is a fear of death when a person's life comes to its natural end.

But is it worth thinking about it or is it better to live life to the fullest and not look around with fear that this time will come sooner or later and it will be unbearably painful?

Scientists from Australia decided to conduct their own research on feelings and possible pain when a person realizes that his days in this world are coming to an end. Experts from the University of Wollongong were quick to reassure people about the last moments of life.

According to the data obtained, most people did not experience pain, 85% of people who felt the last minutes of their lives approaching spoke about it. People talked about extreme fatigue and lack of appetite, but at the same time there were feelings of calmness and peace.

About 13% of people reported severe stress, and about 7% of people complained of severe pain and about the same amount of lack of desire to eat.

Some of the respondents in the last days of their lives developed insomnia and breathing problems, but these symptoms help to eliminate the medications that doctors give to their patients.

Scientists emphasize that you should not think in advance about the last days of life and you should enjoy every day on Earth, because we do not know how long we will manage to live.