Battle For The Lord's Nursery - Crimean War! - Alternative View

Battle For The Lord's Nursery - Crimean War! - Alternative View
Battle For The Lord's Nursery - Crimean War! - Alternative View

Video: Battle For The Lord's Nursery - Crimean War! - Alternative View

Video: Battle For The Lord's Nursery - Crimean War! - Alternative View
Video: What if Russia won the Crimean war? (Part 1) | Alternate history 2024, October

The crusades for the sepulcher of the Lord and for the great shrines were in ancient times, in the dark Middle Ages. Everything is clear, as it is written in the textbooks, period! But then events happened in Crimea and a very amazing and almost forgotten, Crimean war surfaced! So it turns out that it was a war for holy places, just a crusade! While trying to find information, I came across three articles that roam all over the Internet. I will give excerpts from one of the most informative. This article mainly consists of comments and interpretations, but it still contains a bunch of interesting information! I will allow myself to give my notes in the course of the presentation to focus attention on the details, which I will cover later from the other side!


160 years ago, on October 4 (old style) 1853, Turkey declared war on the Russian Empire. This is how the Crimean War (1853-1856), the most difficult and unfortunate for Russia, began, which also received "battles for the Lord's manger" from contemporaries.

Within the framework of this short essay, we will not dwell on the presentation of the course of the Russian war itself against Turkey, England, France and Sardinia, but will only touch upon the reason that caused it. In Soviet historiography, yes, often in modern times, the religious component of this war is usually ignored, which is considered nothing more than an excuse to start it, but this reason, in the opinion of some contemporaries of events, was of great importance and was perceived as one of the main reasons. Suffice it to recall that Marie-Dominique-Auguste, Cardinal Sibur, Archbishop of Paris declared: “The war that France entered into with Russia is not a political war, but a sacred war. This is not a war between the state and the state, the people against the people, but only a religious war. All other grounds put forward by the cabinets, in essence, are no more than pretexts, but the real reason,pleasing to God, there is a need to drive away the heresy of Photius (???? what is it ??? … read Khomyakov, the heresy of Photius is worthy of special attention); tame, crush her. This is the recognized goal of this new crusade …”.

Let's remind that the reason for the Crimean War was the emerging in the 1850s. the dispute between the Orthodox and the Catholic Church about the Palestinian shrines (!!! they still argue, they will not solve everything since the dark ages !!), which were at that time on the territory of the Ottoman Empire. This dispute, inspired by France, or rather, its newly-made emperor Napoleon III, "whose benefits forced to flatter the Catholic clergy", ended with the fact that in January 1853 the keys to the Bethlehem Temple (the Church of the Lord's Manger) and the Jerusalem Temple (the Church of the Holy Sepulcher) were demonstratively, with great noise, taken from the Orthodox community, which it traditionally owned, and, under pressure from Paris, were handed over by the Turkish authorities to Catholics.

Here we will pause … in the article, the author mentions the keys to the Bethlehem temple and supposedly this is the church of the Lord's manger, in other sources, or rather, in the quotes of "contemporaries" it is simply said about the Lord's manger and the keys to the Kingdom of Bethlehem, and instead of the Church of the Lord's sepulcher mention of the tomb of the Virgin and the temple of the Assumption of the Virgin. Moreover, modern interpreters speak of real keys to doors, not keys to the kingdom….

“The Latins stole the star put by the Orthodox Greeks on the site of the Nativity of Christ in order to replace it with a Latin star. This gave rise to political disputes, "- noted the abbot of Gethsemane, Archimandrite Panteleimon … And here is another interesting testimony of the" eyewitness "- the Latins stole a real star, but wanted to plant a false one!

Then the typical blah blah blah … but how they sing ….

Promotional video:

… Thus, the interests of Russia, which traditionally played the role of the defender of Orthodoxy and Orthodox peoples, and France, which patronized the Catholics, clashed. Things got to the point that Napoleon III declared himself the defender of Christianity in the East, most of whose Christians professed by no means Catholicism. Emperor Nicholas I could not fail to answer this challenge. “The Crimean campaign flared up because of a question that seemed to many to be empty and not worthy of attention, because of the keys of the Bethlehem temple,” wrote the historian P. V. Bezobrazov. - But the point was, of course, not only about who the Bethlehem shrine would belong to. from Ivan the Terrible,in the role of patron and protector of the Orthodox East”. Yes Yes…

But from what side is the Crimea? Honestly, if I had not read Fomenko and Nosovsky with the version that Christ was born in the Crimea, I probably would have missed all this too!

After all, we are used to the fact that Bethlehem and Palestine are the territory of modern Israel, but why, then, the allied troops rushed to the Crimea! Well, if you also bring here the statements of "contemporaries" that Sevastopol is TROYA, then the version that Palestine is Crimea, and Crimea is the key to the kingdom of Bethlehem, becomes worthy of consideration! The siege of Troy lasted ten years and the siege of Sevastopol lasted ten months, allied forces!

But why did the argument suddenly start? I believe, as a version, that Crimea became ownerless, a flood passed through it, as well as throughout the kingdom of Bethlehem!

Lots of letters, it's time to apply!

So the view of Sevastopol (well, as if after the bombing)


A simple post-apocalyptic landscape! Very ancient ruins, around which the dust has not yet settled and not a single tree has grown! Such a Crimea in the photographs of Fenton - the photographer of this expedition to the shrines!

The questions are just beginning … to be continued … and we are looking for not less, but the STAR OF BIFLEI, stolen by the Latins!