These 10 Facts From The Movie - Solid Lie - Alternative View

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These 10 Facts From The Movie - Solid Lie - Alternative View
These 10 Facts From The Movie - Solid Lie - Alternative View

Video: These 10 Facts From The Movie - Solid Lie - Alternative View

Video: These 10 Facts From The Movie - Solid Lie - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Facts - Movies 2024, June

Movies can be a great source of useful information as well as entertainment. Most modern science fiction films and television shows provide viewers with various scientific explanations for certain facts.

However, it is also important to recognize that some of the moments that are shown in the films are simply inaccurate and misleading. These 10 facts from the movie are a complete lie.

10. Shotguns don't shoot like they do in movies

In the movies, someone gets shot from a gun, and "boom" - he flies into another part of the room. In real life, if this really happened, the person who pulled the trigger (Newton's law) must also fly through the room in the opposite direction. In the movies, that doesn't happen, does it?


9. Lasers cannot be seen

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We really love the red laser beams that appear in almost every sci-fi movie, but in real life you can't see the laser beam. The only way it can be seen is by placing reflective particles in the air. This will significantly reduce the efficiency of the laser.


8. Nothing happens fast in science

Every time a spaceship is constructed in a movie or TV show or a chemical disaster occurs, everything is resolved in a few minutes. In real life, science doesn't move at incredible speed. Inventions and improvements take many years of hard work and do not arise on demand.


7. Dinosaur cloning is not an easy task

Finding dinosaur DNA would not actually lead to the mass production of dinosaur clones. Forget Jurassic Park, DNA degrades over time. And since this happens, it becomes more and more difficult to clone it. Dinosaur DNA would simply be too old to be viable for cloning procedures. It is both sad and joyful at the same time.


6. Chloroform is not a fast-acting pacifier

Chloroform in films is applied to tissue and then applied to the victim's face. After two seconds, the person loses consciousness. Although it is true that chloroform can turn a person off for a while, for the drug to work, you need to wait a few minutes, not a couple of seconds.


5. Silencers do not muffle the sounds of shots

There is really no such thing as a muffler. This thing, well-known in films, is called a suppressor. It removes the expanding gas flame when fired from a pistol. It does not affect the noise caused by the initial explosion or bullets. Thus, although the shot is less loud with the suppressor installed, it is not at all a whisper, as we are shown in the films.


4. Photon torpedoes would be invisible

Photon torpedoes, when they fly off a spaceship, are always impressive, such a sight does not leave you indifferent. However, by definition, a photon torpedo will travel away from the ship at the speed of light, and you won't be able to see anything if you detach it from the side of the ship.


3. Absence of radioactive super powers

In films, radiation gives a person superpower. In real life, this gives him cancer. Exposure to radiation is a really bad idea. Even when it is used to treat cancer, radiation makes a person very sick and needs the help of a qualified doctor. And of course, it's best to avoid highly radioactive materials.


2. Quiet explosions in space

Many are familiar with those wonderful and spectacular moments when something explodes in space. Can you hear the noise? This is all not very accurate. Space is a vacuum, and sound does not travel in a vacuum. Therefore, no matter how noisy the beat is, you cannot hear it from a distance.


1. Absence of radioactive glow, radiation

This gorgeous and slightly eerie green light that accompanies many of the radiation-related moments in films is unreal. This is just a television shorthand. In fact, most radioactive materials are just materials, although phosphorus can glow under certain circumstances. However, this is not very common.


Incredible, isn't it? Who would have thought that so much false information was shown on the big screen? The good news is that even if we know the truth, we don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the film.

Victoria Ivashura