Who Steals Vegetables In The Gardens? - Alternative View

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Who Steals Vegetables In The Gardens? - Alternative View
Who Steals Vegetables In The Gardens? - Alternative View

Video: Who Steals Vegetables In The Gardens? - Alternative View

Video: Who Steals Vegetables In The Gardens? - Alternative View
Video: Chunk the Groundhog Steals Food On Camera | All Good 2024, June

From the administrator: It would be very funny if it were not reality …

“It was deep night. The full moon was shining in the sky, and something strange and terrible was happening on the earth."

This is not a quote from a thriller, but an eyewitness account of what happened last night on the night of July 22-23, in the collective garden of the Sinarsky Pipe Plant at section 290.

The next day, his excited hostess, pensioner Tamara Viktorovna Kochneva called our editorial office and said that “something” in a few seconds completely burned out and crumpled the harvest of carrots and garlic on an area of several square meters.

Charged with a sufficient amount of skepticism, I drove to the scene. At first I saw a well-groomed and clean area, smooth ridges, a whitewashed house with an attic, grapes twisting along a strong fence. But as soon as I looked into the depths of the garden, I saw a green and ugly ulcer on the harmonious and orderly body of "6 acres".

Garlic cut and felled like a razor. Dried potato and carrot tops. Cooked, just boiled, and not rotten tops of vegetables sticking out of the ground. The epicenter of the incomprehensible cataclysm was exactly on the carrot ridge. A leaf dried to a dusty state and hard as a stone earth. The feeling is as if someone has thoroughly heated a hand roller for laying asphalt on a fire and walked several times along the ridge. True, there were no traces of a fire or burnt grass anywhere. In general, no traces, only from the carrot ridge in an even semicircle were first cut and then felled arrows of garlic and potato tops.

In absolutely dry carrot tops, I found a large number of stones with fresh traces of cross-sections or even, regular chips. It is noteworthy that at the very corner of the site, close to the damaged carrot ridge, there is a small shed filled with boards. So, if it were not for him, then the trace left on the ground, by an incomprehensible force, would form an even semicircle. And so only fresh scratches remained on the boards of the shed, as from an object that was first stuck in them, and then was pulled up. Surprisingly - no traces of feet or paws, no vandalism, the fence was not touched.

Just an unusual funnel of dry grass in the middle of a green area and that's it. By the way, if it were not for the shed mentioned above, then the incomprehensible cataclysm could be observed by the owner of a neighbor's house, a resident of Yekaterinburg, Elena Ivanovna Sitnikova.

She came for the whole summer with her granddaughter to relax in the picturesque outskirts of Kamensk-Uralsky gardens. - “At about one in the morning from 22 to 23 July, my granddaughter and I heard an incomprehensible metallic clang, similar to the frequent digging of earth full of stones with a shovel. The sound came from there "- says Elena Sitnikova and points towards the affected area of Tamara Kochneva -" That night Tamara Viktorovna was in Kamensk, so we, having turned off the light, went to the window on the second floor and saw the white wall of her house, and a dark area.

There was no glow, although that night there was enough light, if you remember there was a full moon, but we did not see anyone, only this incomprehensible and terrible sound … We think that it was some kind of evil spirit. " I deliberately did not turn to ufologists, knowing in advance one of their answers, like this: “An Omega 13 UFO flew to the site of Tamara Kochneva from the Magellanic clouds for refueling with carrot juice. Flying saucer green men have an acute shortage of beta-carotene this season, which ran out on their home planet last year, so we will have a number of visits!"

We contacted the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor and the Center for Sanitary Epidemiology for such cases and with a request to check the land from Tamara Kochneva's site. There we were told that they had heard about such a case for the first time, and let the landlord of the land not bring the land, but write a detailed application addressed to the chief, he (the application) will be considered in due time and, based on this consideration, they will make a decision on the need to check the land.

Well, but seriously, the only way I can finish this article is with the words of Shakespeare's Hamlet - "There is much in the world, friend Horace, that our wise men never dreamed of …"

Alexander Gorinov