The Same People In Black - Alternative View

The Same People In Black - Alternative View
The Same People In Black - Alternative View

Video: The Same People In Black - Alternative View

Video: The Same People In Black - Alternative View
Video: 10 things NOT to say to Black Alternative Girls | THE HOT COCOA 2024, June

Traditional tales of UFO and enlonaut encounters are juxtaposed with exciting stories about the so-called Men in Black.

Some people who claim to have seen or come into contact with UFOs subsequently report visits by sinister creatures commonly referred to as the Men in Black. Typically, these visits take place at such times that after an unexpected meeting, the subject (usually alone in the house) does not have time to contact the media or the authorities. The guests, usually in three, arrive in a large black car, often of an old-fashioned model, with license cards that are later found to be fake after being checked. As a rule, these are men in dark suits, hats, ties, boots and socks, but in white shirts. They are dark-skinned, perhaps the color of their skin is the same as that of oriental people. Even such a complexion sometimes indicates an illness. Having created a stereotypical image of CIA employees,People in Black pose as government agents or show IDs, which also turn out to be fake. Their movements are constrained, their manners are strict and cold, their speech resembles pompous dialogues from second-rate films. Usually they ask questions, and then warn that the interviewee does not tell anyone about the meeting with the UFO and does not undertake independent investigations.

This eyewitness account is not always the same. People in Black can disguise themselves as journalists, distributors of goods, or (in America) as representatives of the air force. Sometimes no threats are made. Not always a personal visit. People in Black may be limited to a phone call. A black car does not always drive up - only a short appearance of people, and then they disappear.

One September night in 1976, an American, the venerable 58-year-old Dr. Herbert Hopkins, a UFO teleportation consultant, was alone in the house (all this happened in Maine, USA). He received a call from a man claiming to be a UFO researcher and vice-president of the New Jersey UFO Research Society and asked if he could visit a doctor and discuss the case with him. Hopkins agreed. Turning on one of the lamps on the veranda, he saw that a man was already climbing the steps. There was no car next to him. Literally a few seconds have passed since the phone call. The man was wearing a black suit, bald, with deathly pale skin, no eyebrows and no eyelashes.

“I think he was a bit like an entrepreneur,” Hopkins later recalled. His skin was deathly pale, his lips bright red. During their conversation, he happened to wipe his mouth with gray suede gloves, and the doctor was surprised to see that his lips were leaving red prints on the fabric, as if they were smeared with lipstick! He told Dr. Hopkins that he had two coins in his pocket.

And so it was in fact. The man asked Hopkins to put one coin in his palm. The doctor saw how the coin first began to blur, melt in the air, and then disappeared. “Neither you, nor anyone else on this planet will ever see a coin in this plane again,” the guest said.

Asking Hopkins to erase the hypnotic recordings of the incidents he had dealt with, the Man in Black stood up uncertainly. "My energy is going down … I have to go … Goodbye." He left the house and walked towards the bright blue-white glow on the road. Hopkins thought it was the headlights of a car, although he did not see or hear how it drove away. Shocked after this incident, he erased all of his notes and stopped UFO research. The doctor never heard of his guest again. When his family returned, Hopkins was sitting on a table in a light-flooded house, holding a revolver in his hand. The tracks on the road - not from the tires - disappeared the next day. Needless to say, no New Jersey UFO Research Society existed at all.

This story of the respected doctor remains inexplicable.

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Not a single Man in Black has ever been caught or asked about anything. Is this all a paranoid myth? All eyewitnesses were alone at the time of the meeting. UFO theorist John Keel suggests that the behavior of the Men in Black is reminiscent of "fairy hoaxes and games of a bygone era." Writer David Tensley believes that Men in Black are a form of demonic physical entity. French researcher Jean Robin notes that many UFO sightings look like parodies of human expectations or achievements. Definitely, Men in Black look like parodies of second-rate Hollywood movies with their bombastic dialogues and strange appearances. Only two facts have been clarified: 1) in all stories the men in black have access to information known only to the victim; 2) such visits are not limited to the modern UFO phenomenon,a have been attested over the centuries and were generally perceived as devilry.

Whether they are mental images created in the imagination of a person who is alone remains unclear. In exploring this phenomenon, writer Hillary Evans believes that the victims of the Men in Black who ignored the threat or refused to obey were not subsequently harmed. If People in Black exist, they operate outside their sphere, and their powers in this sphere are limited.

Black Birds - Black People of the Universe

No matter how much we try to theorize about whether there is life on Mars, or what an alien aircraft is in a technical sense, we will still find ourselves in the position of a child, arguing about why people living on the other side of the Earth do not fall down … Of course, every year the scientific knowledge of mankind is growing, but still … Let us try, freed from our usual logic and the desire to put everything inexplicable in a Procrustean bed, to look at the UFO problem with different eyes. Or rather, to look as if this problem did not exist at all. UFOs are probably a much bigger problem for the Air Force than for you and me. I do not argue that recently rumors about the abduction of people by the inhabitants of other planets, or even their violent actions against earthlings, have spread significantly, and,if this is really so, I would like to say with sorrow: we will never know our enemy if we are afraid of him (or we can make ourselves one if we are hostile to another creature). There are many examples in history when something like this happened: for example, Conquista. We do not want to say that the conquerors were in a peaceful mood, but if the Maya and Aztecs did not already have pre-prepared stereotypes in relation to strangers (or "gods" as they believed), who knows how the opening of the New World would have ended …but if the Maya and Aztecs did not have already prepared stereotypes in relation to strangers (or "gods" as they believed), who knows how the opening of the New World would have ended …but if the Maya and Aztecs did not have already prepared stereotypes in relation to strangers (or "gods" as they believed), who knows how the opening of the New World would have ended …

Let us once again listen to the stories of eyewitnesses who happened to meet aliens or see their aircraft. On October 9, 1993, Yuri K. was sitting in a trailer, which often amateur gardeners adapt for housing during seasonal work in garden plots. Its section was located on the 22nd kilometer of the Kostroma - Sudislavl highway. At 10 o'clock in the morning, Yuri heard someone outside screaming in fright, and jumped out of the trailer. He saw a clearly non-standard picture: at an altitude of approximately 150-200 meters, without emitting any sounds, a flat dark gray object 3.5-4 meters in size smoothly flew. The object itself was located at a distance of 150-180 meters from the observer. At first Yuri thought it was an ordinary hang glider, but soon became convinced of the opposite. The hang glider did not have a pilot frame or anything resembling it,and when he flew closer and made a slight turn, it turned out that he had no wings either! By the way, the speed of the device was also low, only 30-35 kilometers per hour, and at such a speed it is quite problematic to stay in the air, at least for our earthly machines. But that's not all: apparently, the "aviator" decided to laugh at the onlookers and demonstrate their aerodynamic capabilities. He stood on an edge and hovered in the air for a minute and a half, like a huge dragonfly. Thus, the object made it possible to see itself in more detail: Yuri later said that, to his amazement, he saw a man inside! Actually, not inside, but … the apparatus itself reminded him of a man, only with his head set straight into his shoulders and with his legs wide apart, as if he was in free floating, as we sometimes swing face up on the sea waves. Having “show off”, the flying pilot also smoothly disappeared behind the trees standing not far away, and no one else saw him. Yuri was lucky to watch it for exactly 5 minutes. When he returned to his home and for a long time could not get rid of the impression of the phantasmagoricity of what he saw, he suddenly discovered that the man whose cry made Yuri jump out of the trailer was not nearby either. He had nowhere to hide: the area was visible far around, and it was a working day, and when Yuri was digging before that, he did not see any of the neighbors … What was that - a hallucination? Or another ghost, sent specifically to fish out a new UFO witness? All this remains a mystery, but one thing is clear: for some reason they had to show themselves. And, as statistics show, and it is, as you know, a stubborn thing, enlonauts prefer single witnesses, or a couple,- apparently, in order not to create a stir among skeptics, but to rely on truly interested people. Maybe thanks to this, such a science as ufology arose?..

This case is not an isolated occurrence. For example, BA Shurinov describes the testimony of E. Loznaya in his book “Paradoxes of the XX century” about the same “Man in Black”, a meeting with whom took place in 1936: “Early in the morning I went to school along a country road. It was already light, although the sun had not risen. The weather was frosty and clear. Suddenly, I saw a fast moving dark object in the sky to my left. At first, it was perceived as a point, but as it approached, it increased in size. After a few minutes, it became noticeable that this was a humanoid figure in black, visible in profile. The line of its flight formed an angle of about 60 degrees with the road.

The height of this man was, as it seemed to me, of average, black clothes covered him completely, like a jumpsuit. One could clearly see the head, or rather, something like a helmet, and massive hands tightly pressed to the body. The hands and feet were not visible. Behind the man's back was an oval-shaped object resembling a backpack.

Looking in fright at the flying man, I found that he was now rushing straight at me. When turning, his right arm slightly bent at the elbow. Now the man was visible from the front, but the faces could not be seen - only a solid black surface was visible.

At the same time, I began to feel a sharply growing rumble, as if it was not a person, but some kind of mechanism that was flying across the sky. The distance between us was reduced to forty meters. I looked around, looking for somewhere to hide, but in the snowy steppe (this happened at the Oktyabrsky state farm in Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan) there was nowhere to hide. I turned back to the flying man and … did not see him. He either abruptly changed direction, or dived into a snowdrift. The next second, I rushed home without looking back, no longer remembering that I was going to school."

Flying people, if you can call them people, were seen in several other guises. For example, Inessa Grigorieva saw a strange "bird", as she later described her first impression, which flew right at her. Taking her for a large feathered predator, she suddenly discovered that instead of bird paws, the “bird” had two quite ordinary human legs hanging down. It was not necessary to count on the fact that in January in central Russia one could see a huge condor (and it is unlikely that one would be found at all), and even with a human sacrifice in its clawed paws. An incomprehensible creature made one circle around the frightened woman, and just as silently as in the first story, and disappeared …

Another appearance of the flying aliens was observed by the hunter A. I. Kurentsov. After a grueling day in the taiga, he slept soundly by the nodia - a fire, as they say in the taiga. Suddenly the hunter woke up from the alarming sensation that someone was watching him (it could be a bear or a wolf) … He woke up, looked around, but saw no one. Then he adjusted the fire and tried to fall asleep again, but the feeling of fear did not pass, but, on the contrary, intensified. He turned his face into the darkness and suddenly with a peripheral vision saw that something huge and dark was planning right at him from a huge elm. Kurentsov instinctively fell on his back to avoid a collision and defend himself if an attack was imminent, and in the dim light of the fire discovered that it was not a bird, but a man! The only thing, as Kurentsov said, that distinguished this creature from a person, was the membranous wings,like a huge bat.

In order to be objective, although with such stories it is unlikely to succeed, we can add that meetings of this kind did not always end with a peaceful demonstration by outsiders of their inhuman abilities.

So, the Ivanitsky family, having moved into a new apartment, on the very first night was awakened by an unusual chirping. If this chirping were not so loud, then it could well be mistaken for the well-known song of a cricket. Apparently, realizing that he was being watched, the night "singer" fell silent, but for exactly nine days (maybe in order to then wake everyone up again with an even stronger "aria"?). The angry father of the family looked under the bed, where the sounds were coming from, and found there … an incomprehensible creature, resembling either a dog or a big rat.

Alarmed, the whole family rushed to lure out the "singer", and the mop, and slippers, and ski poles were used. The "rat" suddenly swelled to a size three times its previous size, and threw out its trunk or tongue, as if trying to grab the annoying owners by the legs! People had no choice but to start beating him with anything, and the children, grabbing cans of dichlorvos, began to poison him under the bed. Swallowing poison, the creature shrank to its previous size and, rolling out from under the bed, rolled into the far corner of the room. When everyone approached it, they found that it had two three-toed paws and a bluish coat, as well as two rigid webbed wings, reminiscent of the wings of a bat, though large in size. The creature's muzzle was somewhat similar to a human face, with very large eyes and a toothless mouth,there was a triangular hole instead of a nose. The children took the dead guest to the construction site, put him in a hole and threw earth …

Probably, this case would have remained a mystery if one of the children had not let the neighbors slip …

Much of the above may well pass for the delirium of the mentally ill, but if we recall the history of Ancient Egypt, where special tablets were hung on the bed to establish the diagnosis of mentally ill Egyptians, on which all the delirium of the patient was recorded, and, based on what he read, the doctor could understand the reason and prescribe treatment, then all this "nonsense" can have a positive meaning for us. Now many scientists have already proven that thought is material, at least, it was possible to fix a microlepton with the help of physical devices and even weigh it! It seems that psychic energy, which includes our emotions, feelings, affects, also exists and carries its information. A thought entering the consciousness of another individual rarely remains in its original and pure form, almost always there is a correction to the consciousness of the opponent, to his, let's say,virtual reality. After all, the human brain is far from being a computer, and its program is typed according to a strictly individual system, based on personal experience, psychophysical properties, genetic qualities, instant communication, spontaneity of reactions and much, much more. In a word, a thought sent to us by someone else can be perceived by us as a virus, and can be interpreted in our own way either as a stimulus to action, or sent to the archive, as having no analogues and associative connections (nerve nodes) in our mind, and therefore, as it were, stored "for future use until better times." These thoughts, impressions and experiences settle in our subconsciousness, in order to then turn into nightmares, vaguely guessed feelings like unreasonable melancholy or an oppressive feeling of fear. Information can be read not only with the help of sight and hearing,energetic reading of information is quite possible, if we recall Vernadsky's theory of the noosphere, the unified intellectual field of the Earth. Energy-informational exchange between people and, apparently, someone else who is trying to change or correct our earthly cause-and-effect relationships is also possible. If we follow a simple logical path, then, having a noosphere, why should the Earth not enter into a larger, head "ATC", which could cover our entire Universe and correct the processes taking place in it. Otherwise, spontaneity in energy-informational processes would have to arise, they would be localized, become uncontrollable, and this may be like the appearance of a cancer cell in a healthy organism. Energy-informational exchange between people and, apparently, someone else who is trying to change or correct our earthly cause-and-effect relationships is also possible. If we follow a simple logical path, then, having a noosphere, why should the Earth not enter into a larger, head "ATC", which could cover our entire Universe and correct the processes taking place in it. Otherwise, spontaneity in energy-informational processes would have to arise, they would be localized, become uncontrollable, and this may be like the appearance of a cancer cell in a healthy organism. Energy-informational exchange between people and, apparently, someone else who is trying to change or correct our earthly cause-and-effect relationships is also possible. If we follow a simple logical path, then, having a noosphere, why should the Earth not enter into a larger, head "ATC", which could cover our entire Universe and correct the processes taking place in it. Otherwise, spontaneity in energy-informational processes would have to arise, they would be localized, become uncontrollable, and this may be like the appearance of a cancer cell in a healthy organism.which could cover our entire Universe and correct the processes taking place in it. Otherwise, spontaneity in energy-informational processes would have to arise, they would be localized, become uncontrollable, and this may be like the appearance of a cancer cell in a healthy organism.which could cover our entire Universe and correct the processes taking place in it. Otherwise, spontaneity in energy-informational processes would have to arise, they would be localized, become uncontrollable, and this may be like the appearance of a cancer cell in a healthy organism.

Actually, jokes are bad with time: in 1943, the great Albert Einstein tried to conduct an amazing experiment at one of the bases of the US naval forces. With the help of powerful installations on one of the destroyers, the electromagnetic field of the surrounding space was changed, after which the destroyer began to slowly melt … We hope the reader understood that the conversation is about the famous destroyer "Eldridge".

But not only abroad - our scientists were not asleep either: we are still talking about Kozyrev, but in the 1980s, on the basis of the Moscow Aviation Institute, bold projects began to be developed to create a time machine, abbreviated as MB. One of the young scientists, Vadim Chernobrov, when asked whether it is possible to change the past, answered in the affirmative, but with the only amendment: that a person is unlikely to be able to return back to “his” present. Those incredible changes that suddenly take place in the past and change the entire course of subsequent events will throw the unlucky experimenter into a parallel world, where the multivariance of the future is possible. By the way, our scientists do not lose hope and have already achieved certain results: inside the installation created by them there is already happening, as yet elusive, quite scanty, but most importantly, Time is shifting! Maximum result,which they achieved is 4 minutes in 8 hours compared to normal time. This shift was shown by all the chronometers inside the machine, along with the most accurate atomic clocks on Earth. The same Vadim Chernobrov believes that the concept of time is best perceived not through a symbol that flows quickly or slowly in one direction of a stream, but most likely, it looks more like a tree. A powerful root system grows deeper in one direction, the crown and trunk grow upward in the other direction, there are branches and branches of the root system that spread out in all directions, in their own direction. Consequently, Borges is not such a dreamer when he talks about the multivariate future. Leaving into this jungle of space-time, into its countless moves, you begin to understand how right Buddhists are, speaking about the ghostly nature of matter,about its illusion. It is quite possible that our Consciousness (meaning, of course, not the brain itself with its neurochemical processes, but the concept of Consciousness as a kind of transcendental attachment to Pure Reason) is also on several levels or parallels. If you want, and today you wake up at home, in fact, you may find yourself not in your real home, but in its "duplicate" number 2, 5, 68, 569 and so on … And you were born, be maybe it’s far from this space, but left it from somewhere unknown and stay in one of the variants of the present, leaving behind a bunch of your counterparts. Although which of you is now a "double" or "tee" or "centurion" is difficult to make out, because there is a lot in common between you, but at the same time, at a certain moment, when there was a transition to one of the options for the future,that is, you became one more more, you began to develop independently, although you maintain some kind of connection at the unconscious level, which manifests itself in the form of dreams, hallucinations, and other unreality. Apparently, it is through this unconscious level that there is an exchange of information and the mutual influence of various options not only of the present, but also of the past with the future. That is why many predictions, it seems to us, do not come true, because in fact they have come true for a long time and are being realized for themselves, but only somewhere there …That is why many predictions, it seems to us, do not come true, because in fact they have come true for a long time and are being realized for themselves, but only somewhere there …That is why many predictions, it seems to us, do not come true, because in fact they have come true for a long time and are being realized for themselves, but only somewhere there …

Lazar Model told the reader of the newspaper "Oracle" # 5 for 1997 about Vadim Chernobrova's research.

We have got a rather complicated and ramified system, but no one, probably, thinks that the Universe can be simpler than ever. We have to admit that the more complex and intricate the system, the more difficult it is for it to exist and self-organize, and if for every living inhabitant of the planet Earth there are at least ten parallel space-times, then imagine how many such parallel Universes, entering one another, coexist, - it turns out just a ball! Super complicated self-contained system! In such an organism, failures and "short circuits" are quite likely, and all kinds of sudden monsters, who have come from nowhere, are nothing more than interruptions in the system.

Surely the concept of fate for many of us sounds somewhat abstract, in contrast to the ancient Greeks, whose moirae weaved their own thread of fate for each person. But if a transition to parallel space-time is possible at a certain point in human life, and this does not have to be accompanied by cosmic cataclysms and natural disasters, then this transition is predetermined, and you are no longer responsible for your "second" or "twenty-second", and you continue to fulfill your life purpose. It turns out that your double turns into an atrophied system in another space-time and is subject to destruction. Sadly, but in the present, which you perceive as a real stable system, atrophied doubles of people who have passed into another space-time sometimes appear. For these doubles, one should not consider them ghosts or walking zombies, People in Black often come to cut off the branch that will not "bear fruit" or will interfere with the growth of a new shoot.

If we recall the Black Man, about whom Yesenin even wrote poetry shortly before his death, then the Black Man comes to mind, who ordered Mozart's Requiem. And it was not in vain that Lermontov wrote the Black Mask that appeared to Arbenin … The reader has the right to ask: what do aliens and other paranormal shifts in our world have to do with it, does the author really want to say that People in Black are aliens who kill earthlings or somehow change them? destiny? No, most likely it is not so important for them which planet you are from - from Sirius or from Earth; they need to prevent the malfunction of the most complex organism, which is our Universe. They can push a person to make an important decision so that he, without complicating the space-time system, does not “spawn” several more of his own kind in various variations of the present and future. The same goes for enlonauts,because fate is a rather stubborn thing, as they say, fate leads the obedient, and drags the stubborn one. And obedience to fate is by no means the prerogative of high intelligence and a technically advanced civilization. Most likely, other mechanisms are at work here.

In the life of the simplest organisms, there are two significant moments - birth and death. In the life of a person or other creature endowed with intelligence, these two dates are also the most important. But the simplest organism has other dates when, for example, cell division, rejuvenation and childbirth stop. Faced with similar to itself, the organism can be destroyed or assimilated, which in principle is equal to destruction. In a rational being, to which homo sapiens belongs, such moments are also far from uncommon. At the turning point of fate, a person suddenly has to make the right and only correct decision, on which, if his own life does not depend, then a change in cause-and-effect relationships depends, and as a result - negative consequences. Does a person know about this only correct decision? Many psychicshealers and spirit guides say yes, he knows. This knowledge lies at an intuitive, almost genetic level, on the one hand, and on the other, it is stored in the form of commandments, beliefs, in the experience of the family. When a person or some social group deviates on the edge of fate from this correct decision and acts only for the sake of his own interests, selfish interests, then this is where the present is divided (options). It is difficult to give general advice on how to distinguish the right decision from the wrong one, here everything is deeply individual, depending on the personal program. Sometimes someone's act may seem to us deeply selfish, from our point of view, but by higher standards, it could only be like that …on the other hand, it is stored in the form of commandments, beliefs, in the experience of the family. When a person or some social group deviates on the edge of fate from this correct decision and acts only for the sake of his own interests, selfish interests, then this is where the present is divided (options). It is difficult to give general advice on how to distinguish the right decision from the wrong one, here everything is deeply individual, depending on the personal program. Sometimes someone's act may seem to us deeply selfish, from our point of view, but by higher standards, it could only be like that …on the other hand, it is stored in the form of commandments, beliefs, in the experience of the family. When a person or some social group deviates on the edge of fate from this correct decision and acts only for the sake of his own interests, selfish interests, then this is where the present is divided (options). It is difficult to give general advice on how to distinguish the right decision from the wrong one, here everything is deeply individual, depending on the personal program. Sometimes someone's act may seem to us deeply selfish, from our point of view, but by higher standards, it could only be like that …It is difficult to give general advice on how to distinguish the right decision from the wrong one, here everything is deeply individual, depending on the personal program. Sometimes someone's act may seem to us deeply selfish, from our point of view, but by higher standards, it could only be like that …It is difficult to give general advice on how to distinguish the right decision from the wrong one, here everything is deeply individual, depending on the personal program. Sometimes someone's act may seem to us deeply selfish, from our point of view, but by higher standards, it could only be like that …

Let the dear reader not decide that, while affirming the possibility of parallel worlds, the author denies the possibility of life on other planets - in no case! This would mean putting oneself above the infinite diversity of the universal organism and taking a pose. The only thing I want to say is that, apparently, for the People in Black there are no boundaries - no matter what world you are in: in the real or the surreal, in the past or in the future, you are a philistine, ufologist or scientist. The only criterion for them: how much the sought-after person can pose a real (or hypothetical) threat to them. Depending on this, the methods of influence also differ - from a simple warning ("have you seen a coin?") To …

… It happened in October 1986 in Bristol. A man in an elegant suit tied the end of a rope neatly to a tree, made a loop at the other end, threw it around his neck and jerked his car off the ground. Death came instantly. The police, who arrived at the scene, found documents in the wallet of the deceased in the name of Professor Arshad Sharif. The newspapers wrote about suicide. And no one, it seems, was interested in the strange fact that Professor Sharif, who decided to commit suicide, for some reason drove for this one hundred kilometers from his home in London to Bristol.

Meanwhile, literally a few days later, another London professor, Vimal Dazibay, made the same journey to throw himself upside down from the Bristol Bridge.

The police were alerted by a strange coincidence: it turned out that these scientists were working on the same topic: they were developing electronic weapons for the British government program, similar to "Star Wars" in the United States. And one more curious detail, both Sharif and Dazibai were interested in UFOs …

The famous American writer Sidney Sheldon, who decided to conduct an independent investigation, found out that the suicides of Sharif and Dazibai were not the only ones. A mysterious pestilence attacked British specialists dealing with the problem of UFOs and star weapons:

January 1987. Avtar Sing-Gid went missing, pronounced dead.

February 1987. Peter Pippel is run over in a garage by his own car.

March 1987. David Sands committed suicide by driving his car at high speed into a cafe. April 1987. Mark Wisner - hanged himself. April 1987. Stuart Gooding - killed. April 1987. David Greenhalgh - Fell off the bridge. April 1987. Shani Warrenn - drowned himself. May 1987. Michael Baker - died in a car accident. In total, according to Sheldon, over twenty of their colleagues followed Sharif and Dazibai into another world in a short period of time. More precisely, 23 people. Is this a coincidence? And if this is not an accident, then what?

The most incredible hypothesis that exists on this score is alien aggression, attempts by another mind to subjugate the human race. At first glance, this version is on the verge of fantasy. But don't jump to conclusions. Maybe they are just protecting themselves from us? So to speak, in a preventive manner.

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.