Alien Fanatics - Alternative View

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Alien Fanatics - Alternative View
Alien Fanatics - Alternative View

Video: Alien Fanatics - Alternative View

Video: Alien Fanatics - Alternative View
Video: Alternative Aliens with Andy Weir and David Grinspoon 2024, October

The American press sounded the alarm last year. City dwellers found in the most unexpected places the corpses of cats cut in half. There was not a drop of blood on the ground or on the fur of the victims. Someone took all the insides with them. It also happened that the other half of the animal could not be found.

The death of pets

“Cat owners in Cathy, Texas are extremely alarmed by a series of murders and mutilations,” NBC reported on Nov. 10 news. - One of them, Sam Dougherty, said he was shocked to find the body of a pet in the morning. The cat, cut in half, lay in a prominent position near the sidewalk. “The sight was so awful that at first I didn't know what it was,” added Dougherty.

The owner and veterinarian concluded that the cat was not the victim of a coyote or other predator. "The state of the animal's remains indicates someone's deliberate action," reads a veterinarian's report.

Unbeknownst to Dougherty, pet owners in at least 10 states feel the same way. Many found parts not of their own, but of other people's pets.

“I found a cat cut in half,” said a woman from Winnemuca, Nevada. - The back part was missing, there were no traces of blood and struggle. At first I thought it was my two dogs' tricks. But they could not inflict such a clean wound. In addition, they did not bark and behaved calmly all day when the remains were found. The cats that live in our house and surroundings behaved just as calmly. The mother said that she had not seen or heard anything unusual that day.

Dismembered cats were reported from all English-speaking countries, including Canada, Great Britain, Australia and South Africa.

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Not just murder

Veterinarians were taken aback by the cleanliness and precision of the incisions. They always passed along the points of least resistance, between the vertebrae, and the animals at that moment were already bled. The edges of the incisions were exposed to heat, but not a laser or a cauterizing scalpel - there were no tan marks on the fur.

Half of the bodies of the cats were found in inaccessible and protected places. The cameras did not record anything, the guard dogs did not bark. Coyotes and vultures bypass such corpses. In addition to cats, rats, raccoons, dogs and other representatives of the urban fauna became victims of invisible maniacs.

“The animals were cut with surgical precision,” said a Denver veterinarian who insisted on anonymity. “The cuts don't look like those made with melee weapons or chainsaws. There have been cases when the abdominal tissue was cut off from animals and all or some of the organs were removed. There are also cases of extremely careful removal of the spine, and without the shedding of blood. Since 1990, there have already been two waves of pet massacre in the city.

Some of the victims resisted. A cat killed in Springdale, Arkansas was found with broken claws. The veterinarian hoped to find scraps of clothing or the maniac's skin under them, but his hope was not justified.

The investigation is at an impasse

The police first of all thought that cats were being hunted by Satanists to sacrifice them. But none of the grimoires contains rituals requiring you to cut a cat in half. Satanists in prison said that the sacrificed animal is killed with a dagger or the throat is cut, and then they drink blood. Some fanatics crucify animals or strangle them with their bare hands, looking the victim in the eye. Thus, they try to absorb her life force. Cutting an already dead cat or throwing the remains somewhere did not occur to them.

The police and human rights activists have repeatedly promised money for the capture of unknown maniacs. The Ontario Animal Welfare Society in Canada was the most generous - 60,000 Canadian dollars for any data that would lead to the arrest of those responsible. The award has remained unclaimed since 1999, despite the number of victims. In Ontario, in addition to cutting, someone cut off the legs of the victims and laid them in a strange order near the bodies. In Tustin, California, 67 animals were dissected in three months, and more than 80 in nearby Sanborne.

Criminals aren't limited to small animals. In Great Britain and the United States, goats and sheep were found cut in half. Those who did this cut the animals along the path of least resistance - at the junction of the ribs with the costal cartilages, so the cuts were stepped. The edges of the wounds were burned to a depth of one to two centimeters.

In White Salmon, Washington, dead goats still have lungs. They were blackened and wrinkled. The animals died from lack of oxygen and cold before someone took up the fiery scalpel. Apparently, the operation was carried out in a pressure chamber or at a great height!

Surprise from the sky

The first reports of dissected animals date back to the late 1970s. Then an incident occurred that seriously disturbed the Mexican police.

On the evening of January 9, 1978, seven workers from the Pemex oil company were driving in a crowded car near Villahermoza. A party was planned, everyone was in high spirits, laughing and joking. Suddenly the car shook a terrible blow, glass flew inside. Something fell to their knees in the front seats.

When the driver came to his senses and braked, the panic only intensified. The passengers saw that the object that had broken through the windshield was the upper half of a human body. The workers put the stump on the side of the road and returned to their homes, but could not be silent. It was not difficult for the police to arrest the entire company. The lower body was found near the road. The deceased turned out to be a local resident.

The workers swore that the floor of the body fell from above. The examination confirmed that the victim was not hit by a car. The bones in both parts of the corpse remained intact, except for the spine cut like a razor. The fabric of the garment was also cut perfectly clean, without the slightest drop of blood. Those arrested escaped with fines for trying to hide what had happened.

After visiting the relatives of the deceased, ufologist Salvador Freixedo came to the conclusion that there was a UFO here. However, none of those driving along the highway that evening saw anything suspicious in the sky.

Are the aliens to blame?

“A farmer who bred horses on a ranch in Missouri said that in 1976 he and his son saw a small gray creature wearing something like a helmet at the gate,” said Linda Moulton Howe, who personally investigated hundreds of animal deaths. “Later he saw a silvery disc sitting in a pasture. After the departure of the UFO, there was a circle of dead grass and hardened soil. His trail has been visible for over a year. At the same time, the farmer discovered five foals, cut neatly, like a knife through jelly.

Another eyewitness was a farmer who has been raising livestock for over 40 years near Waco, Texas. On the morning of April 1980, he went to look for a cow, ready to calve, and saw two humanoids approximately 1.2 meters tall. They wore tight-fitting green suits, egg-shaped heads pointed to the ground. The creatures were dragging the calf. Hands, also green, swayed back and forth in sync.

The farmer said they looked like "little adults": not fat, not skinny, and visibly muscular. Suddenly, heads turned in his direction. The farmer noticed that the eyes of the newcomers were slanted upward and pointed at the ends, "like big black almonds." He didn't see hair or nose.

“I was scared that they would see me,” added an eyewitness, who did not want publicity. - I read about kidnapping and did not want to be taken in a flying saucer, so I quickly ran away.

For two days, the farmer was so worried about what he saw that he did not even tell his family about it. Finally, he went to that place with his wife and son. On the hill, they found the remains of a calf that had been in the hands of the creatures. True, it was not cut in half. All that was left of him was the skin turned inside out, the skull and the spine lying next to it without ribs. There was no blood anywhere.

In June 1995, a resident of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada woke up and looked out the window. Two cigar-shaped UFOs slowly sailed over the apple trees, at a height of about 10-15 meters. They directed dashed beams of white light downward, "like those white lines that are painted on the asphalt of a freeway."

The woman at that moment had a disturbing thought about cats. She knew that in the place where the rays were scampering, the neighbors' favorites liked to gather. Meanwhile, the objects "kind of turned off" and disappeared.

The next day, the neighbors missed more than a dozen cats. Since then, no one has seen them again.

Two guys from British Columbia saw some kind of hazy shadow at night. The next morning, they discovered that three cats living in their house were missing. If the "shadow" had anything to do with the loss, this is the only portrait of the mysterious criminal.

Mikhail Gershtein