Adam And Eve: The Most Revealing Facts - Alternative View

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Adam And Eve: The Most Revealing Facts - Alternative View
Adam And Eve: The Most Revealing Facts - Alternative View

Video: Adam And Eve: The Most Revealing Facts - Alternative View

Video: Adam And Eve: The Most Revealing Facts - Alternative View
Video: Here's What Nobody Told You About Adam And Eve 2024, October

The Sefer ha-Zógar (Hebrew Book of Radiance) was created from various sources around AD 150 by the Jewish Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai. It does not belong to rabbinical literature, but it is considered sacred by some Jews and is recognized by the Kabbalists as the main book. One of the highlights of its content is the story of the first woman, Lilith.

Eve was not Adam's first wife

According to the Sefer ha-Zógar, treatises of the Gnostics, Arab myths, and other legends and sources, Adam before Eve had another wife named Lilith. Her God molded from clay, like Adam. Lilith is a character with very complex symbolism, which has common features with the ancient cult of the Great Mother, who is a demonic creature of the night who brings death. Perhaps her prototype was the Indian goddess Durga, one of the wives of Shiva, who protects the world order and destroys everything that hinders further development. In this case, the following logical chain can be traced: Lilith destroyed what hindered Adam in his further development and gave him the opportunity to start a new life with Eve.

According to Jewish sources, Lilith was a beautiful but rebellious wife who did not want to share a bed with Adam. She flew away from him. After the complaints of Adam, Yahweh sent three angels to the rebellious wife to threaten her with death. But Lilith declared that she is equal to Adam's messenger of God and has the right to act at her own discretion. In later demonology, she became the consort of Satan.

In the mythology of Ancient Mesopotamia, a night demoness who kills children and mocks sleeping men bears a similar name.

In the Bible, Lilith is mentioned purely as a night demon:

“And her palaces will be overgrown with thorny plants, nettles and thistles - her stronghold; and it will be a dwelling place for jackals, a haven for ostriches. And the beasts of the desert will meet with wild cats, and the goblin will echo one with the other; there the night ghost [Lilith - author] will rest and find rest for himself”(Isaiah 34: 13-14).

Lilith was considered a killer and at the same time the patroness of people, especially babies. It is her cult that is credited with the custom of wearing a red thread on her hand as protection.

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How many children did Adam and Eve have?

Scripture tells about the first people: Adam, Eve and their sons: the farmer Cain and the cattle breeder Abel. When Adam was 130 years old, another son was born: Seth - it was he who became the ancestor of Noah and the ancestor of all mankind (Abel died by the hand of his brother, and Cain drowned during the Flood). There is no clear indication of other children in the Bible, but Adam lived for 930 years, and he had enough time to conceive other children. This fact has always served as a reason for criticism: where did Cain's wife, who is mentioned in the Bible, come from? So there were other people as well.

John Chrysostom responded to this criticism: one of the sisters who are not mentioned in the Bible became Cain's wife. And it is not said because the spiritual unit of Christianity is a trinity: for example, three Persons of one God; or mother, father and son; or three sons of Adam (it was superfluous to name the other children).

Regarding marriages with sisters, the Orthodox Christian Church declares the following: in ancient times, incest could not cause damage, since mutations were not yet accumulated that contribute to degeneration in kindred marriages. This is the official theory.

Gnostic worldview

Gnosticism is one of the widespread currents of Christianity, which considers religion from the standpoint of knowledge. This philosophical trend was considered eradicated by the 5th century, but later it found new followers. William Blake, a Gnostic poet of the early 19th century, wrote: "We both read the Bible day and night, but you read black where I read white."

Gnostics reject the biblical view of women as the source of evil. In their opinion, Eve awakened Adam and encouraged him to improve. The Gnostic Tertullian argued: a man owes a woman for the fact that she brought him to life and awareness.

In a treatise from the Gnostic collection of Nag Hammadi, the Gospel of Truth, the serpent appears as the wisest being in Paradise. The text extols his kindness and casts a shadow over the Creator. To the question "What is he, this God?" there the following answer is given: God's prohibition regarding the fruits of the tree is motivated by envy, for He did not want to give man a higher knowledge. That is, according to the Gnostics, the deity that drove the first people out of Paradise is in fact an evil and envious spirit. Despite his opposition, Adam and Eve acquired the ability to know the world and passed it on to their son Seth and daughter Norea.

According to L. N. Gumilev, God Yahweh is none other than a fiery demon, judging by the fact that he appeared to Moses in a burning and not burning thorn bush (Burning bush).

Analogues of Adam and Eve according to the myths of various peoples

In the mythology of most peoples, you can find a story about two progenitors, from whom the whole people went.

Surprisingly, according to the legends of Australia, snakes also tried to prevent the existence of the first people. According to the mythology of the aborigines of the fifth continent, in ancient times the earth was flat and smooth, animals looked like people, and people looked like gods, but that period ended in disaster. The ancestors of modern humanity were two sisters, Misilgoe and Boalere, who came to the south from the country of Vavilak. Misilgoe was expecting a baby. At the time of giving birth, the women stopped at the source of Mirramina near the river, which is now called the Goider. A boy was born, he was named Janggalang. However, the giant serpent Yurlunggur, who lived in the spring, was angry that the blood of Misilgoe muddied the water. At night, the serpent swallowed the baby and women, he bent up to the sky, his body became a rainbow, his tongue became lightning, and his voice became thunder. He called to him all the serpents living in the skies,and told them what had happened. But they made fun of him and said that he had done a stupid thing. Then Yurlunggur vomited living sisters and a child from himself and again plunged to the bottom of the spring. Soon after, the sisters met the Wongar men, and human history began.

The inhabitants of Tahiti, according to legend, descend from a couple who escaped in the days of the Flood, finding refuge at the top of Mount Pitohito. When the water receded, the family began a new life, and their children - a boy and a girl - became the ancestors of all Tahitians.

Among the Aztecs, the Legend of the Suns mentions the first man, Tata, and his wife Nena, who survived the Flood. The god Tezcatlipoca, who is responsible for creation, change and destruction, the deity of fate and luck, took care of them. In the mythology of the Aztecs, there is also a serpent - the winged Quetzalcoatl, which created people and was associated with rain and fertility (as in India).

The most complex structure is possessed by the mythology of the ancient Paleoasian peoples, such as the Chukchi, Itelmen and Koryaks. Their ancestor-progenitor is called the Big Grandfather, Achichenyaku. The raven is its symbolic embodiment.

What events could underlie the myth of Adam and Eve

73.5 thousand years ago, there was a powerful eruption of the Toba volcano on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Huge clouds of volcanic ash covered the earth's surface from the sun's rays for a long time. And a new evolutionary round took place - for several hundred years the space winter, the era of glaciation, came. Many species of living beings died out. The population of people on the planet has decreased, according to some scientists, to 4,000 people. The ice caps on the poles have absorbed a huge amount of water. In the rest of the territory, the level of the world ocean fell sharply, the Pleistocene shelf was exposed. Thus, the people who remained on the planet received additional opportunities for migrations, and the very plot of human development from a pair of progenitors was preserved in the mythologies of the peoples of the whole world.
