Zombie Children With Cartoons - Alternative View

Zombie Children With Cartoons - Alternative View
Zombie Children With Cartoons - Alternative View

Video: Zombie Children With Cartoons - Alternative View

Video: Zombie Children With Cartoons - Alternative View
Video: Ten ZOMBIE Episodes in Cartoons 2024, June

In order to destroy or at least stop a tank, it is not enough to pierce the armor. As such, the hole in the armor is not fatal. Draft, dust from the street … Another question is what is more dangerous for the health of the crew, dusty air outside, or the atmosphere inside the car saturated with powder gases, exhaled by carbon dioxide and fuel vapors. It is also necessary to hit the crew, damage the equipment, make the ammunition detonate, ignite the fuel. To describe what happens inside the car after the projectile passes through the armor, there is the concept of "armor action".

Something similar happened in the late 1980s and early 1990s on the ideological front of the struggle against the USSR. Through the efforts of politicians, the "iron curtain" has been ajar. What's next? And then something needs to be done within the Union.

It was at this time that American cartoons appeared on our television. Let's take a closer look at the Duck Tales animated series. He walked on Sunday nights. I remember very well how I was eager to get home by 18-10 to watch the next episode.

The main characters are the super-rich drake Scrooge McDuck and his three great-nephews. One way or another, all plots revolve around money. Money is either mined or saved. Uncle Scrooge himself thinks only of money. At the same time, his education is poor, since he left school early to start earning money. From a modern point of view, it seems to be nothing special. But it must be remembered that the Soviet school taught that only national wealth can be “good”. And personal is bad. A rich man is a bourgeois, a fist, a world eater, an exploiter. And here we are dealing with quite a pretty Uncle Scrooge. In general, a philanthropist. Yes, stingy, even a curmudgeon. Yes, all thoughts are about money, but that's why he's rich.

We were taught that we need to study, but here we have made a lot of money with an unfinished school. The world in which the heroes live is written off from American society. This means that there is nothing wrong with it. It turns out that we were offered an alternative to our way of life unobtrusively, without gross anti-Sovietism. And the alternative is more interesting. They questioned everything that was taught at school, technical school, university, at political studies in the army. It is clear that there were enough kitchen conversations. It is clear that the teachers of humanitarian departments and political informers were listened to with half an ear. Some even discussed with them. But it all smacked of dissidence and not everyone risked it. And the cartoons were shown officially on the First All-Union Channel. Add to this that those cartoons were more dynamic and brighter than Soviet ones.

Among other things, the series periodically raised the topic of the superiority of American ingenuity, enterprise, etc. For example, in a series where ducklings adapt a boomerang to a rubber shock absorber like a slingshot and dramatically increase the range. "Australian invention plus American savvy"

In fairness, we note that the cartoon also taught some skills that are very useful in our modern Russia. For example, entrepreneurship. I remember the episode where Scrooge McDuck bought a bunch of old tires for cheap and made money from equipment for playgrounds. He and his nephews also tried to revive the old airship. However, due to the intrigues of competitors, he suffered a disaster on the first flight. Nevertheless, the heroes managed to make an excellent disaster film and make money already as show business figures.

Together with "Duck Tales" was the series "Chip and Dale Rush to the Rescue". Also a pretty harmless series, but that world was also written off from American society and also unobtrusively inspired us with the idea that there was nothing terrible in it. That American values at least deserve to be looked at. Roughly in the same spirit were the series "Black Cloak", "Miracles on the bends".

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The action of cartoons is aggravated by their seeming frivolity and harmlessness. Children are ready to watch these series for hours. And adults often need the child to sit still and not bother. And the child does not just look, but as a sponge absorbs everything that he sees on the screen.

Having appeared in the USSR, the animated series did not break, of course, our worldview, but they corrected it quite significantly. And if we take into account that they worked in parallel, more precisely in the same ranks with feature films, teleconferences, etc., then the overall cultural impact of the armor turned out to be fatal.

An excerpt from the book by A. V. Boldyrev and S. Magnitov "Hollywood is a weapon of mass destruction"

With which cartoon did capitalism and the market come to Russia?