5555 Years Of Great Scythia - Alternative View

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5555 Years Of Great Scythia - Alternative View
5555 Years Of Great Scythia - Alternative View

Video: 5555 Years Of Great Scythia - Alternative View

Video: 5555 Years Of Great Scythia - Alternative View
Video: The History of the Scythians | Every Year 2024, October

4400 years to the Great Slovenian - the ancestor of Novgorod the Great,

4400 years of Rus Slavyansky - the future Staraya Russa

The dates of the proposed anniversaries are, of course, epic, which partly allow deviations for a dozen or two years, but - in fact - are fully justified by archeology, linguistics (including mythology), genetics, anthropology and the achievements of a number of other sciences. The events reflected in the epic - about then and so - took place.

Epic dates allow all Russians and their neighbors to feel like a single millennial brotherhood of the peoples of Great Scythia (now Russia and neighboring CIS countries), and the Slovenian-Rus (in a broad sense, the union of Indo-Europeans - Slavs, Germans, Balts) to see the depths of their joint development of the lands of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Siberia. There are so many ideological, educational, economic and other benefits from a serious attitude to these anniversaries that even the relatively large costs of their holding will pay off with a strategic profit.

Similar anniversaries of epic dates can be celebrated in the coming years (to be very precise, in 2002 the 5555th anniversary of Great Scythia passed imperceptibly, but the maturing 4400th anniversaries of Slovensk and Rusa gravitate towards 2005).

Evidence at a glance

In April 2002, the media briefly reported on the celebrations in the "Eternal City" dedicated to the next "fifth anniversary" of Rome. More than a thousand years, several centuries before the "birth of Christ" (the conditional beginning of our era), in the civilized world, time was counted from the epic formation of Rome - 754/753 BC (the date is also symbolic, having tolerances at least several years; in fact, there is no archaeological confirmation of it). But the educated Romans themselves argued that the Scythians (the ancestors of the Russians) were even more civilized than the Egyptians (not to mention the Romans and Greeks). And supposedly (true, among the late Antique Romans without any "supposedly"), even 2800 years before the founding of Rome, they achieved dominance in Europe and Asia.

Promotional video:

If there were such ancient sayings about Americans or Germans, Chinese and many other earthly peoples, the planet would have been shaken long ago by the world anniversary. Yet 5555th anniversary of one of the oldest civilizations on the planet. Of course, the anniversary is not quite round, but quite impressive.

Let us call all the first inhabitants of the future Russia dews (proto-dews, etc.), on the lands of which, according to archaeologists, the ancestors-hominids of modern people appeared millions of years ago. North of the Caucasus, on the banks of the Lena River, in other places. In the distant antiquity, Russian fellow countrymen were called by a variety of names. The most widespread long before our era was the "Scythians" (sketes, wanderers; "Ashkuzs" among the Assyrians; "Ashkenazi" in the Bible, as the North-Eastern Semites, "Old Russian Jews" later began to be called).

Roman scientists of the 1st-1st centuries. (Pompey Trog, Justin and others more than 16 centuries ago), based on Greek and other data, supported the version that “the Scythian tribe was always considered the most ancient, although there was a long dispute between the Scythians and the Egyptians about the antiquity of origin”. According to the Egyptians, "at the beginning of the world" the extreme countries could not produce or accept people because of the excessive heat and terrible cold.

Only the temperate climate of Egypt and its fertility made the lower reaches of the Nile "the original homeland of people", which is curiously consistent with the modern ideas of genetic scientists.

The Scythians did not recognize the moderate climate as proof of antiquity. Nature immediately created creatures capable of surviving in any area. And "the more the climate of Scythia is more severe than the Egyptian, the more hardy the body and soul are there." According to ancient scholars, the Scythians admitted the origin of the present parts of the world from a single continent, the creation of the whole earth from fire and a stream of water that originally flooded the earth. The version about the civilizational priority of the north - due to tectonic and other reasons - is now also being developed quite convincingly, as evidenced by the books of many authors.

So the antique data represents real scientific assumptions.

According to the beliefs of the northern sages, the northern country (Scythia) before others humbled the incinerating heat with cold weather, and the Scythian mountains (Ripy, Fish) quickly freed themselves from water, gave rise to the great rivers of antiquity - Ra (Volga), Borisfen (Dnieper), Tanais (Don), Dvina (Eridan, Rudon) and others. It is worth paying attention to this in historical propaganda, at least in Russia.

The conclusion is clear: "The earlier she (Scythia) began to produce living things." The Scythians noticed that the abundant flow of their rivers overflows the Meotida (Sea of Azov), then fills the Pontic (Black) and Egyptian (Mediterranean) seas … Egypt was not saved and is not saved from the pressure of the northern rivers by dams and canals. But it was the royal dams and silt deposits of the Nile that formed Egypt. “With such evidence, the Scythians prevailed over the Egyptians and always seemed to be a people of more ancient origin” (Bulletin of ancient history: further VDI. 1949. No. 1. P.249: there are no difficulties with copying and reproducing this source - you can object to him, but the opinion of educated ancient Romans and take into account).

The tools of labor, dwellings and languages in the lands of Scythia have been developing for hundreds of thousands of years. Elements of writing - if you start with a variety of ornaments - tens of thousands of years. Therefore, there is inevitably some grain of truth in the ancient disputes between northerners and southerners.

The Bible defines the Ararat Mountains and the Caucasus as the initial zone of humanity. For them, Cain probably left and built in the land of Nod (turnover: Don) the first city of the planet - Enoch (Enog, Gelon in Herodotus?). Cain (meaning - New) is one of the epic ancestors of the chronicle Kiy and the Narty-builders who allegedly built Novgorod near Ilmen even before the walks of Andrew the First-Called. This is what the Bible and the chronicles say; and according to the chronicle legends about Slovenia and Ruse, Slovensk - the future Novgorod, and Rusa (then Staraya) - were built around 2395 BC.

From the descendants of Cain came "those who live in tents with herds" (the domestication of cattle, including horses, took place on the lands of Scythia 6-8 thousand years ago), playing the harp and flute (this was reflected in the later legends of Sadko and Babel), blacksmiths of all kinds of tools made of copper and iron - jack of all trades.

If we partly believe these biblical hints, then the antediluvian northerners ("Nodovtsy" or "Donets") set the tone in cattle breeding, making musical instruments, in blacksmithing for thousands of years. There is more and more archaeological evidence for this. And they ultimately concern all the peoples of Russia.

Of the sons of Noah ("navigator", helmsman, close to the Indo-European Nereus) - the old man's clan opposed the heirs of Cain, destroyed by the flood - Japheth was the first (among the Greeks Iapet, the father of Prometheus). According to the Bible, the sons of Japheth himself were Homer (Cimmerian, Azovite), Magog (Gog, the lord of the north; who was also called “Prince Rosha: Ros”), Madai (Madiy, this name was given to the outstanding Scythian king-commander of the 7th century BC. e) …

As the Christianization of Scythia, its educated neighbors, especially the Byzantines, began to call Rosia (the Greeks did not know "sh", they replaced it with "s" -sigma). This is a real modern scientific version of the origin of the name Rosiya (this is how Great Russia replaced Great Scyth). Other arguments about the origin of the root "r-s" lead almost to the time of the Paleolithic, where words with such a root (but with different vocalizations) gravitated towards the meaning - fair-haired, red-haired, striking, light, sunny, etc.

One can argue with modern scientific versions, but in the conditions of an information society it is no longer possible to suppress or ignore them. Indeed, ancient legends could somehow reflect the real reasoning of the ancient northern and southern sages (1st - 3rd millennium BC) about the depths of the origin and memory of their peoples. Here are the real ideas about the natural and climatic conditions that initially determined the development of our ancient ancestors, fellow countrymen.

The Romans Pompey Trog and Justin in the 1st - 3rd centuries n. e. and talked about the greater antiquity of the Scythians in relation to the Egyptians, about the 1,500-year rule of the Scythians in Europe and Asia, where, 1300 years before the foundation of Rome, the founder of Assyria, Nin, ceased this rule:

“Asia paid tribute to them (Scythians) for 1500 years; the end of the payment of tribute was put by the Assyrian king Nin … At this time, two Scythian youths from the royal family, Plin and Skolopit, expelled from the fatherland by the intrigues of nobles, carried away a lot of young people, settled on the Cappadocian bank near the Termodont River and occupied the neighboring (plain) … (VDI. 1949. No. 1. P.251).

So obvious is another anniversary - the 4050th anniversary of the landing of young Scythian squads on the lands of present-day Turkey (their participation in the formation of the Indo-European Hittite here, which is also very important for the Indo-Europeanism now dominating the world). Companions Plin and Skolopita fought with neighboring peoples for many years - and all the northerners-men were killed, and the women turned into Amazons. Some scientists do not like the origin of the Amazons from the ancient Scythians, but it is difficult to deny awareness of the ancient Roman historians. They created their works towards the end of antiquity, when many views on the past of the main peoples of the planet were established.

The legend of the Scythians Plin and Skolopite (Diodorus Siculus in the 1st century BC spoke about the Scythians of Pale and Napa) to a certain extent echoes the Russian late medieval legend and Slovenia and Ruse - everywhere we are talking about two Scythian princes-generals, everywhere princes participate in events with relatives and go on very distant campaigns. Even towards Egypt.

Of the kind of Amazons, there was Oritia (Orifia; living with Rip; like Orus-Uras - living near Ra-Volga), who became the wife of the god of the north wind Boreas. He lived on the Ripakh mountains at the source of the Borisfen-Dnieper, his children were among the Argonauts and brought their companions to Rip. In the struggle against Athens, the Amazons were helped by the squads of the Scythian commander Panasagoras, the son of the Scythian king Sagil. After Orithia, Pentesilia (the Five-Strong Warrior) reigned, becoming famous in the Trojan War.

During the time of Plin and Skolopit, the Hittites appeared in Cappadocia, ruled by King Pithan and his son Anitta. Plin's lands then appear in Hittia, probably as "the country of Kaska" (Ga-ga; Caucasus, Caspian, and the latter flows into Ra, Rangha, Rasa - Volga).

And one more plot.

Indo-European Pan - god of forests and groves, companion of Dionysus. The conversion of "pan" among the Western Slavs is a trace of an ancient cult. Christian writer Pavel Orosius (beginning of the 5th century AD) confirmed that one of the first Assyrian kings Nin (Paniy, Panin) in 2054 BC. ended the 1500-year rule of Scythia in Asia. True, Orosius' information is given in the following context:

“For 1300 years before the founding of Rome, the Assyrian king Nin …, having risen from the south from the Red Sea, devastated and conquered the Euxinian Pontus (Black Sea) in the far north and taught the barbaric Scythians, hitherto unmilitary and harmless, who did not know how to show their cruelty, to know their own strength and drink no longer the milk of animals, but human blood, finally taught to win by defeats (exhausting enemies: P.3.) …”(VDI. 1949. No. 4. P.267).

Orosius tried to justify the right of the Scythians to defeat the ancient empires, including Rome. Other authors emphasized that Nin stopped just the total Scythian domination. But the Pania squads themselves could come from the northerners, from the descendants of the troops of the Indo-European Sarlag and other northern kings (they are known to linguists). Then there were many northern mercenaries in Assyria.

As a result, the ancient historical sources recognized by science are briefly presented here.

And there is every reason to long ago mark 5555 years of the non-cruel and harmless domination of the Scythians in the Black Sea region (if we use the version of Paul Orosius) or the collection of tribute by the Scythians in Europe and Asia (according to the version of Pompey Trog, Justin and some other authors).

It is worth promoting many archaeological finds, evidence of that time - thousands of stone axes, various ceramics, mounds, traces of the first fortified cities, ground dwellings. There are many interesting finds (in memory of those times) in the Hermitage, in the Historical Museum of Moscow, in the Institute of Archeology, in museums of Rostov-on-Don and other cities of the Azov region, other cities of Russia and the whole world, especially Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran.

Of course, it is more customary to ignore this ancient version of the greater antiquity of the Scythians in relation to the Egyptians. However, the information society of the 21st century no longer allows this.

One need not even remember the dominance of the Scythians 4055 - 5555 years ago in Europe and Asia - 1300 - 2800 years before the founding of Rome itself. But again, the achievements of real science get in the way. And those persons endowed with power who have entrusted the voters with making strategic decisions are called upon to determine important anniversaries for Russia and the Novgorod land.

The decision of the authorities of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation to celebrate such significant anniversaries would be quite justified and useful for enhancing the national consciousness of Russians, for new impulses for the economic and ideological and political development of Russia.

For Veliky Novgorod and Staraya Russa (and, in fact, for the entire region), there is partly an opportunity to attract funds from the federal center for the purpose of patriotic education of Russians on these anniversaries. Probably, there is a reality to revive and interest in the land of foreign tourists (in particular, through the activity of Novgorod sites on the Internet). It would be advisable to erect large reinforced concrete or other solid figures of Sloven and Rus on a pile foundation on a hill near Sorry (between Raschep and Peryn). Reinforced concrete - prefabricated with good fastening, a height of 10 - 15 meters (an epic scale!) - will not steal or destroy. And from the hill (a field called "Yuryevskaya Oramitsa") a good view of Lake Ilmen, Perynsky Skete, Yuryev Monastery, the southern outskirts of Novgorod opens up.

It is possible to have time to announce an all-Russian (even international) competition for the creation of a project of a monument to the epic heroes of Russian history.

It is clear, one must be well aware that small fortified settlements of the Neolithic (parking lots, camps, etc., often less than a hectare) are very different from our knowledge and ideas about medieval and, even more so, modern cities.

Of course, let us remind you again that it is worth considering the peculiarities of epic dates. For example, Rome traces its history back to 754/753 BC. - from the epic Rem and Romulus, fed by a she-wolf (and the monument to these epic heroes, allegedly fed by a she-wolf in infancy, is well known). But convincing archaeological evidence of the beginnings of the "cities of Remus and Romulus" around those years has not yet been found, and the Romans celebrate the date annually (in the spring of 2004 they will celebrate their city for 2757 years).

Derbent in Russia celebrated 5000 years on the basis of epic and archaeological data. Arkaim near the south of the Urals is given an age of almost 4000 years. Examples can be continued.

There are no contraindications for the solid anniversaries of Slovensk and Rusa - as it were, for all the first settlements in the Ilmen district, and in the North-West of Russia. You just need to agree on scientific and social argumentation without undue emotion.

Unfortunately, the Russian texts of the legend about Slovenia and Ruse (although there are more than a hundred of these texts) are not antique. Preserved mainly from the 17th century. They are Christianized, usually depicting the Scythian princes of Slovenia and Rus as brothers. But it is worth noting - a century or more older, for example, records of Russian epics.

It is curious that there are still no comparatively complete translations of the legend into modern Russian, the inclusion of this fundamental legend in the anthologies and school courses of Russian literature, history, Novgorodians, and so on. So far, we will give only a fragment of the translation of one of the texts:

“The beginning of Slovenska, which is now called Veliky Novgrad.

In the year 2244 (3264 BC) after the creation of the world, in the second year after the flood, Noah the righteous - our forefather, the second ancestor (after God or Adam), divided the entire universe to his three sons: Shema, Hamu and Afet … But he refused to bless Ham, who made fun of the nakedness of his sleeping father … He blessed Shem and his son Arfaxad for settling Canaan (in the Middle Ages, the Semites called Russians "Canaanites"). Afetu, by the blessing of Noah, the western and northern countries departed even before midnight.

Years later, Afet's great-grandsons - Scythian (according to the Bible: Askenaz, son of Homer, grandson of Afet) and Zardan - separated from their brethren and clan in Western countries (the backward wave of Indo-European migration is reflected). We touched the midday (southern) countries. And they settled at Eksenopont (Black Sea). They lived there for many years, and from them were born sons and grandchildren. They multiplied greatly and were nicknamed by the name of their great-grandfather Scythian. After all, from Scythian, Afetov's great-grandson, Scythia the Great was nicknamed.

And there arose between them strife and civil strife, a lot of sedition due to the cramped villages and lack of land. Then Rus, Sloven, Bolgar, Koman, Easter and their relative Meshekh reigned. Of these tribes, the Kagan Raw-Eater was a degenerate (androphage-cannibal in Herodotus).

The Scythian princes Slovens and Rus were superior in wisdom and bravery in these families. They began to think wisely with their subjects. And these things were recited:

“Or is there only the whole universe that is below us now? Isn't there still a part of the good land in the lot of our forefather Afet and pleasing to human habitation? We heard from their fathers how our forefather Noah blessed our great-grandfather Afet with the land of all western and northern and midnight winds. And now, brothers and friends, listen to our advice.

Let us leave far from us the enmity and disagreement that is happening in us because of the tightness. Let us move and leave this land. Let's go through the universe of the light of existence, to the lot of our great-grandfathers (a hint of the possibility of the initial settling of their ancestors and northern lands). Where the happiness and blessing of our forefather Afet will lead us, he will give us a good land for us and our descendants to inhabit”.

Lyuba was this speech of Slovenia and Rusa to all their people. And all, as one, decided: "Good advice of our princes, their speech is kind and wise instructions are pleasing."

And in the summer after the creation of the world 3099 (2409 BC) Slovenes and Rus with their families separated from Exinopont and left their families and brothers. They walked around the countries of the universe, as sharp-winged eagles flew over many deserts. They were looking for favorable land for the village. In many places they fell asleep with the dream of a happy land, but nowhere did they find peace to their hearts.

For fourteen years (not 40, like Moses) they went around uninhabited countries. Finally, they came out (in 2395 BC) to the great lake, which the brothers called Moysko, and then Ilmer - in the name of their sister Irmeri. Sorcery commanded them to be residents of these places. The elder brother Sloven with his family and subjects settled by the river, called Mutnaya, and then Volkhov. They erected a city and named after the prince - Slovensk the Great. He got up one and a half miles (miles) from the source of the river from the lake. Then, much later, Novgrad the Great was called.

Rus, Sloven's brother, settled fifty stadia (more precisely, versts) from Slovensk near Salt Studenets (the source of salt). Created hail between two rivers. He named him by his own name - Rusa, which is now called Old Rusa. He named one river in the name of his wife - Porusya. Another in the name of her daughter - Polist. And many other towns were put by Sloven and Rus. And from that time on the names of their princes and cities began to be called the people of Slovenia and Rusia.

Slovens and Rus lived in love with each other and reigned there, but in the local area they took possession of many countries. Sons and grandsons sent from them to reign according to their knees. You have gained for yourself eternal glory, riches of many with your sword and bow. Possessed by the northern countries all over the sea, even to the limits of the Arctic Ocean. They had lands around the Yellow Waters and the Green Waters. And along the great rivers Pecher and Vyme. And behind the high and impassable mountains in the country called Skir (associated with Siberia). And along the great Ob river and to the mouth of the White River. Her water is white as milk. They took animals expensive with furs, especially sables (an assessment of the reality of the plot - in the book of the famous historian I. Ya. Froyanov "Rebellious Novgorod").

They also went to the Egyptian countries to fight, and showed a lot of courage in the Jerusalem and Barbarian countries, inspired great fear (this is confirmed by the ancient legends about Plin and Skolopit, Pala and Napa, other northern heroes: Bulletin of Ancient History. 1947 - 1948; index 1950).

Kiev considered it possible to perpetuate its epic founders (and Kyi is sometimes led from the time of Cain and the Scythians-skolots, Khoriv - from the time of Moses, Lybed the mermaid, the daughter of Borisfen-Dnieper, the mother of the progenitor of the skolots Targitai, even lived according to Herodotus in 2 thousand BC e.). Rome to honor its "she-wolf". And there are a great many similar examples of respect for the epic in the world. Thanks to a gaggle of local “historians-advisers” (with the maliciously haughty smirks of “professional omniscientists”) and their singers, Slovensk the Great is essentially gone in Novgorod history. The Arabs knew the city of Glory in the 9-10th centuries. This is a scientific version supported by archaeologists and linguists.

A fragment of a well-thought-out Kiev monument to Kiy and brothers can become a base option for the Priilmenye monument (of course, there may be absolutely new ideas for such a monument).

The legend lists summarize the representations of millennia, and the texts reveal traces of very ancient eras. Herodotus attributed the appearance of the Scythian king Arpoxai and his brothers to the 2nd millennium BC. e. According to the Bible, Arfaxad is the third son of Shem after Elam and Assur (Assyrian). The Volga, according to the chronicles, flows precisely to the Sim countries. Arfaxad raised his son Sala (Salo), and then his grandson, Eber. Eber had two sons - Peleg and Joktan. Peleg had a son, Ragab, the great-grandfather of Terah, the father of Abram. Christian sources IV-V centuries n. e argued that in the III millennium BC. e. Peleg and Ragav went to Scythia, and the emerging doctrine, "Scythianism" (wandering), became one of the first philosophical teachings on earth. Scythian philosophers were well known in antiquity: Zamolxis, Toksaris, Anacharsis, Abaris … They are also mentioned by Herodotus.

Russian chronicles at the time of Joktan and Peleg - the period around 2650 BC. e. - indicate the participation of "Nartyans hedgehog are the essence of Slovenes" among 72 nations in the construction of the Tower of Babel. From there, the Slavs after a long time moved to the Danube, where then the Hungarian and Bulgarian lands arose.

Let's repeat what was said at the beginning.

Epic dates allow all Russians to feel and realize themselves as a single multi-thousand-year brotherhood of the peoples of Great Scythia, and the Slovene-Rus (broad sense, the union of Indo-Europeans - Slavs, Germans, Balts) see the depths of their joint development of the lands of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia. There are so many ideological, educational, economic and other benefits from a serious attitude to these anniversaries that even the relatively large costs of their holding will pay off with a strategic profit.

Further, to better understand the problem, repetitions are sometimes used.

Author: Zolin P. M.