Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part One - Alternative View

Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part One - Alternative View
Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part One - Alternative View

Video: Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part One - Alternative View

Video: Our Clan Is Moscow, That Is, Scythian, Slavic-Russian Part One - Alternative View
Video: Slavic tribes, Scythian language, and Ukraine 2024, October

The Macedonians, whose language belongs to the Slavic group, left the lands between the Danube and the Volga 5,000 years ago.

Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) was fair-haired. In his behavior he showed northern traditions. He was a Macedonian, a Hellenized descendant of the Trojan Rus, who founded the Russian royal dynasty of Rurik in Novgorod almost 13 centuries after Alexander's death. After the fall of the Macedonian kingdom, part of the Macedonians around 320. BC. moved to the Baltic Sea and founded a branch of the Polabian Slavs of the Bodrich. The epos of the Slovenians and other peoples of Scythia is filled with information about Alexander.

After the victory of Scythia over the hordes of Darius I, Macedonia also gained independence, where Alexander I (495–450) became king. The Greeks stubbornly attributed the Macedonians to the barbarians.

Alexander's mother Olympias suffered from infertility, was treated by the Egyptian king Nektoneb (Nektonov), whom rumor considered Alexander's real father. Since 343. BC. his tutor was Aristotle, who knew Scythia well and had Slavic ancestors. The leader of the Athenian democracy, Demosthenes, by his mother, was from the Azov region, delivered angry accusatory speeches against Philip II, the official father of Alexander, hated by the Scythians. Philip was fond of young women. Mother and son skillfully provoked the warrior Pausanias to kill the king, and then brutally executed all the conspirators who carried out their will and knew too much. So Alexander in 336. became king.

According to the father, the genealogy of Alexander is from Hercules, according to the mother from Eak (Yak), the grandfather of Achilles.

Alexander the Great in 336. BC. went to the Scythian lands of the murdered Atey. He passed the lands of the Scythians to Istra (Danube) and in a great battle, by cunning, defeated the Tibal king Sirma. The city of Sirmium (possibly in memory of the king), which arose on the river. Sava is higher than modern Belgrade, for almost 1000 years it attracted settlers from Scythia. The name Sire is known from Novgorod charters.

The Legends of the Russian Primary Chronicle says that the chiefs of the Slovenians were Velikosan, Asan and Avenhasan. They were the great-grandchildren of Afet, wise and brave.

Asan chose a place to settle in the great mountains and impassable places near Lake Ilmen and the great Volkhov River, where he placed the city in 492. BC, calling it Slovensk. According to Iranian and Turkic legends, at the time when Rus marched from Semirechye to Asgard and Alatyr Mountain, he conquered the kingdom of Semengan (kingdom of Samo). There he fell in love with the Tsar's daughter and they had a son, the future great knight, whom the Iranians called Asah (or Sakh), in the Russian chronicles – Asan. He grew up and decided to find his father, who went far to the West, to the Khvalynskoe Sea, and repeat his exploits. Asan moved with an army across the Volga to Ruskolan. They were mistaken for enemies. Asan (according to the "Book of Kings" II, 500) took the White Fortress by storm, it is also the White Vezha on the Don. In the battle, Rus killed Asan and recognized his son by the amulet. His brother Avenkhasan chose a place and set up the city of Russia the Great near the Varangian Sea, and the wise Velikosan went into the great forests and swamps near the Nereli River, on the Kamenitsa River and set up a city, calling it, according to his wise judgment, Suzhdal (according to legend). Velikosan began to build many cities and villages and spread to the seas of Khvalynsk and Venitsi, to his brothers. Alexander the Great was told about the glorious Slavic-Russian and Novgorod families, which win everywhere. Alexander the Great was told about the glorious Slavic-Russian and Novgorod families, which win everywhere. Alexander the Great was told about the glorious Slavic-Russian and Novgorod families, which win everywhere.

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In 5175. (333 BC) Alexander the Great wanted to go to war against them and ruin the Slavs, but consulted with his advisers and decided that the campaign would be difficult and long. He sent to the princes a letter written in gold, and sent them royal gifts. They agreed to live in peace, not to enter other people's boundaries. Alexander by his decree assigned them lands from the North Sea to the Black Sea. The princes placed this letter next to their god Veles in the old city of Rostov. The treaty was concluded not because of fear of Alexander, but for kind words and stopped fighting in foreign lands. They began to live in their land and build cities and villages.

Late antique data indicate that in 336. BC. "The Scythians sent 70,000 horse-drawn riflemen to Macedonian" They helped Alexander to conquer the district of Thessaloniki, some regions of Greece. Several thousand of them, as allies or mercenaries, left in 334 BC. on 160 ships with a commander to Asia. Thousands of other Scythians served in Persia, the enemy of Macedonia.

About 329 the king of the Scythians could be Kartasius. He exchanged embassies with the Macedonian many times. The speech of the Scythian ambassador ended up in the Macedonian archives. The Scythians advised Alexander to refrain from campaigns north of the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea, although he dreamed about it. Thousands of Scythian mercenaries joined the Macedonian army in the campaigns against India and Babylon. Towards the end of his life, Alexander trusted more in his Scythian environment of northern mercenaries and allies. Alexander the Great imagined himself a descendant of Achilles, the son of Dionysus, whose path he repeated.

After many years, the Slovenian princes Haloch and Lahern fought against Greece, came to Constantinople, did a lot of evil and shed a lot of blood. Lachern was killed by the sea near Constantinople. This place is now called Lakhernovo, where the monastery of the Most Pure Mother of God was built.

Many Russian soldiers died on that campaign. The wounded prince Halokh with the remaining soldiers returned with a large booty.

Ancient Macedonia Map
Ancient Macedonia Map

Ancient Macedonia Map

After a short period of time, the pestilence began in our cities and villages. The survivors fled to the White Waters (Belozero), others to the entire lake, some to their old place on the Danube. Slovensk and Russa were desolate. After a while, the Slovenes returned from the Danube with the Scythians and Bulgarians and began to inhabit the cities. But the White Ugrians came, defeated them, and the cities dug up and completely devastated the Slovenian land. The remaining Slovenia fled to the Danube again.

Further, the chronicler says: “Our clan is Moscow, that is, Scythian, Slavonic Russian, divided into 17 hordes or tribes and lands. There were 25 special families in them, foreigners who came to us. They merged with our tribes and settled on the Mologa River and the people were called Mologa: Vesyani, Belovodtsy, Vogulichi, Mologa, in honor of the god Mosokh.

The Merians settled along the Kama, that is, the Starorostovites and the other 25 clans, except for our 17, lived independently.

In the II century. BC. Olbia was listed as a Scythian city for some time. By the end of the reign of Pharnaces I or a little later, the Scythian king Skilur ruled in the city and the district. There were issued coins with the image of Skilur. He had several dozen sons, to whom, before his death, he offered to break a bunch of rods. They could not, but broke one twig at a time, and their father advised them to always be with each other in order to ensure the strength of a huge power. In 179. BC. Sarmatian king Gatal defeated the Iranian Scythians. This victory made Gatala the king of all Slavs from the Danube to the Volga, and his state went down in history as Great Sarmatia, and survived until the invasion of the Huns in 360. AD Therefore, S. Lyashevsky considers the beginning of our state in 179. BC.

In the 1st century. BC. important centers of the Crimean Scythia (Tavro-Scythians) were the cities of Naples (Novgorod in the Simferopol district) and Khabei.

Territory of the Scythian state
Territory of the Scythian state

Territory of the Scythian state

The Scythians tried to conquer the Byzantine city of Chersonesos, but the city asked for help from the Pontic king Mithridates IV Eupator, the grandson of Pharnaces I. Pontic troops from the Sinop region under the command of Diophantus in 110g. BC. arrived in Crimea. The struggle went on for three years with varying success. Finally, the Scythian king Palak was defeated and the Scythian cities fell.

Scythian Savmak, who grew up at the court of Perisad, in 107. BC. raised a rebellion against the invaders. The Scythians and their allies captured the eastern Crimea (Ponticapaeum and Theodosia), killed Perisades, and Diophantus managed to escape by ship to Chersonesos. With the help of new troops, Diophantus succeeded in suppressing the uprising, seizing Savmakus and sending him to Mithridates.

Mithridates cunningly connected the kings of Scythia to his policy. He united with the Scythians against the common enemy of Rome. Scythia gave him 60 selected detachments of 600 men and ships. Many thousands of Scythian and Thracian warriors who supported Mithridates fell into slavery to the Romans. According to E. I. Klassenu Thracians descend from the Pelasgians. They have the same customs, many common tribal names, Slavic weapons.

Bulgarian scientists have recently established that the settlements of the Thracian tribes appeared in the Balkans even before the arrival of the Greeks there. Excavations on the territory of Bulgaria and Yugoslavia confirmed the high craftsmanship of the Thracians. The jewelry art of this people became famous throughout the world. The Sofia Archaeological Museum has shown treasures of gold and silver dishes of the Thracian nobility at exhibitions in Paris, Moscow, Berlin, London and other countries.

But, unfortunately, due to the construction of hydraulic structures in Bulgaria, the main Thracian cities and even their capital were flooded.

At the International Congress of Thrakeology in 1982. scientists have established that the Thracians were Indo-Europeans. This is very important for the introduction of such a concept as Thracian Rus into science.

The report of the Bulgarian academician V. Georgiev proved that the Thracians are related to the people who founded Troy and defended it from the invasion of the Achaeans in the Trojan War. He believes that the Thracians were the first in Europe to master the smelting of bronze, and they began to mine gold a thousand years earlier than the inhabitants of Mesopotamia.

Bulgarian and Russian researchers a few years after the congress proved that the Thracians are one of the Proto-Slavic tribes, the historical component of Kievan Rus. The history of the Slavs, rooted in antiquity, did not fit into the generally accepted concept. Someone did not want to see the real role of the Balkan people in the formation of European nations.

Now the most convincing archaeological material has been accumulated that allows unbiased specialists to adhere to the opinion that the development of the Slavic ethnos in ancient times took place in the Trojan-Thracian region. It is proved that the Thracians were not assimilated by the Romans. They escaped the savage tyranny of the Roman colonial administration to the north and escaped destruction.

In the 1st century. AD Rome annexed Thrace completely. On its territory, a cruel policy of suppressing national independence was pursued. But the Thracians revolted. Chronicles have preserved information about the frenzied resistance of the blonde giants. Having left the Trojan-Thracian region, they retained their integrity and identity and avoided clashes with the eastern and southern hordes of the Turks, whose main blow fell on Asia Minor and Byzantium.

There is a large number of archaeological materials about the resettlement of the Thracians from the Balkans. Archaeologists working in Ukraine noticed long ago that by the II century. AD in the Dnieper region, a new economic system suddenly began to take shape. The population density there has increased dramatically. Not only arable farming developed rapidly, but also pottery, leather and metal processing. On the banks of the Dnieper, Dniester and near Lake Ilmen and Belarusian rivers, scientists found grain-graters of the Balkan type.

The resettlement of the Thracians proceeded in several waves and was accompanied by fraternization with related Slavic tribes. A related union founded on the Dnieper and Kiev - the mother of all Russian cities.

But Western science cannot recognize the Thracian roots of the Slavs of Eastern Europe, since this can shake the tendentious doctrine that it itself erected with the foreheads of armchair scientists. The essence of their erroneous attitude is that the Slavs are the latest of all nations that have developed in Europe.

Spartacus was a Thracian, who raised a revolt and led the war of the Italic slaves in 74-71. BC. His wife was also a Thracian who was fond of magic. Spartacus sought to send part of the rebels to Thrace, where they could strike at the main enemy of Mithridates, Lucius Lucullus. Spartak's army reached 120 thousand people. When Spartacus learned that Lucullus was approaching, returning after defeating Mithridates, he realized that his uprising was doomed and went to Crassus. But all the Germanic tribes left Spartacus. In total, Spartacus's army destroyed 5 legions (eagles) and 26 cohorts (badges) of the Romans, tens of thousands of enemies, but did not receive decisive support from Mithridates and his Spanish ally Sertorius. The uprising was defeated.

In the 1st century. AD Scythians and Sarmatians successfully fought with the troops of the Roman emperor Trajan Mark Ulpius, who ruled the empire in 98 - 117. AD, which conquered Dacia, Arabia and Great Armenia. Trajan conquered in 105-106. the country of the Dacians, but could not advance further north to Scythia and Sarmatia. According to the testimony of the Veles Book, Trajan's troops attacked the Sarmatian-Scythian tribe of Dulebs at the mouth of the Danube, but were defeated. Velesov's book and The Lay of Igor's Campaign also mention these wars at the Troyanovy Shafts.

At the beginning of the 1st century. AD Franton I, king of Denmark, defeated the Russian tsar Trannor in a naval battle, took his city Rotala in Livonia and the capital of another Russian tsar Vespazius - Peltisk (Polotsk), as well as the country of tsar Gonduvan and married his daughter.

In the middle of the 1st century. the kings of the Tavro-Scythians and Sarmatians Farzoy and Nensimey actually captured Olbia, where they minted their coins.

The Scythians laid siege to Chersonesos, which turned to Rome for help. Nero sent to the Crimea in 63. a large army led by Tiberius Flavius. The Scythians were forced to lift the siege.

Roxolana in 67g. entered Moesia, where only soldiers-legionnaires resisted, and the inhabitants of the Slavs did not interfere with them. In the summer of 68. even before the assassination of Nero, the Roxolans crossed the Danube again and destroyed two elite Roman cohorts, which forced the Romans to keep three legions of 6,000 soldiers in Moesia. The campaign was repeated in 69 AD, which contributed to the rise to power of Vespasian.

Scythians in 261. invaded Asia from Meotida and devastated it for a long time. The troops of Avreol and Claudius began to oust them. In 262. the Scythians were defeated and retreated.

In 264. the Scythians invaded Cappadocia, captured the cities. After a long war, which went on with varying success, they rushed to Bithynia, breaking through the defenses of the empire in different places. In 267. the Scythians swam across the Black Sea, entered the Danube and caused much trouble to the Romans. In 268–270 the Scythians, numbering 80–240 thousand soldiers on 2–6 thousand ships, again attacked Rome. In 271. the combined forces of the Scythians inflicted such a defeat on the troops of Aurelian that the Roman Empire almost collapsed.

In the II century. Goter, the son of the Swedish king Gotbrod, died in battle with Boy, the son of the Russian princess Rynda. Goter's son and his successors fought many wars with the Rus during the entire II century.

In the III century. Danish king Froton III married the daughter of some king of the Unns, but then divorced her, for which his father-in-law declared war on him and united with the Rus, but was defeated. Froton then gave the Holmgard (Kholmogory) region to King Olimer, Estia to another king, and Konnogardy (Unnsk land) to the third. This means that the Unns lived in the north of Russia.

In ancient times, sea bays entered deeper into the mainland. The water area of the Neva was the sea, and the mouth of Lake Ladoga was called Nevo. The town of Staraya Ladoga in the 6th – 9th centuries. was on the shore of Lake Nebo, and now it is 15 miles from it. According to V. P. Yurkovtsa "Rodostroy No. 2" Lake Ladoga occurred as a result of the fall of a large cosmic body, from the impact of which a funnel with a diameter of about 80 km was formed. and a depth of over 1.5 km. The Valdai glaciation occurred as a result of this global catastrophe that occurred 60 - 65 million years ago.

According to the Swedes, the Baltic Sea drops by 3 inches every 15 years. Since 86. to 1854 66 such reductions took place, which means in 86. the sea was 199 inches or nearly 2.5 fathoms higher than the current level. Therefore, Lake Peipsi was part of the Baltic Sea.

In the IV century. the Scythians (Sarmatians) continued to attack Rome. In 303. Constantine (285-337, emperor from 306-337, future Great) took part in repelling the attack across the Danube. He showed the Romans the way to the Sarmatians through the swamp. In one of the battles with the Romans, the king of Sarmatia, Radamsad (Revsimod), died. At the court of Constantine, Aorich was educated, the son of the Scythian-Goth king Ariarich. Rebuilt in 330. the city of Byzantium became Constantinople (Constantinople of the Russian chronicles).

Dacia north of the Danube in 337–340. tried to control Constantine II, the son of the Great. He was ambushed in a forest near the Alsa (Olta) river and was killed. Constantius II (337–361) in 359 in Panonia defeated the Sarmatians king Ziza (Zizais) with the help of the Scythian tribes and returned their lands to the Scythians in Panonia.

According to S. Lyashevsky, the Iranian Scythians who lived along the Uzboyu River moved to look for better places when the climate of Central Asia changed from wet to dry due to the disaster and the river dried up. A primitive kibitka became their home, and cruelty became the basis of ideology. They spent the whole day on horseback. This way of life, according to Hippocrates, injured the prostate gland and led to the degeneration of the warrior people, as well as the laziness of the higher caste, leading to early obesity in men and women. The lack of warm dwellings contributed to the high death rate of children in the winter.

In the VIII century. BC. through the Caucasus, the Scythians penetrated the lands of the Kuban region and conquered the Slavs who lived here. In the same century, they made a number of joint campaigns with our ancestors to the states of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. The success of military actions was facilitated by the fact that they possessed the secret of making steel and this secret was strictly guarded.

By the middle of the VI century. BC. The Scythians moved to the lower reaches of the Dnieper and there they built a whole city, surrounded by a wall and strictly guarded from the outside, where steelmakers and blacksmiths worked. This place is known to archaeologists as a stone settlement. It was located on the left bank of the Dnieper in the area of modern Zaporozhye. In the stone settlement, archaeologists found only more than 1,000 steel-making furnaces. Bronze was the main metal for weapons all over the world at that time.

The raids of the Iranian Scythians against the Slavs especially intensified in the 6th-5th centuries. BC. after the campaign of the Persian king Darius Hystaspes with 700,000 troops. The Scythians used scorched earth tactics, and Darius fled with the remnants of an army of 50,000 across the bridge over the Danube that he had previously built. The Slavs observed neutrality in this war. After that, the Scythians marched through the Slavic lands with fire and sword. The Slavs were looking for salvation in the forests of Central Russia and built more fortified cities, using the protective properties of the area. Oka was especially convenient. The resettlement to the forests did not proceed in a panic, but in an organized manner after the exploration of the area.

In 179. BC. The Sarmatians, who lived on the left bank of the Northern Donets (the Scythians lived on the right bank), led by Prince Gatal fought against the Scythians. Even many women donned the armor of warriors. His troops crossed to the right bank and were the first to attack the Scythians. This battle is reminiscent of the Battle of the Ice. The Scythians' favorite formation was a wedge, on which Gatal struck with closed phalanxes from both flanks, destroying the enemy's formation and disorganizing his formation. The defeat of the Scythians was crushing.

The weapons of the Gatal warriors consisted of shells covered with plates of horse hooves, well protected from blows by sword and arrow, pikes and strong wooden shields covered with leather, long spears, double-edged swords and bows with arrows.

The Scythians were armed with a short curved saber and bow, steel carapace and shield. The Scythians did not use a saddle. The Sarmatians were taller and physically stronger than the Scythians.

This victory made Gatala the king of all Slavs from the Danube to the Volga. His state went down in history as Great Sarmatia and survived until the invasion of the Huns in 360. AD, having existed for over 500 years. S. Lyashevsky considered the beginning of our state in 179. BC. This event was witnessed by the most authoritative Greek historian Polybius, son of Lecourt (205–123 BC), who described it in detail in his "General History" containing 40 books and brought by him to 149. BC. Polybius was a contemporary of Gatal. He lived two centuries later than Herodotus and was well informed about the events in Sarmatia.

The memory of Great Sarmatia was preserved in the writings of the famous geographer of the 2nd century. AD Claudius Ptolemy, who made a map of Sarmatia, where its borders stretch from the Danube to the Lower Volga.

Here is what a historian of the 4th century BC writes about the Sarmatians. Alexei Marcellin: “They are all tall and beautiful, with blond hair,” just like the Arab travelers of the 7th – 8th centuries described. AD: "The Rus are tall, beautiful, slender, like palm trees, their complexion is white with pink, they are powerful."

The Sarmatians, like the ancient Rus, swore on the sword. Women's clothes were decorated with gold plaques and laced with gold threads, they wore earrings with stones and many other jewelry. Very common were gold (silver) perfume bottles, hermetically sealed and hung on gold chains. In total, 20 of them were found on the territory of the former city of Tanais, a large city of Roxolans. Its in 250 BC. destroyed the Goths, but could not advance further and were forced to make peace.

Continued here.