Pyramids For Stalin - Alternative View

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Pyramids For Stalin - Alternative View
Pyramids For Stalin - Alternative View

Video: Pyramids For Stalin - Alternative View

Video: Pyramids For Stalin - Alternative View
Video: THE PYRAMID OF IMMORTALITY.Riddles of STALIN's SKYSCRAPERS.Seven sisters | TainaRVB 2024, October

They changed the appearance of Moscow and immortalized the name of Stalin. Seven skyscrapers, seven architectural structures unusual for the city at that time: buildings of the Moscow State University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hotels "Ukraine" and "Leningradskaya", residential buildings on Kudrinskaya Square and Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, an administrative and residential building on Krasnye Vorota Square. Researchers believe: these structures are not just a decoration of the city, but … mystical pyramids. They were conceived by the "father of nations" in order to grant himself "life after death."

An excursion into history

It is known that a number of mysterious properties and special effects on the human body are attributed to the pyramids. In ancient times, they were erected to communicate with people with the world of gods and spirits, they were a kind of magical machines for fulfilling desires.

They were certainly built in groups. The Egyptian pharaohs hoped to find prosperity through the pyramids in the afterlife. And the leaders of the Aztecs are power on Earth.

The first pyramids known to us appeared in Ancient Mesopotamia. The Biblical Tower of Babel (one of the symbols of sin and debauchery in Christianity) was a stepped pyramid-ziggurat - a pagan temple with a huge statue of the god Marduk on top. It was surrounded by similar but smaller temples.

In Russia, pyramids have also been built since time immemorial. One of the most famous is the Kremlin's Borovitskaya Tower.

And in the south of Moscow there is an earlier ziggurat - a bulk "abreznaya mountain" - a stepped earthen pyramid in Tsaritsyno. At its top, surrounded by pagan burial mounds, rises the Small Palace of Catherine II, where the queen held a meeting of the State Council.

Promotional video:

It is very likely that gathering the representatives of the highest authorities in the ziggurat was a continuation of the ancient magical tradition of rulers. Some of the predecessors of Catherine the Great did something similar.

So, in 1671, the tsar and the head of the Order of Secret Affairs, in which they practiced magic, Alexei Mikhailovich built a Bridge Tower in Izmailovo - a defensive structure in the form of the same ziggurat - and held meetings of the Boyar Duma there. And the Empress Anna Ioannovna in the 18th century assembled the Senate, the highest state body in Russia, in the Bridge Tower.

In the twentieth century, the tradition was continued. In 1932, in Moscow, by order of Stalin, the construction of the first pyramid-ziggurat began, and in 1947 - seven more. Why did the "leader and teacher" need them?

For reference

Ziggurat (from the Babylonian word sigguratu - "top", including "top of the mountain") is a multistage religious structure in the Ancient Mesopotamia, typical of Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Elamite architecture.

Fateful vision

It was said that as a child, Joseph Dzhugashvili had a vision: seven pyramids covering the sky. They towered over a strange snow-covered city. The boy told his friends about this, but they made fun of him: in the Georgian city of Gori, no one had a clue about any pyramids.

Only years later, having already become the head of power, he learned the meaning of this dream. The secret was revealed to Stalin by his fellow student at the seminary Georgy Gurdjieff, a legendary personality. It was he, the famous mystic philosopher, psychologist, occultist and creator of secret societies, the author of the doctrine that man is a miniature Universe, who suggested that the “father of nations” bring to life a seemingly insane idea.

Gurdjieff told him his theory - as he called it himself - the law of seven levels. According to this theory, a person consists of seven parts, which constantly destroy him. These parts are motor, sexual, instinctive, emotional, intellectual, symbolism and morality.

If, in certain places of the city, seven pyramids are built, personifying these parts, and the energy of the earth and space, which they concentrate, on the eighth, central pyramid, Stalin will be able to achieve the immortality of the soul. Provided that he himself will rest in this pyramid after physical death.

And in 1931, a project was being developed to build a giant pyramid - by the way, the tallest building in the world at that time, 420 meters! - the monumental and majestic Palace of the Soviets.

According to the project, the structure of the Palace of Soviets looked like a generator, a giant rotor with a 6000-ton sculpture of Lenin at the top rotates inside it. It is even difficult to imagine how powerful the energy fields should have been generated by this pyramid!

But where will she stand? This issue was worked out very carefully, and after considering various options, the ideal place was found - in the center of the capital, on the banks of the Moskva River, not far from the Kremlin, the most prayerful place in the city, with tremendous energy - the hill on which the Cathedral of Christ the Savior rises.

Erected in gratitude to God for saving Russia from the Napoleonic invasion, it was founded in 1839 and consecrated in 1883: for almost 44 years the construction of a magnificent cathedral continued, created not only with funds allocated from the treasury, but also literally for "people's kopecks" …

Large construction site

So, in order to establish a central ziggurat, one had to get rid of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. On December 5, 1931, it was mercilessly blown up; after the ruins were dismantled, a huge foundation pit was dug and the foundation was built.

Despite the geological difficulties (difficult soils, quicksand), a gigantic foundation for the building of the Palace of Soviets was built before the start of World War II. The war suspended work, and after its end, Stalin decided that now it was necessary to start building the remaining pyramids and then return to the central one again.

For greater confidence that Gurdjieff's theory is correct, "the great leader and teacher" orders to start building all the skyscrapers at the same time, laying their first stones on the day he himself declares the 800th anniversary of Moscow. This was done at exactly 13:00 on September 7, 1947. Astrologers these days are sure: such a beginning of construction was calculated by a professional.

It is also known that Joseph Vissarionovich personally chose places for high-rise buildings. There are no documents on this score - except for those that the special services of the USSR seized and removed after the war from the secret archives of the Nazis who were engaged in research of the supernatural. Among others, there was a map of geological faults in Moscow. All Stalinist pyramids stand on faults - and thanks to this they already carry a huge energy potential by themselves. Closed on the eighth pyramid, the energy would be simply incredible.

Moreover, Stalin ordered to bring stones from the Reich Chancellery destroyed during the storming of Berlin in 1945 for the interior decoration of high-rise buildings. And here one more parallel with ancient history is obvious. The "Father of Nations", in fact, brings a piece of the defeated enemy to the ziggurats. This, in his opinion, should also enhance the effect expected from high-rise buildings. This is what all pyramid builders did at all times.

The leader personally followed the progress of the work. All rumors that Stalin was building pyramids for himself were nipped in the bud. Even the definition of "pyramidal construction" was forbidden, that is, a wide base and a triangle tapering upward. Architects come up with a special term: "birthday cake".

And now, one after another, the pyramids are gradually growing over Moscow. In 1952, the construction of a house on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, a building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Smolenskaya Square was completed. In 1953, Moscow State University, a skyscraper at the Red Gate, should open its doors. The construction of the Palace of Soviets can be continued soon.

And then the unexpected happens. Stalin is dying …

Science experiment

“When studying the pyramids, researchers discovered a number of amazing phenomena,” says Stanislav Zenin, Doctor of Biological Sciences. - The properties of the substance change in them. Pyramids also affect the environment. For example, in our studies in the problem laboratory of the Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center of Roszdrav, it was proved that distilled water in a container above the pyramidal structure spontaneously changed its electrical conductivity. It is very likely that under certain conditions Stalin's high-rise pyramids can work as energy-information generators and influence people. After all, the body, as you know, is eighty percent water.

The collapse of a great idea

On March 9, 1953, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was buried in the Lenin Mausoleum, which became the Lenin-Stalin mausoleum. His body remained there until 1961, after which he was reburied at the Kremlin wall.

The remaining five pyramids were gradually completed. In 1953 the Moscow State University and the building at the Red Gate, in 1954 - the house on Kudrinskaya Square and the Leningradskaya hotel, and finally in 1957 - the Ukraina hotel. After that, Nikita Khrushchev, a former faithful student of Stalin, abandoned high-rise buildings in Moscow, above Novy Arbat, without giving anything to build. Moreover, he did not cross the threshold of any of the pyramids. They said he was afraid.

However, in some ways the “great teacher” was right. After all, to this day, the erected skyscrapers are associated with his name. He managed to immortalize himself at least in this matter …

And what about the building of the Palace of Soviets? Khrushchev buried this project too. In 1960, an outdoor swimming pool “Moscow” was built in a pit dug for a giant ziggurat.

And here is the mystical paradox. In the XIV century, the Alekseevsky Monastery stood on a hill on the banks of the Moskva River. In 1832 Nicholas I

approved the project of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, in 1837 established a special commission for its construction. The monastery and the Church of All Saints, standing nearby, were destroyed. Leaving, the monks wished this place “to be empty,” that is, they cursed it.

According to a widespread legend, that is why the first Cathedral of Christ the Savior did not stand for a long time, the Palace of Soviets was not completed, the Moskva pool was also demolished. What future awaits the present temple, which evil tongues call the "model" of the destroyed sanctuary? Perhaps we will find out more …